PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO TUE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARDb Thie Corporation of the Towvn of Whitby for approval of a By-law to regulate land Lse passe(I pursualit to Section 35 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE Iliat tlie Comncil of tire Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apffly 10 The Ontario Municipal Board purstiait to tlhe provisions of Sectionî 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-Iaw No. 306-75 read a first. second and tîîird timie aind finally pà ssed 0on the 8th day of Decemnber A.D., 1975. A copy of the By -îaw is furnishied herewitli. A ilote giving an explaîîatiohi of tIre .purî)o and effect of the By-Iawv and stating tihe lands affected tlicrebv is also fuirnished herewith. Any person iîîîerested mnay, %vitlii fourteen (14) days after tlîe date of this notice, serîd by registcred mail -or deliver to tlhe Cîerk of the Town of Wlîitbyv notice of his objection to approval of' the said By-law together with a statement of the grotinds of such objection. Any person wislîing 10 support the appli'rtiori for approval of the By-law may witlîin fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail )r del,-*er to the Clerk of the Town of Wlitby notice of bis support of approval 10 the said By-law together with a request for notice of any Hearing that rnay be lîeld giving also the name and address 10, whicil snch notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-îaw but before doing so it rnay appoint a time and place when any objection 10 the By-law will be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be held wiIl be giveni onîy to persons who have filed an objection or a notice of support and who have left with or deheered 10 the Clerk undersigned the address 10 which Notice of Hearing is to be sent. The last date for filing objections will be the 1 'th day of April 1976. Dated at the Town of Whitby tlîis 3lst day of March. A.D., 1976. Wrr. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C.. CLERK 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WIIITBY BY--LAW NUMBER 306-75 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMENI) ZONING BY-LAW ~N0TŽ5S WHEREAS the Corporation of the Townr of Whitby deemis il adii'.able 10 ameîîd By-taw No. 2585. NO"W THEREFORE, 1BE IT ENACTEI) and it is hcereby enacted as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby by ttîe Council tliereof as foltows: - I . That paragraph (d) of Section 6, sub-section (7) of By-law No. 2585 is hereby repealed anîd replaced by thie foltowing: - "6. (7) (d) The provisions of paragraph (a) of said subsection (7) shall ot apply 10: (i) any lots or blocks fronting upon any of the streets on the folîowing regist-red Plans of Subdivision, namely: - Plan M-926, Plan M-927, Plan M-928, Plan M-958, Plan M-1005 and Plan M-1013; (ii)any lots or blocks fronting on a cul-de-sac street having a minimum width of at least 60 feet and laid out and established on any Plan of Subdivision registered on or afler January lst, 1975. 2. This by-law shahl corne into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Town of Whitby subject to the approval of The Ontario Muný,.1pal Board. BY-LAW READ A AND FINALLY DECEMBER, A.D.,1 Wmj. H. Wallace CLERK FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME PASSED THIS 8TK DAY 0F 1975. J. Gartshore MAYOR By 13RIAN WINTER Staff Writer Thc re are many denumni- nations ut* clitirches iii Whitby, withi différent views on the Christian faith, but they are wvorking ini close co-ope rat ion on a nunîber of conînunity I)rojects throughi Ilhe Whitby Ministeriat Asso- ciat i on. The Whiitby Ministerial Association, whicli has been in existence at least as carly as 11)28, is made up of' ruiniste is and tay people represent ing I13 town chutrchies and Ile pastoral couniselling services ut ' the Whitby Psyctriatric I lospitall. The airu ot' the association, accord ing to ils president, Rev. Louis H arvey ut*' the Emmanuel Ret'ornmed Ciirchi, is to extend the bouindaries or Christian fellowshiip anîongst the cliirclies of Wflîitby, pronote the good ot* the corrmnunity, and keep a wvorking relatiunslîip amiong the town's chiurches. The mienîbers of thte associa tion mec t on thle second ucday of eachi nmonthi at a dilferent rueniber chutrchi to discuss various projects whlich aftfect the Christian nîinistry in thle t o wn. One comuinity project of the ininisterial association is the recording of daily bediside nmeditatioîis for patients at the Dr. J. O. Ruiddy Ilospital. A continuious tape runs t'or 24 liours, containing a se ries oft I 5-minuite devotional sessions. The patients niay tune in thîe tape at any tîme on thîe Felescon beside tIroir lieds. Fach o f'th1e iieinîbers of I lle association ta kes a tunrui iin prepari ng thle tapes. There are abouit 1I Sw-20 tapes. witlî a ditter-ent mie laved Cachi day. lu1 addition, Itleneiher s ot tIhe iriiiirîstemil ass (cLition t ake Iturrîs Col]dti îli UC .1 t n mge ever s Su rîd:ri% n t lRev. ( rant Schl-1r t, Ile \\'litlî ,cl cia tr-ic IHospital is Illei iilstei l wnssciain<i represeirtative to thre \Vlritbh' tai, anrd nirke, regular visîts tu the prisotieris. 'l'lie li nister ial associa tion also keeps ni close contact wr ht li te Red ('rt n55loniire- rîakers ru jîmvide assistanlce vlerrequired. auid coriducus a ioiber ut cv i)ii or11 services iniitlie w m n iii tN duriîg Ithe year as a unif'red e ff'o rt o ' aIil t lie t own's chu rches. Il]ian ua ry t ho associa tioli sponlsors a week oft prayer, w.ith al special service iii ai différent church caci year. AIl churches arc rcprcsented in the serviîce, which is attended by about 150 people. Durîng the Lenten season Rev. Louis Harvey, President of the Whitby Ministerial Association attends to some of bis duties for this group of representatives of the town's various churches. For nearly 50 years tle ministerial associationi lias been working for the benefit of the town, bringing thie Ministerial association spnsr noonhour services at AIl Saints' Anîglican Church with rîiuisteîs and lay peuple froni various cliurches acting as speakers. Tiîe project svas started several years ago hy AIl Saints' Chutrch ard was rakeri over by the mniister:ril association last year., Onie of tdie ruinisterial association's riost successfuî and best knowni projecîs has been its gospel sîngiîg prograrn aIz tlîe Counîty Town Carriival started by Rev. R. 11. James for mien pastor of the Rossîand Road Froc ' tliodist iri 1971. A iruni bcer o f gospel sînîgirîg groups pruvided entertairîrîîenlî tat('nternial Park arid later Irouios Pairk., anîd ani(rrdno ervice wa.s lield a;it I evdIensîinrc Park l'ur Ile St r eamuilirrer r arler r allies a tew vecars ago. BLlir are ;l1r l ic(i l 11i(1el-ss as fl i lt is v ea i, sprgr:niiito r lie ren]ai Irle I r o)(11n()is, I>a 1k Arc ira, urider ire rît le ut 'Jus ' 70* Fli nni ue 10n)tmie Itle tIe issue tnt lsielia nlAsoci- n varice 0t1 irrds as Irle t a or dstnsItie cnnrinlrlit\. 'lire assnciat itu lias ern- Cm)li aen] Irle tnvr i cmmiicil inn ert.nice tlire Smîida(ky store cltrsiirg bviawsv11a(1 liasruer serir liiclibers tifrIlie couricil :rid Irle nocal ponlicedpa- rient inn discussIrle legal apcsof Stinrday citsinrgs. As a resînit, \lit b)y lias beeri strccesstunl iii clo sinrg several large cliaini stotres on Sonrdavs aind lias rirade represenitatiuus tu tllie proviniieal griver niuenrt on tdie su îjct of' Si day closi ngs. Last f'a11 a c(i it r ov e rsy devcloped over lîiglr scîrools pîaying chianîpiuîisliip foot- ball ganies o1n Sundays, says Rev. Harvey. Ttîe nîinislerial association was concerned EX P LA N A TORY NOT E PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW NUMBER 306-75 The purpose and effect of By-law Number 306-75 is as follows: 1. To allow for the development ot' any lots or blocks fronting upon any of the streets contained on the fotlowing registered Plans of Subdivision, namely: élan M926, Plan M927, Plan M-928, Plan M-958, about this he said, and somne menîbers of the schooî tearns were also opposed 10 pîaying sports on Sundays. The nîinisterîaî association outlined ils position 10 the Durhiam Region Board of Education, and in January it met with the principals of Hlenry Street High Sehool and Anderson Collegiate to discuss the school's role in relation lu tlhe church. "We try 10 relate 10 the total corîîmumity". says Rev. Hlarvey. "Thiere is a realiza- tiori that we are ail trying to work for the good of the students and cani help each o thler". I corirectiori witlh ils outlook on tlhe comninity, the mnristerial association lias been svurking svith Onrario t lousinig Corporation ot'ticiais and(isen ior c ilizens o ir uge tîuticonstruction beoîiiaýs sounII as possible 0on Illie puo sellior cirizenîs' a pat u o i u tle ('ol borne Si reer Sciiool site. .\lso (lie;associationi for Ilie t'irst inrie. as sar. ap woo d îs rshl ipservice dirrîrw Senior Cimiiens' \Vcek aIt st. N lark Uriited ('boi. au jd vi Il likely do t lus ag:îý,iri savs Rev. H arvey. 011 manlv occasionls, tllie TluofutWli it by cal is on tllie riii is te ual associaition i t o providje tllie iivocaitîi, benie- dîicatioli and dedication ot putblic buildings ii' tlîe coiiriuriity. 1luthluipst t10w niioiithls, Rev. IHarvey lias olticiated at the opeiiniig ot' tlhe West Lynde Scliool anîd Seiiior Citizeiis Activity Cenitre. and at tlhe testinioriiaî dinîrier to former Mayor Des Newinarî last Novetnîber. TIîe association is also represented at the inaugural meeting of council, and at high scihool c ommien ce ment s. Most receîîtty, Rev. John Sm'ith of St. Mark's United Church, was appointed 10 the property standards bylaw committee as the association representative, at the request of the town. Only three churches in Whitby are not represented on the irinisterial association. These are Faith Baptist Church which has close links with Oshawa, Grace Cathedral, and a fundamentalist group meeting in a local sehool. The miembers of this year's executive are Rev. Louis Harvey, president; Rev. Eric Mcllwain of Westminister United Church, vice-president; Rev. David McClean of Whitby Pentecostal, secretary; and Rev. Charles Hainer of Brooklin United Church, treasum'Or. "We nîelt in an ecurninical spirit", says Rev. Harvey, 'Despite different positions uni the Christian faith, Itie Christ ian faith keeps us t ugorh or. Jaycette Garage Sale The Wlîitby Jaycettes are holding a garage sale May 1 frorî 1 1 a.nî. lu 4 p.m. at 131 Brock Street North Iteins to be sold include househol] articles, books and toys. Anyone wislîing 10 donate items should cati 668-6700 after 6 p.mi. Plan M-1005, nd Plan M-1013 2. To allow for the development of any lots or blocks fronting on a cul-de-sac having a minimum width of 60 feet laid out and established on any Plan of Subdivision registered on or afler January 1, 1975. AIl material filed concerning this application is on file and open for public inspection at the Planning Department, 14 Church Street, Brooklîn, Ontario. Telephone: '(416) 655-3346 Whitby churches work togetèher for th.egood ofthe communiety the churches together on various community projects. Free Press Photo