Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1976, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1976, TRAVEL CANADA SUPPLEMENT, PAGE3 From the cradie of Con federation...1.to Canada's Newest Province THE FRIENDLY MARITIMES GIVES 1 00,O00WELCOMES I nova scotia Nova Scotia, once an early set tiemen t for Scottishi immigrants to Canada, is today known as Canada's Ocean Plav- ground. Halifax, the capital was fomnded in 1749 andi is both the Iargest city and ocean port in Atlantic Cnd.On the top of a 4 hili in the centre of the citv is its historie citadel, -ý0 ýand al unique clock tower 7'whieh hlas been in uise silnce 1802. Three saju u seu1fls display C'anada's niaval, iitary and pro- vincial history a t the cita(lel. Twenty rmiles froni Sydniey is One of Canacla's latest toLîrist attractions the Fortress of Louisburg, a conitinuL- iig recon-struction of the farnous Frenlcl Fortress that onice guar-ded the enitranice to the S t. Lawrence R ive r. Thle fortress with its massive Chateau St. Louiis anid surron id i igcdef'ences is j new brunswickI New Brunswick, Catiacla's "Pictnre Pro- vince" 0offe rs maniv opportuiîities tu sec and( photograph untisual f'ea- turcs both tiatutral and man-i-adle. Here yout \ill sec a, river runnitîg backwards, the world's lomgest covered bridge. magniifi- cent roc k sculptures created by high tides, and a magnetic hili your car wîll climb withoutt power. Quaint fishing villages are dotted along the 800 miles of coastline, where digging clams is a favorite passtime, and the largest sardine cannery and Iargest lobster po:mnd in the worlcl can be found. St. John, Moncton and Fredericton are the mjor cities of New Brunswick Frederictoni, the provini- cial capital offers some of thc finest architectu.re ini the Maritimnes sucb ais the old Governm-emît House of I1828 and Christ Churclb Cathedral,' one of' the besi exanmples of Gotlîic architecture inr North Arnerica. j1 Newfoutniland l Canada's newest pro- vince, having joined Confederation in 1949, yet it was the first laýid in North Amerîca by the earby explorers. Nearly I1,000 year-s ago the Vikings established settiements -in Newfound- land, in 1497 John Cabot rediscovered this island and it was claimed for England. Frequent air fine ser- vice and a modern car ferry provide easy access to Newfoundland today, the tenth largest island iii the world. St. Join's, tlhe capital is one of the oldest iii the world, and is rich i.in Tiie Beaver-brook Ai-; Gallerv, donated bv ý faîîou s ('anadian w\vho- ser-ved in wXinstotî (hnrc- biili's \vartitiie cabintet is ani att ract ion luotie sure S t. J ib's maj'or- attraction is its r-eversiie. l'aî11s, ail tie more spectacular whien illutîîi- inated ut niglît. The city lias a strong Loyalist traditioni clating tîack to 1783 wlien it was one of' the areas settled b y Loyalists follo\ving tlîe American Revolutioti. Moncton is kmîown as the toîtrist and conven- tion centre of' Atlanîtic Canada, with itsmragnetie [dili, and the iîeartiy Hopewell Cape with its rock scu.lptures anid caves. ail carved by natutre froru sandstone cliff's. Futnîdy National Park, is harely an o0it rS d rive f'romi Morncton, where animais cati tic photo- graplied at close range. New Bruntswick, witlî its f'ishiernîen, rijpling waters, anîd quiet coastal towmis is a clelîglit f*or any tourist. history. The province itself has played a signi- ficant robe over the years, being* the terminus- for the first successfLîl trans- Atlantic cable in 1866, the site where the first trans-atiantic wireless sig- nal was received by Marconi in 1901, and the take-off point for Alcock atîd Brown when they made the first successfub flight across the Atlantic ini 1919. The last battle dluriiîg the Seven Years' War in North America was fought iii Newfounidlamîd, bu.t -one will find hie province a peacefu 1l appy place today. now the centre of a 300- acr ie national historie par-k. One of' the imost phiotographieciplaces in Canadai is Nova Scotia's Peggy's Cove, famnous l'or its quainit fish bIouses, rocks and water. It lias also been a paradise for- painiter-sfor i-anly year-S. Also ini Nova Scotia is Luinenibuiz. the shli- bulildling ,cenitre \vhieh prod uced the famlon s BIinenose, and i t s replica BInleiose Il. Aniollier îîoîîufar arc-ea i S the Annapolis \'flIeyrgin thie ronîlantic -land Of ILva~~~ nuiie'. an t be 11o11eCOf the COfourfni-'I Annaptlolis Valley Apple llossonî l'»estivail. C'apec Breto n I slilandn thîe ('ab11ot 1-iral rciind (iie of' the Scotti' hIl ih Jl nds. \Vi th a11mo0LnltaIinOnIS lanilscape dtat rachecs ani altitude uofI1,747 feet. the highest point in Nova Scotia,,. Witlî miles of' ocean shoreline, Nova Scotia nakes one of Caniala's rnost attractive tourist Centres. prince edward island P ri nce Edxvard I slandl is of special sigif'icanice to (kînadians. for il is known as the "('radIe of ('on federat ion". 1 t vas iin ('harlot tetowiî iin 1864 f bat the l'athers of' ('on federa tion first mnet 10 crea1te Ithe connfrIIv \v knlo\v todlav. *Fbe bnîldîne xvhwlere t bev' met is st Ifi stand ing., ad a.1 mnst to see for anv v isi tor. Prince 1d va dI fanil is (naa's sm alIlest province but Its suze does not (IInIIIuisb1 the oppor- lilities il 0flers to the toitrist. Ih s easy to cet to by thîe 3 56-f'oot-lo)Iîg- fYrý-iry M. V. Abegweit, withi space for 150 automobiles and 1 ,000 plasse Ige rs. The \varmiest sal twater bat lîinginorth oIf [bridla, xitlî an ave rage water temiperature of 70 de- eres Lbreîlîitduring the suinli mer seaisonl is a special attractioni. Also thîe Island is onle of, the \vorIdcs feadline(- deepi sea1fi*sinlg groundI(s. ai re co rd 1 040-pou nd glianlt lima beinlg caugýht there in 11)70. In additionth lere is c od1o.r nîiackeral tfîslii neavailable to the ton rist uLt Ifour dollars or tess pier person f'oi a half-day's outing. There are seveti excel- lent golf- courses on Prince E d ward Iland, l'onL r of, which i'lre "chanîpionship". Anotfier popular sport is hor1se racine.. ('anupsites, traider parks and picnlic er11oundICs abôuiîd thrioughIouitPrinice Edward Island iin 40 or nmore privately operated tenting areas, 25 provini- cial parks and three large Campllirounlds in a national park. l3-atinIg ont is a joy for seafood loyers, andi there are plenty of first cfass hotels. LOTS 0F PARKING AT OUR OFFICE Pleaso mail information on Destination: ...................... Name ........... ... Address.............. CONTACT nSt KAARE MYHREN ROBT. THORNDYKE > AT ri ... ......DURHAMTRAVEL SERVICE No 20 Ra3y Streetl, Oshawa (416)> ý79-6A4.l OPENTHURS & FR1 tili 9P.M..ý SATtiIi 6 aewfoundland HAM TRAVEL seWfe.DISCRIMINATE Youse . -Webve . as you do . .. that your vacation Is darned Important. Once you return, you can't get "the brakes adjusted" or "the hemlne altered" You're home . .. your vacation's over . .. that's it! So here's what we're doing about lit for you, and how you benefit GIVE AWAY The paper ts full of them. Some ethical, some flot. We feet the best give away shoutd be a useful service, so we provide FREE limousine service to Toronto International Airport right from your home (does not apply on domestic reserve). FOrevR YOUletiabout the tour companies we deal with. You're entitled to quality and security now, and in, the future. That's why we're choosy. 22 days - Calgary Stampede/Banff/ Yellowstone $565. -Up 23 days - Jasper -'Banff - Yellowstone $585. -up 18 dlays- the Maritimes including Newfoundland $525 -up Fuim-nights tor your club or association, for you and your frlends for ony destination. àust phone for arranfternenlFt a 1 1

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