Whitby Free Press, 7 Jan 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAýY, JANUARY 7,1976. WHITBY FREE PRESS Newsaste Thoas Gbneys Whi*tby resident * newscasterTmeaas(vey uIle by BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer Thomnas Gibney, with bis deep resoîîanî voice bias be- conie a familiar figure to Whitby area residents who watch lini on CETO TV's World Beat News on week days, or listen to hi rend the weekenti. îewscasts oîi radio station CFRB. It nîaf flot be generaily kîiowîî. bowever, thiat vIr. Gibney bias been a resident of Witby since Augîsl I1974, and lias takeîî an active part in conmnfily activities as inaster of cereionies for con- certs by the Couîîty Town Singe rs. After spendiîîg 11 years bn radio in Calgary, Mr. Gibney came easî 10 becomne the' prime timne îewscaster for CFTO iu May 1974, anti lasI October hie added weekend ne\vscasting on CFRB to bis vo rk. Wîb 20 years of experience on both radio andi televisioli, alrnost entirely in western Canada, Mr. Gibney lias done everything in the business except play-by-play sports. He was boru in Yorkton Saskatchewvan, and got bis first. media job in a radio station at Peace River, shortly afler leaving school. Since then he has worked for radio and television stations in Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Bran- don, Winnipeg anti Calgary, sometimnes doing newscasts, but also regular radio pro- 1 Present coupon grarning, ganie shows, talk shows, anti commiercials. "My job on CETO is one of thue best in Canada, doing their priîîîe timie tnewscast", lie says, "but il îîever occurred 10 mlethat 1'mn sitting on top of' thie heap. it's a Job tu Ille anti 1I duthé best I cani'. Mr. Gibiîey's tisoal week-- day sh if11 at ('1TO is 11: 15 am to 7:15 p.îni., wvlich ijiltIIes prepariuig a O-ve-inulitte newscast Io be read hy Juni Cîrey i 11:55 am, anld reading t1e 6:30 p.nîi. World Beal News. 1 stan- working on 11th (World Beat) newscast about 4 or 4:30 p.mi. and star«t tvping up storiu-5 giveli 10 nie", says Mr. Gibney. "At 5 10 5: 10 p.nm. it's down 10 the mnakeup rooiil, H ien 10 the sttudio". "f see hIle local stories, but I doni't see the iîternational copy '.lie says. "At 6: 10 to 6:15 p.nm. the script is three quarlers ready. I mark it anti puit in cotîlmias and anythîng else 1 waîîî 10 take particular notice of". The World Beat newscast is about 28 minutes lonîg, but Mr. Gibnéy is on the air live, for only about îhree to four minutes because 85 10 90 per cent of the news is recordeti reports on film or videotape. Also soniîe of the limne is devoted to sports and weather presented by other comnien- ta tors. Most of the televised newýi- below with your next rail of colour film for Printing and Developing... SAVE500 Off the Regular Phototinishing Price with this Special 1Holiday Offer! COtPl MiIS COUPOi'tN ANti IPMIt LNI 10)i..ASHIE F -- , -**-- I cast is prepared for Mr. Gib- a ney by other writers and si techinicans, but at CFRB hce writes al l hs newseasts person-n "CERB docsni't lîke 'rip andi read' îiewscaýsts", lhe says, i re ferring Io ripping copy s dircctiy from thie wire ser-vice f telel ype machines anid read- 1 îng il on Ilhe air as it is prin ted. "lch nexvscast you have lu person:illy mvilte. Dcpcnd- il'iîg on hiov fast you type and how mlany 51 ories you want 10 uise, it- takes a gond 50 minutes Io prepare a newscast that wouid last four and a hialf minutes", says M r. Gibnley. On Saturdays, hie does seven newscasls for CERB, and five nievscasts on Su nday s. The 50 minutes inay sceem a long lime to prepare for only four andi a hiaif minutes of actuai rcaidinig, says Mr. Gibney, but the newscaster lias 10 take th1e facts that are given t1 ihlm, Luse bis own style andi put themi into some semiblance of order. Also he cani.be slowed down by hiaving 10 answer the phione or miake phone calis 10 follow up a story.1 Mr. Gibney has his own definite ideas about a news- casIer and his role. "First of al, you would have t0 enjoy it", hie says. "You can't thirow a disc jockey ilit() fews because lhe 1 doesn't like il. tlinik very fast, and you hiave toulhave a certain buillt-mn sense of' values whien youtrc report- ing becauise a niews story c'In lie slatnîed". says Mr. Gibney. "I donit agrec \vltiindivi- du ai ne wscns te rs cdi torii izing. A newscaster slîould nul he alio\Vcd tu edîtorî mute hecause yoIl are gîving yuIîr(mil thliglits ti the news -tory. I la cal) lie verv îlngeî uns. A nescas t er Sîimii d ave a sctiso ut al i1 esptiisitlity ttî tule peuple hecauwe whet ici yun i ealî.'e ilitil, yuu lhave a lt oil l power i At <mietlimIl tleicîce uf Q ays Mr. Gibney, but now the 'biard deep voice" is what'ithe radio anid television stations Nnnt. "I tinik of mine as rniiddle clýass", lie says. "it scins tu wurk. It's wurked for mle for the past 1 8 years. i was very lucky-, 1 was bori w~ithil ". Like any niewscaster-, Mr. Giblney lias heen thle victinm of wh:ît are genierally known as "bltiupe rs",--iniistatkes nmade on the air. One lhe particularly reinin- bers is tryinig say "Rabat, Morocco", and corning out witi "Rabat, Roimocco , flot once, lînt thiree lunes. "Thie îinig to do in sitiuatioris like thiat is ico keep) on going", lhe says. Anthler tlîing lie bias biad to bc careful about is putting a hiumorous story before one aibout a deathi, and laughiing ads lie continues intothe death story. Mr. Gibiney recails tli1 Jirn McLeod, a newscaster in Regina bold Ibin i15 years ago: "The public ouI there likes 10 think you're buman. If you go >on week after week without miaking a miistake, you look like a machine". "Somnetinies he matie a mistake on purpose to shiow thal lie was hiuman" Mr. Gibney recalîs. Mr. Gibney admits that he is nervous wlhen lie does news- casîs. "I'ni nervous before I go on, but hy the second or îlîird story 1 tend Io caîi dow n". Thiere is soînetinies gond reason for lhîmitu lie inervous, ltor ut limies lie starts ai ne\vs- caisi witli hlank oti nissîig pages i i is script, aîid paiges înay be lînnided lu liinî while lic is tiithe air. Alsu ilhere i15Itle ever-pre- sent langer ut az1îîîeclinn1il faiilîtrie Iiiite flîîî nor vitleo- ta ipe e qiinîiie nt w hicli lenve s liiîii wilhi stine t iiilC o lu l Witli an nd-îb wheîii tue slie dtiled report dt îesîi t t't)iio Il lie an. 13nit îlesîi te îîe i V(ilslie.s -111d iilie\lecte(l prileinis 1(1 & B Strinîg Prices aeai wîtu, Mr. Gibney says he likes doing botb television anti radio newscasts, which are "totally different although the content mnay be the same". Because ie is an easily-- recognizeti personalîty, Mr. Gibntey often flinds people corning up to bimi in shopping centres anti on the street, t0 Say hiello. "lt's aiways a warmi greet- i ng I ikel'in i along-i osl frie oti', lie says. "One Cummlent ['ve lieaî d theie nost is thiat i'i nncli bigger thian thiey picture nie hecau-se i 'ii sitIting dowiî i'ni aci nnally six fo- iir*' NIr. (;îhiiey's wife, Donin, lins tankei anlnetive 1uma rtinIiiilie eoîmniiiliity, servi.ig as presi- dcit tl uflite Brotkliiuî-Wliilby, NIinîir I iockey Associatlion. andt is prieseiiy a iîeîîber of tlue Couîî y Townî Sizîgers. Tiîeir fouir clîildreîî are in- U S4.95 S5. 20 S4.25 S4.25 S4.9'5 s z OPENINO SOON I A Second G&B Music Store c located 124 Brock St. South p. volved in the sports scene in Whitby and as far as Mr. Gib- ney is concerned he intends 10 stay on in Whitby for some lime to corne. "I honestly don't think we'd ever go back out west", he says. "I reaîly enjoy IýWbitby; iI's a great town.' Flospîtal ge tting faée lift Despite îîghit budgets, a îîuîîîher of' renovalions are beiig iî tiei te Whitby Psvciit t iospital t10 mi- prove its facîlities. After îîeariy 50 years of use, thie îumîîel containiiig heating pipes anti electrical cables ruîîning froin cottages 14 anti 15 t0 Kitcheni 2 was repaired by tie Ontario Governmneît Services. Contracts have been let 10 instaîl outside fire escaupes to 14 cottages, and the Ontario Cabiniet has approveti kitchen renovations at a cost of S680,000. On a receni vîsit 10 the hospital Johîî Mayîîard, ad- iiistrator of psychiatrie hospitals for the provincial governîîîent, xvas informed that the medical unit required four special chairs ined with foamn blat hiad been developed for space craft. for four very uncoifortable patients. On a recomniendlaion froni Whitby Hiospital Adnîin- istrator Milton J. Fisier, Mr. Maynard agreedtihOe -chairs should be Purchaseti. WVhile new renovations are being made to the hiospital, soiîething old wvas given un. The Mlinisîry of Healîh receîitlv authorizedti lie cdona- tion o;f the hîospitaî's 1940 Fargo Fire Truick tL) tie Caniadian Autoniotîve Museumiîat Oshawa. The truck left Ilile WPH grouiids witIî ils reti liglît flaslîîng. TOM GIBNEY db 1,668m4435 110 BROCK ST. N. iàt., ire!4 Doors North of 4 corners) M Mlartini Ilarco LiBlelIa Batteries Fetider 1) S .3 5 IYAddanio S S.33 9v s .4 S peulite S .10 SPECIAL OFFER ON FAVOURITE HOLIDAY-TIME COLOUR PHOTO DEVELOPING!

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