Formulite molded bathroom BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 48 bches long, new, $100; seven pieces atuminumn traiter covering, 61/2 x, 14 [t., $35 each.; CatI 655-3411. Gendron STROLLER * excel- lent condition, $25. Caît 655-3624. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-electric STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $450; new born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn HAtRFALL, $ 15; singte BED, 30", $12; fIealthway scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; water lung, sport diver regular with reserve, $85. Caîl 839-7774. BIRD CAGE - with stand, $20; portable TV STAND on casters, $ 10; CalI 655-3167. 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good for hildren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with sotid atuminumn frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2' long, great for beginner, $ 10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition wvth carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $ 10. CatI 668-4465. Two etectric quarter horse MOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER BOX, S15. Cail1668-6750. Singer Feather Wqîgh t SEWING MACHINE, $40; Chitds BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new toys, Barbies, Ken, Big ibm and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonable. Chlds TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12. reasonabie. Cail1668-6715. BABY CARRIAGE - by Perrego, $125; car bcd, $12; bassinet, $15; high chair, $15: prices firm. Cati 668-9805. TV - 23" Adrnirat B&W, $75; 8 track car STERELO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dusteover, $30; men's bloc splbt teather COAT, size 40, $40;, DAVEN- PORT, brand new tuxedo style. in beige olefin, $190; atî items in excellent condition, must seit, best offer accepted, cai 668-0856. CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 piece, $45; large floral arrange- ment, $3.50; coffée TABLE, $2. d vî-ble-bed spread, $4; single bed spread, $3; teapot, $4; ladies carcoat, like new, $6; ladies good winter coat, $10; dresses $1 & $2; slack suits, $4; att dlean & in good condition, size 12-14. Cuit 723-2426. Otd Cedar Farm FEN C E RAILS - $ 1.25 each; Patio stone SLABS, 24 x 24", $1.25 each; 2-10 feet x 10 feet ovcrh'.ad garage doors, comptete with ail mounting hardware, $100 Ca: wooden toot box for pick-up truck, $15; leather reclinîng CHAIR, i:.e new, $75; CatI 655-4335. LINE ('ONTROL MODEl, AIRPLANES- four partiy built, one large cornpteteîy buitt with 035'engîne, two coînpletcîy buitt with 015 engine, large amounitof parts & accessories, $1I50, coînptetc. ('att 579-0757. WINDOWS - Basement 21X 371/2 $6 each, picture window, storm 58X64 $30, window size could be altered sightly. Cail 723-8220. Two 600 x 15 goodyear SNOW TIRES - new, $10 each, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyt carîister VAC- UUM, with ail fîxtures, needs some repair, $10; gallon wine bottles with handles, 45 cents çach; walnut veneer, 2' x 4' sheetis, 75 cents each; one babr items - car bed, $7; walker, $4; snow sled, $4; jotty jumper, $4; rocking horse, $2; bottte warmer, $ 1. Caîl 683-1602. MINt WASHER, used twice-, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Caît 668-6078 or 668-4377. One ten gallon AQUARIUM - comptete with stand, fish, etc. in excellent condition, $60 or best offer; two aquarium heaters, $4 each; one Phitips Beauty Set, neyer used, $25. Cuit 668-4690. Beige CHESTERFIELD oz CHIAIR-- modern style, good condition, $100: 23" black & wvtite Scandinavian style TV, ike new, $75; 1963 ARCAI)IAN BEAUMONT, good motor, needs litte body work, owned by lady. as is, askbng $250:- ('att 723-9225 after 5 p.m. Engtish BY!E tlt HNA neyer uise(t, 54 piece set in BridaI Wreath pattern, S$300. Cati 668-5767. BABY ,R113 $ 20; 111G,11 CHAIR, $10; battîtub, 53;JOLLY JUMIPER. S5. porta-gate. $5; baby seat, $2; STROLLIER, $5; eight-track TAPEDECK, $15: cight-track TAPI. t)LI'K, $35; (';ît1576-0585. Pioncer 200TURNTABLL' 2 Sure M91 hii-track necdles, t 1\191 cartridge, 2-3 ssav sterco voice speakers, 8 imonthis oli, asking $375 or sill take close-.t offer; Blue Icatlher svaîst ('OAT, size 38 with mnatcbiing bloc teattier shoes, size 8. $1Il0. ('aIl 668-2781 after 5 pirn. and ask for Ken, ONE' ('OUNTEl-RTOI) WtTIl LEtDGJý" -6 7", $750; oneC countertop, no tedge, 50", $5;one countertop, no tedge, 16", $4; one countertop with tedge, 311/", $3.50; one counter top sith ledgc, 28", $3; one piece ofdark brown arborite woodgrain, 36'/a x60/, $5; approx. 30 cabinet (oirs suitabte for smalt vanities, att_ different sîzes, $25. CatI 655-3534 50 amnp. Servicc BRI-AKER - $4; 30 amp. knit'e switch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. (ah 668-9605. Ltoyd BABY C'ARRIAGEI1 excellent condition, $45; (',att 668-6986. - Wanted' WANTI-,D oneC Lob unîtormi, sze 7. Cal 17 28-4 310. ni24 FURNITURE STRIPPING unique no dip tanksý AI flow-over process or caustics .IAacNeil's -Furniture and UpholsterY "U't pays to reuphoister fine furniture"l 413 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Buîs. 668-5481 Res. 668.6526 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1976, PAGE1 Classified Ads Free Press Emporium (Continued) M iscellaneous Petersen Music Co. 390 King St. 'W. Oshawa 723-2259 COMPR ESSORS GENERATORS Electric motors, Grinders Drill Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. VVESELL BUY & TRADE ACE MACH INERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 SWIMMING POOL COM- PANY lias a limiited number of steel, inigroutid pools at grecatly reduccd prices, 16' x 32' inground, $3,750 instalied.- Other sizes compar- abiy priced. Cail now Polynesian Pools 519-453-2210 LEAL)JNG SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER - miust dispose of brand ncNv 1975 above gromnd atuminurn'pools maude to sei for S I 890.00. Wilitig to close-ouI for SI i88.00. Fit w.rranties in cffect. Cati coitect any imie 1-416-667-1302. SWIMMINC 'POOL - Deluxe. Redwooct, above grotind pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by banik, sacrifice !A price, Cuit Mr. Hlarvey, cotiect, days or eve .ngs, 416-625-8819. SWIMMINC POOL - Less thianti yr. oid. Fauita-- Sea above ground Redwood -16 x 24, cost S4500.00. Must selt irnmediatety- wiit sacrifice suvings of $2000.00. Cai 416-625-8817, days or eveniscollcct. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving - witl seit you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool ut sacrifice price of S3000.00. Savings of S2100.00. 1975 model, cati 416-62-5-2719, days or evenings, cottect. SIZE 221/i LADIES DRES- SES - wc hiave ai nice setection ut The Neurty New Sliop, 131 Brock St. S., Whitby. Open daiiy 9_30 - 5:30. 1967 BIJICK SKYLARK piowcr stecring, power brakes. V-8 auto, 4 (tour, radio. ncss tires & shocks, i-bail wbien new, excellent shapc, best otter. ('ait 668-5937 aller 5 p.m. 1968 A t 'S'T N I NI perteet body, radiais, radio, standard, real Las saver, certified 6 initlîs ao. overlîauled nmolor, bcst offer. ('ail 668-5937 after, 5 1).in Heip Wanted F or Saie I ST ANNIVERSARY SALE March lst/3Ist New & Used Organs from, $399-00 "DK the 1)1" RE('ORIED MUSIC FOR OC'CASIONS ('aIl 668-2244 alter 6 p.m. ALL CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitehens, Ceraie Tiiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks und Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Calit 668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 THURSDAY,, MARCH 25TH - 6-30 P.M., Auction Sale - New & Used furniture, sorne antique, a very good setection ut Victoria .Square Hall. Ternis cash no reserve. Earl Gaustin, Auctioneer. YOU SHOULD BE SELLING LOTTERY TICKETS!! WINTARIO0 & OLYMPIC YOU WILL BE AN4AZEL) AT THE POTENTIAL PROFIT IN SELLING- THESE TICKE'~S Seli thlem to your frie:-Ids, whIere you work, or ut your club meetings! For furtîier information cuit: W.M.G. MAFKETING -110 KING STq. W. OSHAWA 57Q-91 81 Higliest Prîces taid t'or (;otdl and Sîlver coins, 01(1 gtlns, edouks, jelry. dishles. furniture, crocks, oit paintings, and scaiers Friendly Flea Market 728-9783 23 King West, Osluawa DEPENDABLE PERSON WHO CAN WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Earn $14,bOO per year. Contact customers around Whitby. We train. Write C. L. Dick, Pres., Soutbwestern Petroleum, Brampton,'Ont. L6T 2J6 CHARTER FARES * ~ now available on ALL SCHEDULED SERVICES operated by AIR CANADA and BRITISH AURWAYS CANADA to BRITAIN *Exclusive to Air Canada and British Airwaya. effoeltve 1 May 1976 f0 31 Oct 1976. Subjeci 10 Govt. appraval. AVAILABLE AMY DAY a FLEXIBLE LENGTH 0F STAY - between 22 to 45 days LOW LOW SHOULDEA PEAK SHOUL DER PEAK BURNER SERVICEMEN Enlarge your scope to include sales of ail Petroleum Produets. Improve your income over the whoie year. Business estabiished for years in this area* is uvailable for ýthe riglit man. Please phone coliect to Mr. Williams, 416-297-1320. H-OMEMAKER - HOUSE- KEEPER wa.x'ed to live in. Cati 668-8478 after 6 p.m. FIOUSEKEEPER WANTED - mature woman, three days.a week, live in or out, two pre-school aged children, Brooklin area. Call 655-4210. Employmnent Wanted WILL BABYSIT - pre-schooler in my home, Monday to Friday. Cail 668-0681. WJILlL MIND CIL1DREN - in îfy home, close to Florence M. FîIcard School. Cati 668-2927. Services Transcendentat meditation classes, anyorte weîcome, Consumners Gus showrnomn, Consuiniers Dr., Hopkins St., Whiitby, Murch 215 ut 8 p.rn. 668-431t l no chiarge. FROM T TORON TO 41aI13 MOct14 May to310ay1 lSAugio 24 ug 5Jnto1 L O I IoL31 AN 1LONSGLte 3AN LON AgI AuMNIN LgA 299 284 292 309 294 302 359 344 35 389 374 362 AI &Lindqu Russell at RUSSEL TRAVEL LTDO 116 Brock St.. S.,, whîtby 668-5000 Mon..- Sat. 9-5 Fni. Tili 9 *Your Fravel Is Our Business" For your protection registere& under Ontario Governgient No.1259988 CORPORATI ON 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY P U B LIC NO0TI1CE Notice is hereby given that the Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town ai Wh itbj intends to pass a by-Iaw ta "stop up and close and seil ta the adjoining awners that portion of Gilbert Street as shown an Werden's Plan west of Broit.'- Street and Iying between Brock Street and Byron Street, and more particutarly desci-bed as foIIows:- COMMENCIRIG at a point on the norther%/ limit of Gilbert Street flIstant 17 feet west of the intersection of said limit a-i Gilbert Street with the west limit ai Brock Street. THENCE westerly along, the nartherly limit of Gilbert Street a distance ai 255 feet more or less ta the intersection with the easterly limit ai Byvqn Street. THENCE sautherly along the easterly limit ai Byron Street a distance ai 66 feet ta the intersection wAth the sautherly limit af Gilbert Street. THENCE easterly along the southerly limit ai Gîiiert Street a distance ai 255 ieet mare or Iess ta a point distant 17 feet westerly ai the intersection ai the southerly limit ai G ilbert Street with the westerly limit af Brock Street. THENCE northerly in a straight line a distance ai 66 feet ta the paint ai commencement. And further take ý,otice that Council or C'-mmittee ai Council wiII at 8:00 p.m. an the l9th day ai April, 1976 i.t the Cauncil Chambers in the Municipal Buirding at 405 Dundas Street West, W hi Ë, - , Ontario, hear in persan or by his council, solicitor, or agent any persan who dlaims his land wiII be prejudicz; lly aiiected by such by-law and wha applies ta be heard. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk, The Corparation ai the Town ai Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. SPEEDY TV R E Shat Hmerv ervc SuI &ShaHoervi ervc on Fleetwood & Sharp Repairs to Al makes Trade in's aecepted used TV's bought & sold 104A Byron St. S.I 668-1 818 or 725-4234 TO FR