Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 197-6, WHITBY FREE1 We start this week with news fromi St. Leo's Sep. Sclîool ini Brooklîii. At t ie sclîool plans are weIl utider way for a skate-a-thoîî to be hield March i 2tlî (Fridaîy) between 9:45 amîî. aîîd 11:45 a.nî., at the Brooklin Meniorial Arena. The students are hoping to raise enough mnoiîey for two causes. One is the Missions that the school helps to support, and thîe other is class trips to be held at tlhe end of tlîe school year. Both worthwhile causes - and it is great to see the young people tryiîîg to lielp both tlîenîselves aînd those who are less fortunate. But tlîey can skate fromno 1w until Doonîsday and won't raise a cent if tlîey don't get sponsors. So once aigainli n coîning to you and askiîîg if you could help and encourage thiese young people iin their efforts. If you would like to sponsor a boy or girl in any grade then give the school a caîl. If you know a child attending tlhe school who is participating (and ai good 2/3's of stridents at the school are) eithier caîl imr/her - or again tlhe school. The Skate-a-tlion is open to any parents, friends or cheerer's or as a parent you inay like to volunteer your services as a checker. Supporters and checkers cal 655-3852 whiere calîs will be delightfully and gratefully received - Friday, 27th Feb., sees the Level IV Semni-Formial Dance being held at the Christian Education Building of the United Church. Dancing is froîîî 8 p.m. tilI 1 a.m. with FLAKED - WHITE ALIACORE 1cm S % ewftls Trim end1 STEAK PRESS music provide.d by ai dise jockey. Tlickets -are $5 ai couple or $4 if you prefer Io go Solo w!îicll includes a col(l bt i and door priizes. Many niainy yotîing peoplececcp-iskýing for dainccs-- so hiere's you r chance. Now gel you r daincinig geai- toge ilier, graib ai palrt ncr anid cal l.1 ) Pengel ly, 655-4596, bo gel yonr tickets. Another (latice wiII tc ic ld on Sain rdaiy, 28t l' el). This tlime il 's being pLu(. on by (lie Durhaini 'lrail Riders ait the Club Andrene ini Port Perry. Tickets aire $6 a couple aînd cari be lîad by calling Lindai or Jolii Dairling ait 655-4422, or Leisai Waîgg ait 655-3287. More tickets to bce had .-- tliis tîme f'or the Brooklin & District Kinnettes Forinaition iîighit. lt's tbcb held on Mareh I Stlîait 1leydeplshore Paivillion aînd tickets are $1I5 ai couiple. Tlîey include refreslnîent, daînce & ceremionies anîd aire 10 be had by calling Don Vipond ait 655-4953 or Ann Carson ait 655-3662. By the waîy Kinsmien 1 thLîoght you lîad ai greait idea for Heritaige Daîy with those buttons. l'n sure you were liot to blaîmne for the rnis-spelling of Brooklin - it seens to be a cominion fiault of those wlîo tive out of the liainlet. Perlhaîps on 1leritaîge Day in future we sliould do ai big puiblicity spreaîdon tlîe correct spelling of Brookl, Ont.!! Don't forget that Tlîursday evening is ai busy one ait the Brooklin Conmunity Centre. Tlîere's tlîe Fair Board Directors nmeetinîg downstairs, and upstairs there is the openî niglît of the Brookliiî Arts/Craîifts. Not only cati you enjoy ai delighitful exhibition of hand crafts but you cain als() register for the next course of lessons. And remneinbering tlîat the Arts/Crafts are orgainized by Group '74. 'd also like to rernind rininbers and possible neiiibers, thait Group '74 hais its mionthly mneetinîg on Monday, I st Maîrch ait the Coiîînu1tinity Cenître starting ait 8 p.ni. Corne along anîd see how yon too caîn pa rticipaite ini foriîing ai bet ter c oni mu n iy. 61/2-Ox. 'ln SEAL TUNA 6»7c MT Minsi hmb AUNT JEMIMA 32 FI. Oz. Cont. ATU M PANMCAKE Syrup 1.,09 pie..AUNT JEMIMA 2-Lb. Pkgl. @ID PANCAKE MIX 699 FdSUoe lb. WEU RIMED BOELES -TOP CU 1471 MEATY. -BONE UN RUMP ROASTS STORE PACK BONELESA -CUBE STYLE -SHANIC SOLE F1L LE T ~ Ste w Beef 99'i RANCH STYLE - Il THE PIECE MAPLE LEAF . SREAOED 16-O. ph. Bologna 48: Sausage 12 SWIFTS -TRItp P FROZEN- IMPORISO - SHOULDER U Lunch meat 119 c Lamb cwp ~.78, TedrTasty Swifts i Pork Hocks Beef Heurts__Wiene8<rs Cut f rom Red Brand Beef HINDS $1!18 Ib. SIDES 79, lbo Store Cut & Wrapped MCCORMICS SIG 1%/,LD. BAC CARNATION CASAMED 15 FL. OZ. TIN Seo SIIhpS $129 SaUmo pn (69< CLUB HOUSE 4-0z, CmN. ENRICHEO - QUICK 28.0z. PKO. Black Popper89c Crea. of mut 5S JOHNSONIS BABY B FL OZ- aNT. Slmamp@ $139 cuiv@rbousclo BATH SIZE 2169< Cream Corn285 SANIrARY NAPKIN .. CONFINTfS Pkg. of 12 75c SCNIC Il Bj ADGE pi.5-mW SUNSHINE FRiEsH PRODUC.JEE < Stoke " T:.atoes 49 I l Tous %..1Gcm Green Onions u.ui ~wm 89» ..s6 p. XaPT TUBin.U 35ç .U 2/2918j INGESOLL1-Lb. Jar CHEESE SPREAD 1.*19 AYLMER -CHOICE OUAUITYI IUMAITOESi9 Fi. O ins559 FROZEN - HIGH LINER - BOSTON BLUE 20-Or. Pkg. FISH CHIPS 79< KELLOGG'S FROZEN 21.Oz. Pkg. DELUXE Pza s2.49 REAL G000 VALUEI 2- Lb. 61- A'S FROZEN LEO D'OR Crown Corn f SYRUP V7' PARCMMENT WRAPPEO I-Lb. Pkg. SunspunA MARGARINE445c LAUNDRY - POWOERED S-Lb. Bag CHEER Detergent s22 kOIKER 3$1. SURENE BRAND 22-Lb. Baq DOG 9 KIBBLE 3 LrD. mItî. St. arm 11-- ieCORN FUIqg OIL 19 PL . LTIN tg PL. OZ-TIN 6k91: - 9.491 3 BIG-DAYS Thus.Feb 26 Sot, Feb 28 ONIONA RINGS 6-oz. pko.4 FROZEN - Concen.trat.d 6 FI. Os. T!. Weichs 3 LIQUIO 32 Fg- Oz. CeML PALMOLIVE $12 Detergent $2 ABSORTEO COLOURS Cottneîlj!OO Iathroo, Tissus 4' N OEEF FLAVOURBO 24-06- Pbg. MiIk-Bone69 PU mIsaiis 9 AT A GLANCE. THIURS. 26th 'FEB. - Faiir Board1 Directors meeting at Irooklin Conmuffly Centre ait 8 pa. THURS. 26t1î FEB. - Brooklin Arts & Crafts open night *at the Connunity Centre, 7--9:30 p.rn. THURS. 26tlî FEB. - Hlunters Safety Training Course, Lake Vista Club flouse, Oslhawa, 7:30 p.m. Caîl Carl Sedora,- 655-3250 for more details. FR1. 27th FEB. - Euchre at Ashburn Conîrnunity Centre starting at 8 p.m. FRI. 27th FEB. - Level IV Semi-Formal Dance, at United Churcli Hall, 8 p.m. --1a.m. Cail Joe Pengelly 655-4596 for tickets. SAT. 28th FEB. - t).T.R.'s Dance at Club Anrenne, Port Perry. Caîli 655-4422 or 655-3287 for tickets. MON. Ist MAR. - Group '74 regular meetini at Brooklin Community Centre, 8 p.m. TUES. 2nd MAR. - Craft night, Ashburn Comrnunity Centre, 7 p.rn. FR1. Sth MAR. - Brooklin- & District Kinnettes Fornmation night, Hleydenshore Pavillion. Caîl 6554953 or 655-3662 for tickets. FR1. l2th MAR. - St. Leo's Sep. School Skate-a-thon Brooklin Arena, 9:45 a.m.'-- 11:45 a.m. That's it for yet anotiier week. Keep those calls coming hi.' LIZ 655-3750. Corridor dance Friday%, The Corridor Area Rate- annual Corridor Capers dance payers' Association's second will be held 7,eb. 27 at 8:30 p.m. at lleydenslîore Pavillion. Tickets are $7 per couple by caîling 725-8967. There will be prizes, and a luncheon will be scrvedl at the dance. Swimmin g cancelled Public swimming at the Iroquois Park swimming pool will be cancelled Wednesday * Feb. 25 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The recreation.,de- partment says the cancellation is due to a staff training exercise. Euchre r Saturday MIRACLE The Whitby Progressive Conservative Association will be -holding, a progressive le-OZ.JA euchre and bridge party at the Legion Hall on Byron 51 St. Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $1.25 per person. i - -For further information cal FLAVOUR CRYSTALU 725-8967. Humane Society meeting- Mareh il Tom Hughes, executive vice-president of the Ontario Huniane Society, will talk about local concerns at tlhe Whitby shelter. at the annual mîeetinîg of the Society's Ontario County brandi, March il at the Centennial Building. The meeting will be held in room 203, starting at 8 p.nî. A report will be received on the operation of the shelter on Thickson Road and there will be an assessment of the year's operation in 1975. Other business wil include the election of officers for the branch fo 1976. ýWFD ordance March 12 The Wlitby Fire Depart- ment will be holding the second of its l2Sth Anniver- sary dances at Heydenshore Pavillion March- 12 at 8:30 p.m. Proceeds from the dance wilI be used to pay eKpeii5t; of the Ontario Fire Fighters Association Convention during the County Town Carnival. Tickets are available at the main fire hall at Brock and Coîborne Streets or from Don Ferguson at 728-2789. mi---- - - - -~ I. BROWN'fS FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY- PHONE 655-4521 lABOS TOFe 1-LB. *A sj9.4 wu afufl ff so L oa flr [WAET ". ýk*-l -2 ýl qpfflý- à .L

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