Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRIESS Donation willýh.elp pay for new operating room equiprnent Gladys Oatwvay, head nurse of the operating roorn at Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital, expiains the workings of an anaesthetic machine te George Fothergili who recentiy made a sizable donation te the hospital for purchase of operating roomn equiprnent. Free Press Photo A nicilnher of une of, Wh/ltby's oldesi famnilles, George Fothiergili, 88, madle a sizabie donation te the Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Hiospital Friday. The donation, iijade un1 behtaif ot' imiiscl ', hiis late brother Charles and biis Late sister Elizabeth, wiII bc put toward the purchase of operating rooim cquipnîent as lie requested. Mir. %,,"tlergili mnade the donation because lie would like to see the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Ilospital capable of pertiormiîng sinle ofthie major compi icated surgery whichi, at îîresen t, is cairried ou t at the Oshawa General ilospital. I-is secondary 1reason floi. mnaking the dena tien is thant, during a stay ini the hiospitai, lie was "t reated very weil". Mr. Fothergili. whio lives at 142 Byron St. N., said tlîought about înaking the 10 years. Hospital will- stay open, administrator believes John Kunetýky, adminis- tratr 'of' the Dr. J. O. Rdddy Generai Hospital, dees net lielieve Ontarie Governrnent budget restraints wili force a ci usure ef bis bespitai. Returning f'rur a meeting with Ministry of i-ieaith officiais in Barrie iast week, M'r. Kunetsky said lie was infornîed tuit it wii bc the beginining of Marcli before huospitals wiii be told what individual restraints xviii be puIt o11theni. These constraints couid take- ene of three fornîs- ciesure, a reductien in beds, or a reduction in staff', he said. "We wili be affected iii W.M.G. Marketin ANNOUNCES (F i(PKing St., West Os;hawa Manilla, Ont. Simcoe St., North Hampton, Ontario Ohw MARIO AND RENITO'S HAIR STYLING Olympic Coin Set Winners eiaStOhw LYLE'S CUT-RATE GÀS HORTrop VARiETY BAY SPORTS ZEPHYR' POSTOFFICE Brooklin, Ont. Oshaiw.. Ont Bay Ridqes, Ont. Zephyr, Ont. ALLAN BUSH'SMEAT MARKET TONY AND FRANK'S BARBER SHOP Keswick, Ont. King St. West, Oshawa some way but 1 don't think it l viife clôsure", he said. Mr. Kunetsky said that the Dr. Ruddy Hospital stands littie chance of closure fie- cause il is a new building which dues net require rene- vations, and is a fast-growing area. The occupancy rate fer the 100-bcd hespital in 1975 was about 82 per cent, and ibis is "pretty geed", he said. Mir. Kunetsky said the bespital lias not yet set its 1976 budget, for it is awaiting a letter frem tbe federal govertiment concerning bud- geting guidelines and an ex- pianation of federal inflation programs. This is expected in mid-February, be said. M r. Kunetsky said the meeting in Barrie Jan. 13 deait wi tb general cern- ments on ecenomies in the previncr's bealth system, but did net address itseif te mndi- vidual cases. Hie said that if a hospital xvas te be ciesed, ils board wouid be informed by the Miniistry of Heaith prier te a public aniieuncenient. and a meeting wouid fie heid beîxveen the board and rninistry officiais. Library holding - hobby disp lay Fourteen individuais and five community organizations froni Whitby and Brookiin- xviii be exhibiting at the Whitby Public Library's hobby show Jan. 29 and 30. The hobby show, in the town council chambers from 2 p.in. te 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.mi. is part of the Li bra ry's hobby month prograrn. On display xviii be books on hobbies and crafts, which are available at the library. Films on various crafts wiii run continuously during the show. Organizations exhibiting are the Whitby Garden Club* with a plant show, Fairview Lodge with crafts, Brookiin's Group '74 with pioneer crafis, the Pine Ridge Rug Hooking Guiid with rug hooking, and the Whitby Library Puppet club with puppets. Individual exhibitors are Mrs. Heather Kink, niacramne; Mrs. 1-ilda Schmnidt, carding, spinning and weaving; Mrs. Rita Cane, water colours; Mrs.. Beatrice Myring, appie doils; Mrs. Shieila Cormiack, quilts; Mrs. Shirley L-iveiy, rocks; Johin Luff, photography; Williami Smitbi, oil painting; P. J. Wilson, wood carving; Mrs. Fern Robjtaiiie, assorted crafts; Karen Piatts, sheils; and Mrs. Eliy Van Ryni, weaving. Mars The planet Mars circies our sky in just under two years as, il revolves around the suni in about 687 days. Mars has an eccentric orbit. sametimes it- is 35 million miles from us. sometimes 234million miles.

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