Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Ï7, 1976,,WHITBY F'REE PRESS w hitby Voice of the County Town EA SERVUNG OVER 28,000 READERS- Publishied every Wedncesday Sby M.B.M. Publishing and PhotogriaPby Imc. The Frve Prîýý, B(îîldirîq Mike Burgess, publisher-Maflaglflg Editor. W121lBroyr, t rth, rise, Sur prise ~istant Editor - Blake Purdy ' .À-osnmuntyEditor - BlanWinter ConiutyngEditor - Jlm Quilte Prutin Manager - JM arj Brg PrductionAdvrManger-Maagerges Disply Aderî RobiMnager on ClassifîcdRdbManagern Marlene Byrorn C'irculationi Manager Shauron Lyon Madirc Permit No. 2941 phoine 668-6111 : Torante Linre 282«1004 e e e closing the" Whiby police station. 'Sure hate to say 'we told you'80', but remember al the flac k we got in '74? In a feature in the Nov. 13, 1974 issue of the Free Press entitled "Free Press Firsts"l we first broke' the news of the closing of the Whitby police station on Rossiand Road. This story abouit the police station (and _one about a Rosslaîîd Rd. Plaza) drew 'heavy public criticism fÈrom then Regional Couincillor Jolhn Goodwin who ironicaliy, was also sitting on the police commission. He expressed his concern about the Free Press leaking confidential information, and ini total about haif-an-hour at the next Whitby counicil meeting was spent discussing the subject. Councillor Joy Thompson said that exaggerating facts to sefi papers is a bad practice. Coun. Don Lovelock said that because people believe what they read in newspapers, they will not trust counicil in flic future as they will feel an issue has aiready been decided on. - Well, we believe our job is to tell our readers what's happening the way it REALLY is, (like we did then) and everytliing that transpired following, and including, our 1974 story is aIl a matter -of public record and cani be found on microfilm at the library. SBut we feel that what we said at that time was NOT 'grossly exaggerated', and with regards to trusting council, we pointed ouit at that. time "don't blamne local coincil - it will be up to the police commission"..and the commi-ission bas finally mioved on its decision. There's littie doubt that regional counicil bas SOME,' ;îUhlouigh littie, say in the workings of the somnewhat aLtononious, police comnmission. The closing of the Whitby station is said will save us about $1 30,000 a year..we reallrdon't know how this figure came about, but we would. think that a good chunk of this will just be .passed from one department budget to another. We can't believe that as soon as the police move out of the building the expenses cease, flot to mention mortgage payments on $300,000. Further, we yould believe that the staff presently located there would, no doubt, continue to be paid regardless of where they wind up being stationed. Anyway, assuming the region cardies the interest on the building at $30,000 a year (actual cost would be higher) and we Do SOMEHOW manage to save $1 00,000 a year..Well, there really won'lt be any saving because the police are looking at purchasing a NEW sophisticated communications system that will set us bac!ý half-a-millioh dollars. That's right! Close the Whitby station to save one hundred thousand and then turn around and spend five year's savings - the FIRST YEAR. The Fire Dept. wasn't regionalized and we feel we're getting the BEST service in the region from our local de-gt. We used to say the samne about our local police force..but then we said A this two years ago. Impiressed listener: Ted Curi 'touches to the roots of human understanding' Dear Sir: It was a good ilea of University Wonîen's Club, Oshawa, to invite Mr. Ted CurI as a speaker for their latest mneeting Feb. 11lth. Mr. CurI is Presi- dent of Curi Communic- ations, ani Industrial Training Consultants Company in Whiitby with customners all over tie world. Mr. CurI lives ini Whitby, bas 2 children, 14 and 16, his wife is of Irish orrign. For his profession Mr. Curi needs not onîy an open mmid for a wide range of prçQblemns, but also rnuch sensitivity - sensitivity for the needs of others and a great deal of understandiiîg. That he possesses these Citizens of the Town of Whitby. We Need Your Help. The 1Ist Port* Whitby Boy Scouts, nameiy the. Venturers, need addition- al mneeting facilities. Port, Whitby needs a k commuiiity centre. Brock St. School is the oçnly building inl Port Whitby. We would like you to write the Tuwn-Council- qualities becamne obvious Mien he was speaking about the art of listeingi which he called a verv important part of coin- intunicative skill. Exa ii- pIes of good and -not so good events of comnîu niii- lors and the Durhîam Board of Education, to put this building back intojJLIblic use. Thamîk you, Russ Wilde, 1201 Brock St. S. Whitby Chairmaii 1lst 'Port Whitby Boy Scout Group Committee cation were disp!i-,.yed with a tremnendous-sense of hiumor. Iii tiiese tiimes whien everybody tends to look after himiself more than ever before. luis huminanistic al)l)r9)ach t(> oroblenis imade the listenler forget his troubles for a while. He went on to praise women as a new power force, becauise they can be flexible and mature, seeing mio re options to> problein- solving. He says: '"being L ev y fees of the town and région have eaused inereases in rent Dear Sir; The subject of levy fees ini the town of Wiitby and Durhanm Region. We were toid that the regional governinieft wouid be cheaper for us. Would the citizens of Wlitby believe that to build a sm-all 20-suite apartinent 0on alrea(Iy serviced Land voul re(luire levies of over S55,000? Where does the towii. aind the region expect tie builder to get this kind of money'? I,750 per unit for this 1,.250 per unlit for tlhat 1 .000 per unit for parks Each of these costs are more per unit than a plumber or electrician gets to do a c(>mplete systemi per uniit where they sui)ply both mlater- iais and labour. includiing inspection, etc. The to'wn a nd tie region should reduce.. their levies into thie hunldreds per~ unit inistead of thousands. The town and lie region miake more money on the building project than any tradesman or the builder. The tenants have to pay for this in thi3ir relit. These kinds of levies have stopped construc- tion anîd put us out of work. It is n()t the landîords whio have tupped the renîts bu t rad thec town of WVitby and Durham Region.. Thiank yotu, Russ Wilde, I201 Brock St. S. Wliitby feminine mneans to be totally ini touchi with people. So, it 15 not perplexing at ail, when a mnan considers himiself being blessed with this feniinie sense of intui- tion. For these men, 1,).-e neans empathy, any- onue can practise it. Whien peopPle are important to the foremian, then they like their jobs. "Listen and commniedii;te"', Mr. Cuiri recommends, "revol- utionize albour attitudes show love' .' "as humans we have a tendency not to resl)ond to mio:-ds. Be hionest, if you see you are ilot comninunicating, not reaching your cou nterpart, keep conversation to very basic la nguage before dialogue is pssible". A lengtehy (iquestioni- period toilowed his presentation which was applauded wariîy and heartily. Onue imember of the club summied up the feeling by stating "Maiîy of us go out fromi here with a good feeling". Mr. CurI hias a hobby "doing nîagic" of which lie displayed a littie. 1 think that this is a very appropria'te hobby, be- cause, itlh his philosophy of communication, he touches to the roots of hum-an understanding wvhichi should becomne thie mnagic formula for a better world. lise Eschienioîîr, Whiitby. Whi*tby Council lias earned undying Dear Sir, Like > many 0othier residents of Wlitby 1 have pro tested t'O Council regarding the récent 5011 increase ini the dog licence fee. The answer 1 havie received is tîîat the Town of Whitby lias to pay S48,000 to the Animiai Coiîtrol Shelter 011 Thicksoîîs Road anîd thiat 50'1(, of this cost mlust be pa *d by dog- owners througli the $1 5 licence fee,- tîu balance to be gratitude l)ald by thec genieral taxpayer. The fact thiat a dog owiier is also a geinera 1 taxpayer appears to have escaped Council's notice. Couincil also appears to have overlooked thie revenîue it'- receives ini licence fees and taxes fromn registered kennels, pet shops, veterinarians, îîot to mention the Puriîîa plant, 1111 of whomn depend upon dogs for a major. portion of their of dogs businiess! 1 Witlî the aîproaiclî of Spriu ig, Counicil lias liowever i)robably eamned the undying gratitude of mlaniy a dog by decidiîîg îîot to ilake any con- cessions ini licence fees for spay./ed or nieutered aninials! Youirs truly, F. K. Towsenld, Bo .vrnan Avenue, Whlitby Suu They 're v1 i Port Whitby scouts need public's help m

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