WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1L976ý, PAGE 13 .iasco Steel leads Men's LaIsco Steel have a six- point lcad atop the Whiiby Mcnel's Hlockey League. Thcy have 3 1 points on 13 wins, five tics, three fosses, 95 goals for and 57 against. H. Sait .-si and Chips and -Munii's Press, with 25 points each, are tied iii second place, the fornmer with I11 ins, thiree tics, seven losses, 88 goals f'or and 74 against andi the latter on 12 wins, one tic, eighit losses, 109 goals for and 76 against. Chris Catering, witli 24 points onIi 10wis, four ties, seven losses, 79 goals for and 76 against, trail. Fireplace Plus follow wi ,th 20 points on 10 winis, I1I losses, M4 goals for and 95 against. Bondeco Rustproofing arc Hockey League in fifth place with 18 points on cighit wins, two tics, I1I losses, 66 goals for and 80 against. Shea Real Estate trail with 14 points on six witns, two ties,, 13 losses, 82 goals for and 97 against. Orphans are in las( place witli Il points on fivc wins, on1e tic, 1 5 lusses, 64 goals f'or and 114 ,againsi. In recent garnes, Lasco Steel whipped Shea Real Estate 6-1, Firepl!.ce Pius edged 1-I. Sait Fisli and Chips 5-4, "irphanis upset Munn's Press 3-1 and Chris Catcring doubled the score on Bonideco Rustproofing 4L2. Boxing club registration going slowly Registrationis are stifi beinig acccptcd lfor the amateur boxing Club wh ich opencd March I15 at thc 300 Dunlop Str-eet Annlex. Ofy a landfUl of people turne.d Out for tlhe first registratiori session Marceh 1Il according to Whithy Recrea- tion Departînent Prograim Co-ordinator Bob Caspeil. Registrants wiIl be coaclhed by Dave Sparkes and Joe Flajnal, both of whonm have considerable experience in the sport as each, at one tinie, hield featherweight champion- ships in various areas ôf Europe. Registration at $10 per person, are being acccpted at the recreatioin departmnent offices or the hoxing club. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY PROPOSAL FOR GARDEN ALLOTMENT PROGRAMME The Town is cons*dering ailotting garden plots to individuals on a fee basis for the period of May i Sth to October l6tli, 1976 .11 allow individuals to establish a garden and produce a small crop for tlieir persoial tise. Before a final decision is nmade whetlier *or flot to establish a garden allotment program ini Wlitby tliis year the Towni first wishies to determine if the-re is an interest. The plots would be located at the following locations in. the Town of Whitby and have anl area of approximnately 25 x 50 feet: - (a) A thirty acre parcel of land at the intersection of D'Hillier and Rossland Road, north of the C.P.R. right-of-way, (b) A twenty-five acre parcel of land north of the Operations Centre on Rossland Road, and (c) A nine acre parcel of land west of the Police Building on the north side of Rossland Road. Ail correspondence should be directed to the undersigned no later than April 2nd, 1976. If the Council does subsequently decide to proceed with the program, further advertisements will be placed so that ail citizens will have an equal opportunity for application. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario Lûigi Favit dispîsys his shooting prowess which played a big part in Denis O'Cohuior Chargers midget basketball team's.recent Central Ontario Secondary School Association 'A' Championship win. Team members watching the captain are from left Mike Van Loeuwçn, Paul Hendriks, Peter Ferry, Mike Gallagher, Bernie Boulanger, Joe Cahiil and Tony Forde. Gilbert Nieuwendyk and Ronald Boumneister are behind the shooter. Dave Debosky 'Nas absent when the picture was taken. After beating Bancroft 48-41, the Chargers defeated Norwood 42-30 in the final gamne. Luigi Favit shot 35 of his team's 90 points. Joe Modeste and Robert Hemy coach the squad. The junior Chargers weren't as fortunate, dropped a 60-42 decision to Norwood. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess McMANUS,&STRONACH Tat their Whitby Mail location is now u,,der new management WHITI Tie look is more important in more wavs than one We Provide Complete Optical Service BY MALL 57 6-4431 1 - - - -- - -- - - Ma"