Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Anders-lon carnivaifeýatures boys',beuty con't'es't Anderson's Winter Carnival was a- huge sticcess last Friday, due t0 the organiza- lion of Ray Pardon and the Carnival Cornnittee and the participation of the miajority of students. Highlights of the day were many and included "Prissy" (Fred) -Prinzen as the winner of the Boys' Beauty Contest, dressed as a So-ithern Belle. Carnîval Queen Marlene Foran, and Carnival Ki ng Tom Foster, joined with thie iiuge crowd assembled to cheer the pancake eat;rs 10 a somewhat dubious vic tory. Home Roorn tearns corn- peted with oneanother in the sports events throughout theý day, with an exciting added attraction of, a hilarîous teacher-stu dent basketball game. On Friday, February 27, the Anderson Debating Team will once again travel to Port Ilope, to compete against Trinity College School and The Ontario Ladies College. The topic is: Resolved - "That Our Schools are Serious Roadblocks 10 Education ini Ontario". Also titis weekend, five1 members of the wrestling1 tean, who were COSSA winners, wîhl represent Ander- son at Wrestling Waterloo. teams! the AII-Ontario C'l.ampionships in Good luck to both Has your HIome Room raised $25 yet for a bid on a ".Superteam?" Ten teaivs will be made up of 10 Athletic Passport holders and five other scholars who wil participate in a five-day pentathalon. Competitions will include an obstacle course, relay race, volleyball, European hiandball, and ail academic challenge. The draw for bids takes place on Marchi I0. Each home roomi has a cJiance 10 bid and if the teami ,vou own a masses the mo 'st points, the teamn -and thvit home roomn receives a trophy and prizes. Money raised fromn this event will help 10 send students 10 sportsýcamps and support athletics in gene rai. Durham West NDP executive elected Bobi Adamson, former Secretary, was elected Presi- dent of the Durham West New Democraiic R iding Association at the annual election-of officers meetiqg recently. Visibility, according 10 Ms. Adamson, is the key 10 her administration. "Il just isn't enough 10 vote NDP", she said later, "It's time for New Dernocrats 10 make thernselves known to their neighbours. Hey, we're her ...... The other execui.ive mnem- bers- Barry Cornish, Parn Dawson, 1-elen Lightbown, Neil Simpson, Eddie Cauchi, Bill Stark, and Velmna COrnish - agreed with their new leader and the feeling was echoed by MPP Charles Godfrey in bis Queen's Park report to the meeting. "1'm trying- and have heen for years - the MPP quipped, "10 show people that the 'socialist hordes' are just humnan beings like everyone else". With the launching of a new -executive year, the NOTICE BOB CAWKER ENTERPRISE US NOW MR. RENTmALLîD (same address & telephono) 400 Mary St. E. Whitby 668-9881 WE RENT EVERYTHINO (WeIl Almost Everything> WE STULL SELL WE STULL SERVICE & REPAIR Paint - Fire Extinguishers Fr xigihr Pipe Fittings - Glass - KeysWidw -Scen Batteries - Paint Supplies Cut Keys - Sharpen Saws MANY NEW RENTAL ITEMS BEING AD)DED'FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE FREE PARKING AND WE DELIVER riding association starts another membership diive, partly to renew and gel reacquainted with last year's members, said Neil Simpson, Membership Chairperson and partly 10 ask for money 10 wipe out the enormous Provincial NDP election debt. Mr. Simps9)n, who is also the riding association's past, president, stated that the party needs over $200,000 10 pay for the September 18 election last year. He added that he intends 10 pressure his memnbership canvassers to ask fcdr larger contributions this year. "Because of the new Elections Act' Ms. Simpson said, "people who contribute to, the- party can deduct 75 percent from their incomne taxes". Executive member Velma Cornish. announced the opening of the Action Centre at 62A Old Kingston Road in 'Pickering Village. She went on to invite menîbers 10 publicize the bffice and ils RENOVATION SALE CLEARANCE 0 F ALL SPORTS EQU IPMENT STARTS THURSDAY 26TH FEB. ENDS SATURDAY 6TH MARCH SHOES TRACK BASEBALL ALL SOCCER 20%FF STU J.ENKINS SPORTS CENTRE 1 10 5 p.m. daily hours, and MPP Godfrey's availability every Frîday "for advice, complaints, or gossip". Whitby resident arrested AWtultby resclettwas among 22 people arrested lasI week by the RCMP and charged with offences related t0 trafficking and possession of drugs. Charged with conspiracyto traffic inmehm eaie is Patrick Joyce Williams, 21, of 51 Scott St. -he will appear in court in Lindsay to face the charge. Fire Dept. in 26th place The Whitby Fire Depart- ment has learned that il has ranked 26th out of 92 Canadian competitors in the National Fire Protection Association's 1975 fire pre- vention contest. In 1974 the Wh-itby depart- ment was third in ahI Canada and first for its population category in Ontario. Official notification of the exact placing of the fire department has not yet been received said Deputy Chief Ron Hawkins, who is awaiting further word on lte resulîs. 06COLIORME ST. E. 668m3746 You arc invitcd to attend I th Annual Meeting Whitby District Family Y.M.C.A. Thursday Marclh 4, 1976 7-9 p. n. Henry Street High Schooi Cafetoriurn Dispiays, demonstrations, annuai report and buffet Aduits $ 1.50 Students .75 cents Reservations 668-6868 "TiUE WHITBY Y IN ACTION IN THE COMMUNITY- 20% OFF ALL WINTER SPORTS GOODS EXAMPLE: - TITAN'IHOCKEY STICKS 57I REG. $8.95 7 SOILED GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SPEEDO SUITS REG. FROM $ 10.95 20% OFF'

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