~e, .q ~Y\ I. f 1 i - 'f WFIITB Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1976, PAGE t5 S SIee a eu BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: - February 8 to February 14 Avoid making a phone cati that you know will upset you emotionally and disrupt your daily routine. For npw, silence is golden! A definite change in attitude, toward the opposite sex, shows in your chart for many older mnembers of your sign. Those under your sign, unattached, shoutd anticipate overtures from an unexpected source; things are favorable in affairs of the heart. Platonic associates and people who llke to talk, seem to dominate your chart. This week might be "exciting," in a dull sort of way. It might seemn like stock advice, none: thetess, re-read documents before you sign. Being misted by printed mat- ter is indicated. lIon't let first impressions foot you! A member of the opposite sex, 50 it seems, is determined to deceive you. LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICOPN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Most members of your sign tend to be in a free wheeling mood, as f ar as finances are concerned. Two things show in your chart! There's ad- ded responsibility on the way, and having your way with the opposite sex. Diptomacy, this week, won't be one of your strong points. Guard your words, es- pecialty with close associates, and loved ones. Remember, one ship saits East another, West .. .with the same wind. It isn't the gale, but the set of the sail-that determines the direction we take. Take care when discussing a problem with someone in authority. Apparentty, you're in the mood to provoke a superior. Don't depend on help or cooperation. Especiatty, when surrounded by asso- ciates, whom you know oppose you, se- cretly. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, tend the day, month, year and place of birth, plus $1 .00 for postage and handling ta Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. 0. Box 1 2766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. SINCE 1950 TFIEY'VE I3ELIEVED "ANYTHING WORTH DOJNG IS WORTH DOING. WELL" CHARGEX AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION'S VOR tINI3EATA13LIj WORKMANSIIIP & PRICES 22728-73939 22KING ST. W., OSHAWA CROSSW4 Outhes 1 Court wlnd star DOWN 5 Thin 1 Pungent soup 2 Soda 10 Feilow- fountain il1 Somnewhat speciatty 13 Tatk 3 - for wildly (exýcet ini) 14 Rainent (4 wds.> 15 "1 Like -" 4 Nethertands 16 Hurry commzune 17 Sho- 5 Havizig a agreemenit giant 18 Muffles I.Q. 20 Kipling 6 Velocities hero 7 Cooperstown 21 Murderous name 22 Forearm 8 Under- bone estimate 23 Repro - (3 wds.) ductive ceil 9 Demi- 25 An American goddess in Paris 26 New Mexican13 ' art I cotony 27 LoAuver- -- 28 Purpose 29 Turned s aside - 32 Sufflx Of U cardinal numbers 33 Ratchet 23 24 34 New Guinea port 2 35 Gerinan art songs 28 37 Saucy 3 38 "LilWy aid - - of Astolat"9 39 Mythotogical Greek princess 40OSharp E 12 Osceota ' 25 Styptie or Pontiac 27 Took part (2 wds.) in 16 Ro:iai 29 Draina word segment 19 Diana - 30 Arkansas 22 - Bator town 23 Historian 31 Divert Henry - from Conunager 36 Excavate 24 Roofing 37 Aromatic substance herb Gord Wick (right) presents librarian Aldine Wick with new books to be added to the Brooklin Horticultural Society Library. Mr. Wick, past president of the society, made the presentation last Wednesday at the Brooklin United Church hall. Free Press Photo Eight books presented ofGord Wick, past president ofthe Brooklin Hortic ultural Society, presented eight new books to the society's "grow- ing" library Wednesday, on F behiaif of himiself and bis ie Aldine Wick, librarian, accepted the donation, which brings the society's library collection at no charge by members. Guesis are welcome to corne ard see the assortment of books on almost any aspect of gardening. The first meeting of the year was held at the Brooklin United Church Hlai last Wednesday, at whicli Mr. Wick gave an illustrated slide talk on growing the newer varieties of annuals fron seed. Mr. Wick noted that seed catalogues are an excellent source of inforî '-tiofl on growing. conditions. l-lybrid seed is miore expenisive, lie said, but weIl worthi the results it brings. Mr. Wick showed stides of sone of the newer varieties of narîgolds which werc still perfect at the peak of lasi year's dry speil. lie mention- ed strawflower and nastur- tiums of the older varieties which are stili popular. Carolyn Stevens, the new secretary, wonl the door prize for the evening. Meetings of' the Brooklin Horticultural Society are held on the fourth Wednesday of every m-onth except July and December. l'le next meceting, Feb. 25, will feature a talk on wildflowers. BWMHA house league cont'd FROM PG. 15 Allen Andrews, and Eddie Huinink. Larry Holdershaw and Steven Matika replied for the losers. MA.OR MIDGET - JUVENILE t U.A.W. Local 222, with 17 points on eight wins, one tie and four losses, have a narrow lead in the major midget-juvenile division. Whitby Welding have won six ganes, tied three and Iost four, good enough for 15 points and second place. Bell Canada are in third place with 1 2 points on five wins, Iwo tics and six losses. Ottenbrite's Men's Wear are in the cellar with eight points on three wins, two tics and eight losses. Ottenbrite's Men's Wear and Whitby Welding hattled to a 2-l standoff as Woyne Owen and Wayne Colley scored for the former and John Muir and Tomi McPherson for the latter. U.A.W. Local 222 downed Bell Canada 4-1 on two goals by Brent Legafflt and singles by Brian Ward and, Anzo Rinaldi. Martin F[ li replied for Bell Canada. Sure 've taken some rîsks ini my life. But one thing 1 won't gamble on is my future. The stakes are just too high. That's why 1 started lookîng into retirement savings plans. ancd I found out they're not aIl alike. The one that nmade the differc'ricc for me is the Torunto Donion01 Retirement Sa (1ngs X'pos>.I[ fias ai, the benefits of a batik dupa)o sit built righit in and is nul subject to stock market fluctuations. 1 can put mnonýy into it whenevér 1 want. my interest is compouncied twice yearly. and as long as il stays in the plan. it*s tax free. The TD RSD earns a higher- interest rate than a savinys accounit. and. if I1 -ove. my RSD moves wîîhti me. to anyof the TD branches across Canada. S But what*s best of ali is that I knoul my money is as secure as the TD Bansk itself. And that means my future is secure. So if you're interested in a safe bet. start your TD Retirement Savings Deposit todav. TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make the difference ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June-20 MOONCHILD) June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ...but one thing l'Il bot on is myTO Retirement Savings Plan. TODAYIS ANSWER