'~PAGE 20, WEDNýESDAY, MARCH 24,1976, WHITBY'FREE PRESS Next clinic July 7 Blood donor clinie " very successful", The nmost recent Whitby Red Cross blood donor clinic, hield Wednesday," was "very successftl"; a 'ccording to Whiitby blood donor chairmian Joyce Cox. A total of 377 people ttirned out to the clinie which received donations fromi 349 people. The objective had been set at 300 pilîts. According to Mrs. Cox, 97 of the people who turned out were doing -so for their first time and 22 of those were from the -Brooklin- Ashbirn area. More than a dozen of the latter were mem- bers of the Brooklin and district Kinettes. The next clinie will be heldon Wednesday, July 7, from 2 to 8 p.m. iýi the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 117 Byron Street South. yourweek *heu BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Perlod: March 28 to April 3 Don't dance before the music is played! According to your chaIrt, there's a possi- bility that you might rend er a. service; ARIES give monies or commit yourself pre- Mar. 21-Apr. 19 mfaturely. Unusual discoveries, connected with facts hidden by an associate; shows in your TAURUS chart. Several things you've suspected will Apr. 20-May 20 prove to be valid. GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-JuIy 22 poa itfot wist oabetactulodip-h loatie ta t imes. o, te taanordia- gainst a troublemnaking associate. One or mnore of your suggestions will be criticized. It would be a good idea to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself, at least, this week. LEO you, thisweek. What is it? You always July 23-Aug. 22 hurt the one you love-think about it! Clinie assistant Marta Garcia comforts Brooklin and District Kinettes Heather McCrae and Lucy Johntonjust two of 3 77 people who turned out to the Red Cross blood donor clinic Iast Wednesday. About a dozen of the people who showed up were members of the Kinettes. The cini's objective of 300 pints was surpassed by 49. The next clinic is scheduled for iuly 7. '- GREENWOOD NURSERY SCHOOL Greeriwood (omrinunity C entre (jreenwood 1) a.mn. I1I 3 0 a- ni. 2 years 5 year., PHONE MRS. KING 683-8564 On. -eg for information 1079998 and assistance on your Canadian vacation, c all Barbara ',Phone 723-8124 MRS- Lower Level, BARBARA Whitby Mal MYERS9 o6Mn&Tus Certified 10 to 5 Sat. Travel Consultant After I ours 723-0904 MR, HEC ROOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Whitby Ml 728m2762 DEMONSTRATIO.N by JACKE the STRIPPER Friday, March 26th 6 M'9 p.m. Scturday, March 27th 10 a.me-S p.m. Whitby will be in new fede rai riding Whitby will be in a neCv fed.-rai riding when the next federal election roIls around. Whitby will join Ajax, Piçckering and Uxbridge in the new riding offDurham West. Durhaml West will replace the riding of Ontario, pre- sently represented in the Flouse of Coînmons by iberal MP Norm C(afik. Whitby is currently part of the Oshawa-Whtby riding, held by NDP leader Ed Broadbcnt. The Durhiam WVest riding is rnuch sinaller in popuîlation than the Oshawa.Witby riding. The recently--elected exe- CLIIive of the Liberal Associa- tion of the Federal Riding of Durlham West :încludes Frank La-w, Pickering, President; Keith Scott, 3touffville, Vice- President at Large; Gary Ilerrera, Uxbridge, Vice- President North; Milton Mowbrax', Brooklin, Vice- Presiden t South; Val Marshall, Ajax, Secretary; and Bill Lightstone, Pickering, Treasure r. Danson will speak at tribute The lonourable Barney Danson, Minîster of Urban Affairs, will be guest speaker (It the Norn Cafik Apprecia- tion Night dinner and dance Friday, April 9. The evening's activities, ut the Ajax Community Centre, get underwvay with cocktails ut 7 and dinner at 8: Tickets, ut $12.50 per person, are available fromn Bill Lightstoîîe at 839-3465 or local Liberal associations. Tulk with our FBDB Manugment Services Of icer prograrfs may suit your needs with the appropriate offices.- In WIitby cail Peter Cash at 576-6800 or write to: Federal Business Developruent Bank 22 King St. West, Oshawa who helps small businesses help fthemselves. If you're wondering whether there's a fecleral government program that can assist your business, contact aur Management Services Off icer who will tell you what federal and put you in touch rFDERAL TUSRAJ/SS VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 UIBRA Sept. 23-Oct.- 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGIrrFARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICOR.N Dec. 22Jan. 19 logicareotall. s wyouight aenesedf ti week appe s obe oe ft he ties.d Please, control your emotions. Throwing out subtle feelers about a long term plan.. .will be received with little or no enthusiasm. It would be a good idea to keep your future objectives to yourself. Don't shift horses in midstream. An associate seeks to involve you in a project, beyond your rneans. In other words, you'Il receive advice not to your best interest. Your relationship with the opposite sex, takes on a strange twist. You might be forced to weigh your affairs of heart a- gainst the friendship of an associate. A single mînded person,'who can't see beyond their ow'n existance will attempt to pin you down with their personal prob- lerms. Schedule your time for productive things. snowball into an overail attitude of embit- terment; stick with your usual high AQUAR lUS spirits. Don't expeet perfection for an Jan. 20-Feb. 18 associate. Facing reality becomnes a major problemn, during this week's cosmie cycle. Many un- der your sign might attempt to renew un- PISCES productive emotional ties-let bygones be Feb. 19-Mar. 20 bygones! PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis end fthe doy, month. year and place of birth, plus $1,00 for postage and han dling la Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P.*0. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florido 33733. VOLUNTEER TEACHING Are you interested in teaching retarded adults- Basie Academic SkilIs, Social Skills and Daily Living Skills. The programns are structured and training wvoutd be provided. Qualifications: Desire t o Help Desire to Learn Times: 9:30-11 :30 a.m. (Monday thru Friday> ___2:00-2.45 p.m. (Monday thru* Friday) If you are 'interested, please coi Centre for the Developmentally ntact Durham , Handicapped, THE CORPORATION iJF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W76-1 ONE HYDRAULIC POWE R 7 GANG MOWER --- - - - - - - - - - - - - Sealed tenders will be received by Mr. R.A. Clar ingbold, Deputy Treasurer, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario until 2:00 p.m., Monday, March 29, 1976, for the supply and delivery of one hydraulic power 7 gang mower. Specifications and tender for us are available at the: Treasurer's Departnient, 405 Dui das Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 668-5803-. Lowest or any tender nit nece: sarily accicpted. 1 .A. CLARINGBOLD, I Cputy Treasurer, 1I wn Of Whitby. -~ . uob. Free Press Photo Ext. 435. 1