PAGE 6,.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS j Br~kin ~: B nes Well, here we are into April. And so far, so good. The weather really does give one hope that winter is behind us... and that we can once again look forward to working in the garden! Ail those lovely weeds etc!! Seems Mike got into the spirit of the thing last week, withi that large spread on gardening. And the Brooklin Hlorticultuiral Society is another way to Iearn how to better youir garden, and your gardening abilities. The next meeting for the Society will be held on April 27th at the Brooklin United Chuirch. This meeting will also feature a spring flower show of claffodils and narcissi. Have you got quite a collection of returnable pop and beer botties that you keep forgetting to retuirn'? Save yourself a trip and put themi on next Saturday with your i usual well bundled up load of newsprint, and tlie boys of the lst and 12nd Brooklin Cubs will pick thcm Utp. Save you a trip to the store, clear out the basemient or garage, and wiIl also help these young lads raise fuinds for their varlous activities. Have thern out before 9 a.mi ... and the date again is the 1lOth April. The Brooklin and Area Liberal Association wvill be holding their Annuial Gene rai meeting on April 28thi. It wvill '- hield at tht- home of Mr. Joseph Nulcahy, 30 Centre St. W, Brooklin, and will start ai 8 p.rn. Everybody is welconie. And aIl wonmen in Mynile are invited to the next Myrtie U.C.W. meeting that will be hcld at the Myrtie United Chunch on Tuesday, April l3th, starting at 8 p.rn. The U.C.W. have invited Mr. Johin Visser to bc the guest speaker ....the topic being Cancer. A film will also be shown. Don't forget that if you are clearing ont closets and drawers that you can drop off any good, but used, clothing at the Brooklin United Church before Apnil 27th. On that date the ladies of the Church will be packing il all up and sen ding it off to some very worthwhile causes. And if you want to donate other objecs ..books, china, odds and ends etc. you can give Shiela Maarse a caîl at 655-4591. She's accepîing donations for 'Grandmother's Attic Sale', which will be held on Apnil 24th ai the United Cht,îrch between 10O a.rn. and 12 noon. AT A GLANCE. SAT. 1lOth APRI L - Paper & Bot tle Drive ... before 9 ar. Organized by the 1lst & 2nd Brookini Cubs. TUES. l3th APRIL - U.C.W. meeting ai Myrtle United Church. Starts at 8 p.rn. and ail wornen welconme. WED. 2lst APRIL - W.l. meeting, 2 p.m. at Brookiin Coînrunity Centre. Ail wonien, witli or without children are welcome. FR1. 23rd APRIL - Ist Brooklin Cuibs Garage Sale at 4, ai 11 Vipond. SAT. 24th APRIL - Grandmnother's Attic Sale, 10 a.rn. to 12 noon, at the Brooklini United Chuirch. WED. 28th APRIL - Brooklin & area Liberal Associa- tion ...General meceting at 30 Centre St. W., Brooklin, starting at 8 p.m. Ail welcomce. That's it for yet another weck. Anything going on your way? Lct's bc heaning from youi in that case..we are running dry. See you ail next week, and until then, take care. LIZ 655-3750. Church anniversary set for June il to 13 Prepanations are welI on the way for the celebration of the I Sth anniversary of St. Mark's United Church. A committee which was formed in January was designated the weekend of June Il b I13 as the time for the anniversary celebrations, and a full program of activities is being pianned. Registration of visitons and former mcmbers of the con- gregation will be on the evening of Friday June 11, which will have an i;e cream parlor setting with refresh- ments and ententainment. On Saturday June 1 2 there will be a communîty coffee party, children's entertain- ment and pony rides in the monning and a dinner for 200 to 300 peopie ai the Ontario Ladies' College in, BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 ASSORTED VARIETIES -BETTY CR OCKER 70z Packagel HAMBURGER HeIpu69c SUNSPUNSAL D32'FI. >Or.-a DRESSING 991t LOOSE PACK - STUFFED MANZANI LIA 6 Fi.Oz. Jar CLUB HOUSE Olvs 59c READV TO SERVE - PE.A or VEGETA BLE 28 Fi. O ".TIn HABITANT Soups 49C 2% PARTLY SKIMMED - EVAPORA TED 16~. Tin CARNATION mix 3 1c SUIîSPUN- PARCHMENT WRAPPED MRGARINE K45as ..PREMIUM PLUS" t-Lb. Package CHRISTIE Crackers 69c Uiquid Wax 27 FI. TOr. Mobe"Eseea 8 afi.or.cont. Aoeu>wX $1.5' SlmpS oo i 4-Or. Sire - Sin Creamn Mexiema si. Basin, Tube & Tifs Cleaner 15-fl. Oz. Fresh new tape, complexion sire Lsel aM 919C<1 mliiS.ap25 etlsfactm *U--WE ALL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FIVE ROSES i A FLOU R FOR ROMASTING - 3 ta 3l'2 lbs. average ... 7.4. A LOIN 'O' PORK 1 .3 9 7 9TENDERLOIN. PORTIOIN , -- I LOIN PORK CHOPS1 .691b B ICk'S 7AMu.Y PACX -I0 t tCi4Of - CZNTAIS AND P0 Ufl SWEET MIXEO PORK CHOPS 1.391b PIÇFICESA Coftage Rols; BOLOGNA WIENERS 7 c k_1.39 , 95" 4' 7 15 WAPUFUA$2- 4 PACK u Frsh SII<ed Z 0COIId .dLAMB CHOPS BEEF LIVER MACARONI & CHEESE 2e.S.. 1.08! k85' k76' lOCLTPIS RAO RNOI 0 CATILL SA RER IBS RIDLESS BACON DINNERIk 1.35 k 1.4 7 ~ ~ ai. 1.35 OL ___ 2 O No. i RED BRAND BE * Store cut & wrapped INSTANT STEER Maxwell Ruse MG E IOINFW COFEE HINDS Boston Bkaefisb 2.79A 1.18 lb.79 s2.79 "DUN - 0ffl MW *SIDES ORNGE DRUN ~12%h HOz Cet.55 IlADT 97" lb. CCAAAMC MACARONI or KRAFT PARKAY Twin Packo GRIEN GANT SPAMETT-bugWI9 Ac PEAS or S.PAC5AGI meW»Bmm616 MIXED VEGETABLES 6535oL S99C LYSOL 1.29 stm Si x &AIM A WmI 3 BIG DATS Tlwrs. APRIL 8 Sat.j 4PRIL 10 =1.. A the evening. This -wfII be followed with an evening of entertainment at the church, with old time fiddlers, square dancing, cards and a fashion show. On Sun day June 1 3 there will be a special service attended by former ministers, followed by refreshments in the church hall and the cuttling of a large birthday cake. So fan, former minister Russell O'Brien has indicated he will attend. Plans are being made for 11I5 former choir membens to sing an anthemn as a mass choir on June 13, and the Whitby Lions Club will be providing transportation to and from the church for the weekend events. The committee is also planning an extensive display of historical matenial about the church, and antiques loaned by members of the congregation. In addition, Miss Florence îleand, who wrote a history of the church in 1967, is in charge of a committee to update the history of the past nine years. The theme for the anniver- sary is "Celebration 1 50", representing 1 50 years since the Whitby circuit of the Methodist Church was found- ed in 1826. This Whitby circuit eventually became the St. Mark's United Church congregation. COLD DISHES The flavor and texture of youn cold dishes will be greatly enhan- ced if they are removed from the refrigerator 10 to 15 minutes before serving. Frozen desserts should be taken out of the freezer several minutes before serving, too. .FETA CHEESE Greece is famous, among other things, for its feta cheese. lt's a white, crumbly cheese made from the milk of either goats or sheep. Editores Quote Book The oniy freedoi.n which de serves the name is that of pur- suing aur own goad, in our own. way, so long as we do not attempt ta de prive others of theirs, or impede their efforts ta abtain it. John Stuart Mill EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS-MINDED INDIVIDUAL WANTED WIO 21 CANADA - NO. 1 - WHITE CREAMED 2-Lb. Cont. BILLY BUI NONET sl.69 ORANGE PEKOE Package of 72 TETLEY TEA BAGS *1l.1 5 ASSORTED - SPRING BLOSSOM 71/2-0. Package WMESTON BISCUITS.5 9c CANADA FANCY 48 F. O. Tin HEIIZ Tomato Joice 6.5c SUPREME BRAND- 22-Lb DOU KMOUE 1KGSn $ 309 9 ASSORTED FLAVOIJ 1-Pint Carton SUNSPUN ke Crea. 29c- FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! Juice Laden .- Florida Grapefruit White only 6/79' Bradford Marsh - Ontario No. 1 C arrots 2 lb. bag_2' Ontario Seedless - No. 1 Medium Cucumbers Each, 49" vaMnu mm TIEOsrtaUsen oAsMn Department Na. 5-1501-3 210 Blaar St. W. Taranta; Ont. M5SS1T8 <., pPIZZA Phone: <416) 923-3906 or 923-2479 9."-