WHITIIY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,1976, PAGE 17 Toronto artiest to produce muralfor hospi*tal Painting and drawings by Jerome McNicholl, assistant head o[ the Art Gallery of Ontario's Gallery School, will be exhibited at the Whitby Arts Station until April 25. He has completed a number of comm.iiissions for both public institutions and private collections, and his works hâv"e been exhibited in several Two sets of' classes are being offerecl by Whitby Arts lncorporated during the spring season. Meeting April 13 Whitby Arts Incorporated wvi11 be holding ils annual meeting at the Station Gallery, Victoria and Henry St ree ts Ap ril 13 a t 8 pm.- The evening's agenda includes the election of a newv board of directors and a ratification by the member- ship of bylaw changes regârding ,quorumis at mieetîings. 10'mhers and those inter- ested in Whitby Arts arc invited 10 attend. group shows as well as in two one-rnan shiows in 1975. He lias also instructed classes for dhe Ontario College of Art, Artist Workshop and George Vanier Senior Schiool in Toronto. Mr. McNicholl will be conductinig a special mural painting project fo r the Life drawing and painting withl Jni Paget is offered on Mondays from 7:30 p.m. to 10 P.m1. till May S. The class will consist of figure drawing, lectures and discussions of Old Master drawings. Students are asked 10 bring chalks, charcoal, 1en and ink, watercolors, plus large newsprint or cartridge paper sheets. Anl unstructured Tuesday rnorning pain ting class is hield Tuesdays [rom April 10 June fromn 10 a.mn. t101 p.mn. For f :.rthier information, con tac t Ruith Cond at 668-8558 or the Station :11 668-41 85. Those wishing to partici- pate iii the progranms arc asked 10 regîster by sending cheque or money order if' applicable. Whitby 'Psychiatrie ilospital April 9 froin 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.rn., April 10 [romin p.rn. 10 5 p.in. and April i11 [rom 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m.. The workshiop wilI bc a situation wlhere people will corne together at the Station to make a cornmunity work. The mural will be placed in 'A' building's cafeteria louinge ai the pyschiatric hospital and is hoped will add a lively dimension to its e nvi ro nnment. Whitby Arts would like 10 hear [rom local artists whio want 10 l)articipate in the mural project. Participants will be asked 10 corne with ideas and sketches. MIî supplies will be provided by Whitby Arts and thee hospital. For furtîher information cal 668-41 85. The Jerome McNichoil exhibit and the mural project are organized by Whitby Arts in co-operation witli the artist and thie Art Gallery of' On tario extension services. Toronto artist Jerome McNicholl stands beside "Leaf Visions" one of 'ais works of art depficting various forms of the Canadian maple leaf, which are on exhibit during April at the Whitby Arts Station. Mr. MeNichoîl wiIl be conducting a workshop April 9 to 11 wlien lie will be making a mural 10 be put in the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital cafeteria. Free Press Photo H.Sait announces an exciting ofler TOWN 0F WHITBY_ WARBLE FLY INSPECTOq AND WVARBLE FLY OPEKAT09 Applications will be received by the undersigned until April 12th, 1976 for the following part time positions: - 1. Warble Fly Inspector 2. Warble Fly Spray Operator The position involves a period of approximately 4-5 weeks, commencing in April to spray cattie in the Town of Whitby for Warble Fly grubs. A knowledge of farmn animais and the operation of a tractor wili be considered an asset. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., CLERK, TOWN 0F WHITBY CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W76-3 BASEBALL BACKSTOP - IROQUOIS PARK PLAYING FIELD ------- --------------------- ------------- ---- -------. Sealed tenders will be received by Mn. R.A. Claringbold, Deputy Treasurer, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, until 2:00 p.m.. Tuesday, April 20, 1976, for the construction of a basebaîl backstop aI the Iroq(uois Park Playing Field. Specifications and Treasurer's Office, Ontario. Tee'p.one tender fornis are available ah the 405 Dund-as Street West, Whiitby, 668-5803. Lowest or aniy tender flot necessarily acc' ,ptcd. R.A. CLARINGIIOLI), Dep ty Treasurer,I Townl of Whitby. IVEVETT&IC1r) FURNITURE STRIPP ING unIqlue 1 no dip tanks or caustîcs ATI fi MacNei 's flow-oven process Furfliture andUphoistery itpays to reuphoister fine furnitureil .4 13 l)u ldas St. E., WliihbY, Oltrin lius. 668-5481 Res. 669-6526 While supplies last we're, giving away beautiful soda fountain glasses jusi for en- joying a deliciaus meal at H. Sait Fish and Chips. Here's how you con start col- lecting your set of 10 H.- oz. glasses. Order a special 5 or 8-piece shrimp dinner with a Coke, or, a 2 or 3-piece fish and chips dinner with a Coke, and you get a glass on the house. lt's fun. lt's easy. So bring the whole family for their favou rite food and get a glqss on the hou se. But hurry. This offer is only good while supplies last. Boti ),C O -f. C ke are registered fi-ode marks which r derriy orir the roduct of Coca-Colo Ltd. Two sets of classes at Whiitby Arts-Ihi.c. Start collecting your setof glasses today at H. SAILT 315 Dundas St. E. HIIcJiD< WHITBY 1