Whitby Free Press, 18 Feb 1976, p. 6

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P>AGE 6, WEL)NESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1976, WFIITB3Y FREE (Br~kin ~ B'ines Lately, I have had te disappoint irnany of my coutri- butors to the coluinn for the simple reason thati 1an getting tlie informiation a little too laIe. Aîthough you inay not rn'd this uintil the Wed. or even the Thurs. or Fni., 1 write the columin on Sunday evening aI the latest ... (I keep promising myself that l'Il get it done on the Friday ...but somiething always turfis up to foil that litte idea!) ...and rny considerate spouse undertakes te deliver it first thing on Mon.' miorning. Whichi means that if yen caît me aI the last minute on the Mon. 1 cannot guarantee you a write up for that week. Se please try and get your news in before the weekend, and then I can give your event the full pubticity that it-deserves. The Ashburn letter camne in a litîle tee lte te dojustice te their book sale. But for those early birds who read this on Wed. merning, why ne *t try and get tô the Ashburn Cemmunity Centre today as there is a sale ofliardcover and paperback books being held between 2 and 4 p.m.? As yen can gel a book for 25 Cents, or 5 for a. dollar, this is just the sale fer the avid bookworm. Next euchre at the Ashburn Centre will be held on Fni., Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. Attendance has been low laIely, due ne doubt te the bad weather conditions. But tho' it rnay be hard te go eut in the cold te gelte the Cemmunity Centre., yeu can be assured of a warm welcome once yen gel there. PRESS Se niark tlie date and go along and enjoy yoursclves. Every. second Tucsday at the Aslbiirn Centre there is a ('raft session. l'in tee talc for- this w'eck's ....held last niglt....but the next sessionr will be held on Tues., March 22nd at 7 p.mi. And if therc are any mlen interested ini forming a local Christianý Men's Croup, then cal 655-3606. The Dept. of Natural Resources is hiolding a 1-unters' Safety Training Course on Feb. 24th and 26th starling at 7 p.rn. If you enjoy hunting and'are also interesled in the safety aspect of the sport, then why don't you try and gel along to the Lake Vista'Club House on either of these nights? This is the opportunity to obtain your gun licence. If you have any questions, teacher Carl Sedora will be only too pleased to answer lhern for you. You can reach Carl by calling &S 5-3250. The YMCA is starting a Girls' Floor Hockey group if there are enotigh interested parties. AIl girls, 9 yrs. and up, who wonld like to find eut more about the gamne are invited to a free merning run lhro', that witt be held at Meadowcrest School on Sat. Feb. 2lst at 10:30 a.m. The session w 'ill last for an hour and a haîf and ahl you are asked te do is to show enough inlerest and go along and see what it is att about. If yeu enjey yourself and want to continue, then yeu cani sign up. Any further details can be had by catling the 'Y'" office ....668-6868. .Interested in trying out a new craft, but cap't make up your mind as to 'vhat you really want to do? Then why flot go alonglto the Open House that witl be held by the Brooklin Arts and Crafîs aI the Brooktin Community Centre on Thursday, Feb. 26th at 7:30 p.m.? You will see a great choice of crafts that will be offered at the next session of the Craft Croup thal will start on March 4th and will run for 10 weeks. The Brooklin-Arts and Craf'ts is flot just for the older ladies as somne might think. Minimum age is 8 years...and Ihere is no maximum age! Obviouslv, there are differenit prograins for sucl ii age range. Thie "every, very young", between the ages of' 8 and 1l years, and the "very youvg", between thc ages of I12 and 1 5 years, have their programs belween 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. The "just young", 16 yrs. and up, have tîfeir courses between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.- ibe crafts are different and so. are the fees. But there is somnething for everyone and you .shoutd go along to tl-e Open House just to have a- 4'nosey'....l'mi sure you'1l bc delighted with the samples of work that YOU could produce if you- joîned. And, even if you don't do the.latter, the evening should be a delight in itsetf ....for who can fait to appreciate the work and talent in handcrafted goods like pottery, quilting, off-loorn weaving and creative stitchery, to name a few of the crafts that wiIl be displayed. There wiIl also be an exhibition of craft books that yen can obtain from the library that will be ârranged by our own local branch of the Whitbylibrary. A very good evening ail round. Did you read the article on page 2 of last week's Free Press? t found it most interesting ...especially at the part that said, 'Dick Kuwahara, Whtby's public works director says the tewn has an account for the money it gets from setling the metal and glass for recycling but the money in the account is not too'much! I'm fot surprised! This was the first time that 1 had heard that we had a recycling program. 1, for one, think it is a great idea, but why doesn't* the tewn go fuît blast with it? How can one take it seriously with Iust twe drop off boxes both positioned toward the southern end of the town? I'm more than certain that residents in the North Ward are just as keen on recycling and woutd certainly make very good use of drop box somewhere in the North Ward? Perhaps we should have recycting comrpetitions between the wards.... ah money from each ward to be spent on the ward that coltected it. Maybe then we contd aIl gel the extras that we want wilhout having to BROWN 'S FOODMASTER OÀàdo BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTN WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 atisfactlî VaPOA CULVERNOUSE gIAF IAMONS o STERLING POWOEIED- LAUNRY CANTO CNOîCî PARKAY TABLE WAGON SUNLIGHT MIKCREAMso INS CRNf...TI.Marai SALT WHME EL S DETERGENT C R 119f.e.tn1-L O 24-02 PACKAGE 12-02. PACKAGE - -LO. PACKAGE 3<12085 9 9c79c99 ...,UlEEItiL~lI-laiMWt Om NsIX DMAISÀWhI Si» o s.-6 p.'. MM II YL 9 ~m ECONOMY RED ROSE TEA BAC'S Cello Bag 55C of 90 -9 E ANA DA No 1 WHITE -CLOVIN Brown Beur Creamed HONEY 1-1b. 95S Jar ~ 5 ýUPREIII SP NO ,LII.HT DARK 001< JELLY MALLOW BISCUITS ~14-oz. cello C Pkg. 79 ASSOTEG R""'Y TO SENVE ROBIN-O0 OATMEAL CEREALS Pkg.C o 2?% LEMON FLAVOUREO AdAItStSrength NEO-CITRAN PACKAGE 0'F"-1i. Feminine Napin KOTEX m mi.. UBE.. TOOTH FASTE PEPSODENT (1l PUE WITH 3) BEAIJTV BAR LUX SOAP ".2AIR0.. ANTIl-PERSPiiANT SECRET M0 ML COET. BRECK SHAMPOO PKG0 OF 10 ASSORTED VARIETIES (...pt MoEl 41,3«01. $1039 HNZ Foos5s TANEDATR F ekogi 5pof$1 S WESTON 83C CINNAMON BUNS69 CLUB ROUSE 6 SAUCE MXES FUENITURE POUER 25%. MOe Fr". 8109 4 A UOA PLEDGE $1 9 75C D0SPOSABLE [ACH) CRICKET .1 LIGHTERS $1.19 e2 LOWES' 55 ITYLBUBGK ..5 FL2aM.&CoE. -9 DETERGENT 79- Loin 'O" Pork128 TENDERLOIN PORTION - 3 To 3', Las, FAMILY PACK -*9 TO 11 CHOPS - REGULAR Loin Pork aops 1.48IL SPARERIBS i. 1.39c SCHNEIDUER S 140O $%q CIGXlEN 0O R P M TRPIES Eadh 1.27c FRESki)SLICEO PORK LU VER IL 55 c CAMPPRt E BRANS INSIESS BACON lb. 1 .59c PORK CIIOP lb.ý 1.58c- FROZEN IMPORILO LAMB LEGS ENVOLE OR MALr lb. 1 .25c SCHNEIDR NER S RH)1 OIS iiN" WIENERS DUELFOR84 c DEL SOR IAISINC BLADE STEAKS IL 88 c Cut f rom Red Brand Beef HINDS $1.18 Ib.SUDES 79' lb Store Cut & Wrpped FROZF. rODFETURES! FRtOZEN - APPLE- CHERRY SIDLESERRY 2-DZ. PACKAGE SARA LEE Pies sl.019 BREAD DOUGH 99C FROZEN - RUPERT 16-02 PACKAGE COD FILLETS 29LePAKG SWEET PEAS 719 post Corsa SUNSPUN B3ABY SUGAR APiEo'E Pablum CRISP CREAM (.roals 13-Ci Pkg PFiit s Bei ksIEOR. PEe 89 3a18 3 BIG-DAYS Thursm. FER 19 Sat. FEBR 21 increase taxes. Serionsly, if yen want toe help, then get on te the town te provide us with the necessaries. Let's ail do our share in conserving and _ recycling. 1 found 'another interesling article ..ctually a lelter ... on page 4. (LasI weeks was a good issue, Mike!) And oh how 1 agree wilh Mr. B. Collins wilh his remarks regarding dog tags. But 1 have fast corne te the concl-isien that the Price and Wage guide- lines were for everyone but varions levels ef gov't. Taxes, it seems, are exempt! But, if the Town of Wihltby îhinks that it is going te gel a greater revenue by increasing the tags, then -they shouid think again. Dog owners can be divided up mbt two groups..respen- sible and the reverse. For years, the former have been bearing the brunt of deg cenîrol by paying their deg tags. While the others have been îaking their chances and usually are the ones thal make dog control necessary by allowing their ,,nimals te ruin loose. And every limne their lias beeni an increase, tlhe former have dutifully paid up. But don't the "\vise eues of XViby" realise that even the- xorini villturn? In- creasingc cosîs like this. ini- stead cf encouraging ownerS to tag their animais, wil, if anytliin produce the very opposite ... ii Jher words, more will take tlemi chances! There is neo compensation for those who have hiad their animats spayed or neutered aI their own expense... n, l'ni net suggesting that the town pay for il, but 1 do feel that there could be grealer encour- agemnent for ail te fellow this excellent trend if they fonnd that they ceuid get some relief when il cornes le buying a tag. I would aise tike te see a rundown of income fromi tags..and le what use il is put. Dees the Humane Society, which ha5 the job ef animal contrel, gel the lot? Or is the surplus put te other uses? If the meney is put te general use, then why aren't ether ferrns ef pet keeping aIse taxed? The minI they ce'utd make frem cal tags! I agree with .yeu, B. Cellins. There is ne reasonable explanation for this increase, it is just another excuse to rake ini the dollars. And, if I arn offending any member of Council who feels there is a justification in their Cout'd on P.. 9 California Sunkist Navel Oranges Dci. 89 Snowwhite California No. 1 Cauliflower 794 Facy Red D.Iicious LAppnles 3 Ibs. 794 DMERY AT

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