PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MARCF1 24, 1976, W41ITBY FREE PRESS A ncw session of the popular YMCA Ladies Take-a-Break programme starts on Wed. March 3 1ist. As usual, il is hcld at the Christian Education Building at the Brooklin United Church, between 9:30 and 11:30 a.mi. If you have tever attendcd one of these mid-wcek breaks you shouid give it a try. YoLîi meet sonie Very friendly ladies while at the same tinte you cati give your body a break with sonie worthwhilc exercise. And give your mmnd a chance to gel get away'frorn the household hiumdrumns with such topics as "womnen & sexuality" (given hy Dr. Sarahl Isbestishi); or "How lu say no to a rapist - & survive". You also gel the opportunity to sec a denionstratioti on candleinaking, and sec howv apple dolls are madle; and, during this session, the ladies are also goiÃŽlg Io visit the McLaughlin Gallery lu, sec an exhibit of Japanese Art. If you thînk you would itke to try the programme - & dont forget that if you have pre-schoolcrs at homne you can take theni along, as there are sonie vcry fine and able sitters avail'ible for a snall fe- then citlier Iust go along on March 31 st - or if you prefer give Mrs. Catherwood a caîl at 655-3646. She will give you any further details you tnay need tu help you make up your mnid. 1 st Brooklin Cubs will be holding their mionthly paper drive on April i Oth. "'uLt with a difference this mionth. As well as picking up yuur neatly tied newsprint (put out before 9 a.mi.) they will also be looking for any returnable pop or beer bottles that you may be wil.ling l t Ici tem pick uip. Il ail hielps lu boost the boys' funcîs su, if yOuu can, give theni as rnuchi support as possible. The lst Brooklin Cubs are also preIxiring for a garage sale - the first l've written about in 1976. Aniyw,,yit i wl be hield on the 23rd April at 4 p.m. aI the garage uf' [raui Scliell wvhichi is at I1 Vipond -- just acros tronm Meadow- crest School. They will be willing bo take any donations of the usual kind that they cati seli at the sale. Also available, will bc plants - in iil'or Spring plantigs! l'Il give yu a renirder or two nearer the tintie but you nîight want to, make a note of the date now. More news regarding that big May Day Auction that will be held aI Anderson on May IsI. As parents miay be apprehensive about attending with smiall fry, let me put your mind at case. There will he FREE babysitting a.vaila,ble. Su you can now be assured that you can gîve your complete attention to the very important bidding without having tlu keep an eye on young Billy or Mary! Don't forget they too, are collecting itemis for their auction. Caîl Anderson betweeni 9 a.m. and 5 p.mi. -- or afler that you cati give une local student a caîl. Shieila Maarse is lier namne - & shie is very willing to take information regarding your paperbacks, chairs, toys, etc. -- just caîl 655-4591. Please keep the following numibers in a safe place! 655-4466, ask for Mrs. trwin or 655-3953 and ask for Mrs. Bird-- these are the numbers to caîl if you are without transportation and hiave a nîuch needed visit lu Uic doctor, dentist or store, 10 tiake. This conîmunity service is organised by thie ladies of the A.C.W. & U.C.W., and is completely t'ree of charge. AT A G LANCE. WED. 3lst MARCH- Ladies Take-a-I3reak at the BROOKLINF, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 l tifction ;ïuoE5 *ICE 45c ~EH-ICBSAKE "69c BIG G"59e O RM-PCIC STYLE - SHOULDER FAPCIAL .PA *h MN0 PORK ROASTS 98 c ISSUE. 59cRSINS 75c TENDER - JUICY- BOSTON STYLE - PORK BUll ROASIS1.9 art.rd (hckui Butt or ShouWdo QUatfd ( en Pork Chopa FRESH - VOUs Sa Backs Wîngs, Twiceâ wîeth il 9 Necks Attached 8 Trim and Pricet 1 1 c SWIFTS OLD OLN Polish Sausage EVERSWEET I501.850 BACON lb. 98 c Sausage sed & Poil lb. 98c_ -MAPLE LEAF DINNER - PORK SHOULDERS - IL 1.59 lb. 89 c 1 e79 C WIN RS ;Y:::NERMR 50,5.50.5IL PORK LIVER n No. 1 Red Brand <,DES9711b Steer Beef Store cut & wrczpped,, , ï,L1. HINDS1.4 lb. PURINA DOG CHOW s5*99 SO HANDY ... 12 ta Pack GLAD Kitchen Catchers 59c HOT INSTANT 230z. Jar CARNATION Chocolate sl.79 POWDER (KING SIZE) 4Lb. Package TIDE PowDER DETERGENT s2.2 9 TONIMO. 11 Fi. Oz. Bt AYLMERCatsup 39C INSTANT 100.Ja NESCAFE com s2.99 ST RAWBERRY or RASPBERAY (Pectin)' 24 FI. Oz. Jar AYLMER Jams 1l.25 DEL MONTE 14 FI. Oz Tin PEACHES behvm5or ss45 SNACKIN' Cakes 69< ASSORTED FLAVOURS - 9 LIVES 61'2 FI i.z.Tin (AT FOODS 4ý89« U50070l050 l'0iT 1 HAM *59" HADDOCK 0Z51 FILLETrs.$129 & SPAN $2oq PEAS -CORIN - MIXED '81O VEGETAIILES2 : CL EAN.SER 4a5 B ISCT 1 S 12 1 KG FRENCH FRIES U MR. CLEAN CLEANER $1 Fl-7 F-1 FI,"C 55 s1 ORANGE JUICE «)c METLof29' DRISTAN ADORN HAIR SPRAY $1 TABLETS GILLETT BLADES 75c 24 to B. 1 .29 7 F1. OZ, TIN R001.00 FOAMY SHAVE CREAM 85c BABY SCOTT DROIF EO57 IA0 FI0'05Ã"9D551R RIGHT GUARD DI$P1R MIS O% APUR15 .s- - 11 RISTAN $1 .29 $2. .29,~ Wil 081MW 014THÉ 81583 10 UM", OUANTITIES United ChurchliItl between 9:30 a.rn. & 11:30 a.m. THURS. It APRIL - Brooklin Spring Fair Board- directors meeting, 8 p.nm. rooklin Cornrunity Centre. MON. 501 APRIL - 8 p.nîi. - Group '74 regular nhce tlu g ai Birouklito (onîmunity Centre. SAT. 101hl APRIL--I st Brooklin Cubs, Paper Drive - plus rettirirabIe Iut île drive, have oui before 9 a.m. please. FRI. 23rd APRIL --Ga..,rage Sale, ;ist Brooklin Cubs at 11 Vip)onu upposite Meaduwcrcst, starts at 4 p.rn. O.K. lhat's itl'for atiuther week, ne'vs is running out - su gel those calis conuing in. Take care - don't get stuck in aIl thlurlvely iiiud!! UIz 655-3750. Yfitness lectures by doctors April 10 A series ot lectures by has tested litness levels of promnirient miedical profession- sorne' 900 Whitby students ais on physical fitness andi and i150 aduits. nutrition wiil be held at Henry Homne exercise equipment Street Hligh School April 10 will be on display and various as part of the Whitby YMCA's f-itness tests will be taken at Projeet Prefit prograro. ftie clinic. Furiher informra- The fitness clinic will be tion is available by calling hield front 9:30 a.m. to 3:30, the Whitby YMCA at p.m. withi informai lectures 668-6868. 0on cardiovascular fitness, smoking and Iung disea'se, and -Y o f r nutrition. Y o l r Sirice it started in December under a Local Initiativ e n o m n Progrant grant, Project PreflteM oy en program "Should 1 Work, What could 1 do, and where do I start?" are some of the j questions asked by women today who are concerned about inflation and, have more free time and a need for more stimulation. To answer these questions * c the Whitby YMCA is offering * * a class in "Working Towards Employment" as part of its By and For Women program. One or more sessions will be given by Canada Man- power which will include 111RYcreative job search techniques. NAIA PRCè By and For Women KRAff includes three other classes: :HEESE life skilis for womnen, parent- INGLES ing and Iet's ereate. Anyone 1s-ai PACOAGI interested in these programs may caîl the YMCA at 1.28 668-6868. Sprin g Lancia pro grams mghettiApi7 ZL.9LOc p i 7 5 9 Spring registration for the Whitby Recreation Depart- Tri T.-ment's general programrs will ýLAINbe held April 7 from 7:30 ýRAVO n.m. to 9 p.m. at Whitney RVo Hall at the Iroquois Park 'A UC E Arena. 3 0 C A large variety of programs 3 9 îs offered including beginners' guitar classes taught by Penny Sidor, and intraductory and FAB RIC directors were elected, but SOFTENER the presidency will have tu be fiileFby ppZin ent 3 9 c iecty pors Wr 976 ar G ret owit-ot, 197MacDnad Eleanoir Gaskin, Mike Buîrgess, Dr. Mýary MadilI, Edith BedelI, Dr. Clayton MacKay, Bill Pilkington, and George Gault (secretary). sTOIt NOUS OPEN six LATSA WEEK 8:3 0 i.. - 6 p.m. IXCPI THUES' & FRIl 3 BIG-DATS Thurs. Mur. 25 Sot, Mar, 27 L=J UNO R A BLOOD DONO RM 1 ýl 1 l : 7 l '0 Il' -t4dW0"4 BROWNý'S FOODMASTýER SUNSHINEFRESH PRODUCE* E Golden RipeBananas, 21c lb. 3Vea. Ontario Hot HouseCucumber'(No. 1) ' 0 uc Sunset Oranges Doz. 39c