Whitby Free Press, 14 Jan 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Concllrsprpheyinn ilpro blems tin 1976 iîîe"l rs r p es jtn ntin a se."esol oksle niterciel Gloorny forecasts abotit financial problenîs in 1976 predominated at the first town counicil meeting of 1976, Saturday, but the counicil monibers announced their determination t10 ieiet these prolblems head-on. Councillor Joy Tboinpson said she could not possibly sec hiow the town could conie through with no nîill increase in local taxes as. it did last year, because of union con- tracts increasing the payroll conisiderably and new staff ,boing required for the swimi- miing pool and senior citizeni centre. "The cost of maintaining the town bias increased", she si."Your tax dollar will flot buy the sine ainount of service it did in 1974 or 1975. 1 ask you 10 think whiat you could carry less--a loss of your services or anothoer mill on your taxes". Coun. Ken Hobbs announ- ced that "the fighit against inflation starts now and bore Ho doscribed a recent troasuror's report as "a horror story", for it predicts a SI million incroase in expondi- turcs for the town over last yoar's exponsos. He su ggestod the staff should flot puit the council in a position where i has t0 pull down sucb a- large in- creaso, and went on to say that the council sbould talk to the sehool board and rogion about what their cx- penises are to be. "Loc'al groups, if publically CLEARAN< SALE 1 VALUES UP TO 25% OFF Ibis is the first tlime in Durharn Region that the ,se quality instrulments have been rnade available ai such fan tasticty LOW LOW PRICES. These are ust a fewv of the many values now aithie Music Factory. Fcnder Musiemaster Finished in Legand white, maple neck. Tsvo way bridge. A ire- mendous vatue. Reg. 5285.00 SALE S249.9: Fender Precision Bass Sunburst finish with a vcry rare birds eye maple neck. The farnius zlectric bass with tru:ý pecrformance. Rog. S539.00 SALE S459.95 f,ender Telecaster Blond finish with a mnaple neck. A favorite for over ').cars Reg. S523.00 SAJLS4-5.0 Fender Stratocasier *Sunburst wvithi a maple neck. The famous Stralocasier sound sitha bite. Reg. S5 55.00 SALE 5495.0( Tender Twin Reverb 100 watts R.M.S. Hleavy duty 12" speakers. Two channels. Reg. 5895.00 SALE S795.0, Fender Champ Single,çhannel with two instru- *ment imip uts. Ideal student amp. Rog. $ 15 5.00 SALE S5129.9 5 Myann Less Paul Copy Sunburst - Tu n-o-nlatic bridge, 1w humbucking pickups. Pear inlaid rosewood neck and more. Fantast %eg. $309.95 SALE $265.09 w le )o vo ;tic 0 called upon to provide certain services- would be willing 10 -dj it", he said, "but instead we take the easy way out and increase the civil, service." "We should take last year's cash) flow for every depart- ment and inaintain that cash flow, s0 we can maintain our tax rate", hie said. Counicillor Hobhs encour- aged the public 10 corne out to the town's budget Ùiscus- sions to see how their nioney xviii be spent. Counicillor Gorry. Enim, chairman of finance, aimed miost of his remnarks at the region, stating that the region mnust reduce its administra- tive costs. Counicillor Emmii sugge sted that the regional staff could carry out studies which arc presefltly sent out 10 con- sultants at high costs. "I hope to bring sorne relief 10 the taxpayer", lie said. Counicillor Tomi Edwa rds saîd ho would support a reason- ableo-attempt 10 lirnit spend- ing "but not at tho expenise of those who work for the Town of Wfhitby." He called on the staff to. incroase officiency, sug- gesting tha-t the town miust stroamnline its methods of dealing with problenis and complaints. Ho also advocated the formation of a policy nmanual to siniplify comîicil proceduros, and the reduc- lion of distribution costs for the municipal bulletin. CE nivox Rickenbacker Bass orgeous natural finish. Two pick ps, siereo. Floating bridge. A au tifut guitar. 'eg. S299.00 SALE S255.00 Idegas Accoustic Guitar osewood baqk and sides. Pearl laid rosewood neck. Rotery achene heads. A prot'essional u i tar. .eg. S 199.00 SALE S 159.95 danix Accoustic Guitar ýose\vood thrce piccc back, rose- vood sides. Gold roîery niachiene cads. Rosewvood finaav bord. eaulifuil peari inlaid. A macniti- [eg 2I69.95 SALE S21 9.95 Westbury Drumns 20' Bass- 14' Snair, 16' loor tom, 14' tannor toin. high hat, snair stand bluei'I1 finish. Rog,. S28ý.00 SALE $229-95 Guinnini Guitar Hand made from Brazilian rose- wood. Must be seen lu be appeciated. R9g.$199.00 SALE $149.95 Many - Many other guitars - Amos and accessorizzs at tremen- dous savings. SALE ENDS - JAN. 31/76 102 Dundas St. W., Whitbý' (ai 4 corners) Rentai- Repairs- Lessons- Sales & Service FENDER-MA RSHALL-PEAV OVATION-YAMAKI-SHURE LUDWIG- ROGER S- UNIVOX OPEN: 9-6 daily 9-9 Wed.Thur. 1-n. îIactori i Finances were not thei onl1Y topic of' concern for 111e mienbers of Council Saturday. Counicillor H-obbs said thta hîs main concern was to nmain- tain the identity of Whiitby, in the face of thie recent Oshawa proposal to anialga- nMate with htie town. "Tlîe identity of this municipality nîust always bc nîaintaincd as the largest town-city in this province", lie said. "1If anybody atempts 10 change the identity of this, town and amnalgamiate with soniething else, 1 will lead a fighit like you have tiot secrr before". Councillor Bob Carson, the newest miember of tlhe town council, ùlso had biis concernis about identity. "Don't lct us be the forgot- ten north warcl", lie said, speaking for thie part of the town hie represents. "I urge the counicillors 10 drive uip and sec whiat the problenîs are in tlie north". Counicillor Carson explained that the town's other thiree wards have much in cominion, but tlie north ward is very different with irs "hianîlets, villages, farmiers and people living in a rural setting". "These people have differ- cnt problenîs, needs and desires", lie said. Couincillor Carson. as chair- ni of planning, said lie was interested iii hcaring the opinions of citizenis' groups, and announiced thiat tlhe "&wheels are starting t0 turn" tor tlie building of a senior citizens apartnment in Brooklin,. Councillor Emniii expressed concern thiat it sonîctîniies takes a ycar 10 proccss appli- cations to the town, and people gel discouraged and - move away. "I want 10 speed up the process; we arc here t0 make decisions", lie said. Councillor Enmin said the staff and services should be kcpt in relation 10 the growth of the town, but pointed out thiat altbougb the roads are împroving thiere is niore work requircd on maintenance of di tehes. Ne said bie will continue 10 publish bis newsletter in the local press, and invited residents 10 attend counicil P Couincillor Don Lovelock expressed concorn that "we are in for a long period of slow or negative growth . Whlat is thîe leadership of councit to-be in 1976?" ho Psychiatritc Un 5Go utý bc; Re El R( in] m R w ci R 5ni together as a toam 10 corne asked turîflor wneutner un, up witb positive solutions ho îown should provide jobs he our probiems"'. -50 peoplo born in Wbitby w~ Ile also asked the residents not have to \Ieave i and councillors what kind of comnmunity. Whithy they wanted for them- Hospital Administrator selvs an thir ciicrenare l ere to implement homes for spectal care Whitby Psychiatrie I ospital Administrator Milton J. Fishier bias been autliorizéd to admin- ister Homes for special Care in the bospital's catchmrent area, and will be taking over this responsibility in the noar future. The puirpose of the the appointîment is 10 sot up an arrangenient which will hielp 10 inîiprove the inove- nment of patients and the pro- grainiing fQ)r those people whio are no longer psychiatrce patients but arc Linder super- vision in Homos for Specil Care ifacilities. Thesc facilities were esîab- lished in 1964 10 alloviate overcrowding in Psychiiatrie hospitals and niental retarda- lion institutions in Ontario. People were movod into and licenced nursing homos under this concept. Today, objectives regarding provision of care of those wbo require supervision are affect- ed by changes in social values and attitudes towards provi- sion of care, says hospital officiaIs. Problemis have ýbeen sur- facing, thoy say, and it was foît that* integration with psychiatrie hospitals would provide a now outlook, to help determîne the care need- cd for those who had been mentally il] and coul d not cope with life on their own. The total num)0Pr of Homes for Special Care bods in Ontario at 'the beginning of 1976 is 7,469, of which 659 belong to the Wbitby catch- niesined as nurhsing54home bes nd 117narrsidential. Te budge7 refrshe total.o grhm is mr or te ttha$50- grm in.han$5 hit Pycitrenosi ta'Whief Scial Wc orker Nicls Barf caill super- vise the continue Senior1 Matuk, Troc fers, who acts The proram iwich suier trogbe carid out b Fi ed Wrer N. b Field Worko rNM. Find MrHiker M asd sccr.otary. asoratol o manemnzt mioo for homos for special caro is ox- pected soon. Its function initially will be too develop an appropriate policy manual 50 that alI psychiatrie hospi- tals will have simnilar goals. Mayorjimi-s hopeful FROM PG. 11 Iýý miajoir resideîîtial developinent should ho approvcd unbil 'tliose presently underway are pub on thie nmarket and assinîulated imb btcecoin- nîuniby. Tliere are cîiough honmes approved now bhat il wvoîld take ilîrce 10 five years 10 huild them aIl, lie said. Mayor Gartshoro in boîli addresses, predicted tliore will ho a def-inite iîîcroase ini in- dusîrial anîd conmnercial growth ii Wliîby i 1976, but puintcd ouIt tat wlîcroas a year and a hiaîf ago, business "rolled iii, now you have 10 liustle, but it is thero for you if you go out and fight for it". opment is a' regiotial respoiisi- bility, Mayor Gartshore said thie town of Whitby is not prep-jred to abdicatc ils inter- esîs ini this area. I New developnîcnts in 1976 will includo tlîe openiîîg of thie senîior citizens contre, and hopefully, the construc- tion of a senior citizens' apart- nient on the Coîborno Street Sclîool site, hoe said. Also, Mayor (Jartsiiore said lie would lit ' -0to 00 tle Brook- ini planning studios coniplcted in 1976. Mayor Gartslîore statcd that lie expocts somne rejuvi- nation of Itie downtown and cleariing up of thie back alîcys, happon only witb the co-opor- ation of the owners involved. Ho urged the Chamber, industry and business to commuîiicate thoir, needs 10 the council, and stated that altboughi 1976 will bo a yoar of problemns, it should be a year for "challonging, croativo admninistration". More duties 1 In order 10 furîlier stroan- lino thie oporation of Whitby 1Council, Towvn Clerk William Wallace lias boon formally given extra responsibilities and autlîoriby. Program director referred Whitby Counicil recently re- ferred ho tlîe 1976 budget discussions a recomnnîdation froni Director of Recreation Wayne DcVcau that a pro- grami direchor for thie new seniior citizens' activity cenitre ho iried at a sal-try uiot ho cxceed $2,000. Couiicilior Geïry Enîmi, wlio put forth the. notion 10 refer, said "Iiktlîhk le senior e itizens can look fer tei Council won)~ FROM PG. I "To suggest thiat one olected body have -keýo over anotiier elected body wbere the in- croase is ovor 10 percenit ignores tlîe fact that the reason for increased sclîooi Icosts tfor one municipality could very will ho caused by the dev&lopment plans of the local council", ho saidl. Mr. McEwon reported that activ:. Tlîey don'h feel like losI slîeep". Couiicillor Ken Hohhs felI likewise, saying "the senior cilizens want to bandie tlîeir own affairs and bleîi owîi activit ies witlî a miiinial arinit tif interference". Couuicilior Joy Tlîoîîpson, always a frienid to the senior cil izens, refused ho support the motion, saying "t0 openithie tLveto board "blie -increaso ii sehool costs of over 10O percent could very well ho caused by the redue- lion of proviîici il grants or it .could ho caused hy labour ah: -ration a\vards heyond the control of the sclîool hoard. 1thbas 10 horecognizOd Iliat about 75 percent of sebool board costs are labour coshs". "As we deve!op rent con- trois, the municipalities wili be politicaily forced ,10 WE'RE THE BESTI1N SIGHT THE IPTICAL IDMIUDE %m %ou 13 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 579-1242 KARL A. BLAKOLMER ELFI KROHN DISPENSING OPTICIANS so liard to gel witlîout a director is going 10 niake us look rallier sick. Every senior citizens' acbivity contre 'aas a director". i-iowever, council adopted the referral motion despite the opposition of Deputy Recrea- tion Director Fred Beekelle wlîo said "tlîerc lias to ho one person tliere whîo is rospoxisi- ble for Iliat building". of education restriet Ilîcir increases 10 tho' rate of increaso allowed land- lords, otherxVise the rent con- trols wiIl have 10 ho gauged 10 permîit increase in local taxes above tlie rent control guidelinos", lie said. Mr. McEwen concluded "tlîe suggestion from Port Hope may appear ho ho politically acceptable to tbem, howovor, the above points suggest 10 me that their implèmentation would bo alnîost impossible". Budget meetings Whitby Council will ho holding mecetings on January 210,22,27 and 29 ah 7:30 p.mi. cach niglit 10 reviewthie i1976 budget estiniates. The nmeetings are open-10 the pùbuli;ý and will be lîeld ini bhe coutncil elîailîhers ah 405 Dundas Street West. asked. "We sliould work ýiiQ rnilld L- .4 ýf--nA fli là f tll JL- 1% xi u à . - - -

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