-A.FlI 6WfI)NESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1975, WHITBY FREE Pl Br®kiin ~~ines How are you feelinig? I guess it depends if you are reading the columin on December 3lst 1975, or on January lst 1976!! Whichever day it is, or whatever state you are in, muy 1 wishi you a very Happy New Year - to you & your fanîilies. May 1976 bring you fulfilîment & happiness over & ubove your expectations. And let me take this opportunity to thunk aIl of you for your support & encouragement thro'out 1975. Out of the whoîe year there was only one week when you had nie worried. Except for miy 3 week vacation in the summer and for this lau-st week whien there was no paper, you have supplied me with enoughi news & views to fili a coluînn each week. I muy do the writing -- but you are the content of the column. Without you there would be no Byli ,nes. So my thanks to conînîunity groups and the Regional & Town Councillors - who have hielped to miake tlis our own 'Ai TODAY655-3750 ACROSS WO ARagD] like aI 1 Turklish weight 5 Hurnbled il The Pequod's skipper 12 Record holder 13 Geometric ratio 14 Balsam or Miner 15 Young sheep 16 Patriotic org. 17 French king 18 prospective 20 Snare 21 Affectionate name for Marshal Foch 22 Nota - 23 Cry of the unsated 24 They shaU be f irst 25 Bornbast 26 Levantine ketch 27 Bard's "lbefore" 28 Wine storage area 3o - de deux 31 Eggb 32 Ccxldle 34 Off ship 36 From a distance Iadder 38 - d'Azur 39 Squeal 40 Salver DOWN 1 Malt Iin 2 Sitting Bull, for one 3 Retire (4 wds.) 4 The 4"Rail- splitter" 5 Eritrean capital 6 Harsh sound 7 Chalice veil Find a comrfortable thermostat setting and leave your thermostat there. Turning the ther- mostat' Up and down constaritly causes wear and tear on equipmeflt, plus încreased need for energy to reheat ameas. A con.stant setting i5 best. 8 Fancy; banker after (4 wds.) 9 Obvious 10 Signify 16 Fal guy 19 Pungent 22 Bucket 23 Type of cherry 24 Refrain in old songs 25 Food 26 Stringerit 28 Deep pink 29 Vaquero's ý rope 33 Three, to card players 35 Danube tributary 36 Statute Fruits, Vegetables Refrigerate mnost fresh fruits and vegetables if possible. Keep bananas, hard apples, citrus fruits and melons at a cool room temperature. After canned fruits and vegetables are open, cover and JWlp in refrigerator. I1t's safe to keep them in their original cans. Keep potatoes, sweet potatoes, hard-rind squash and dry onions in a dark, cool place where air can cir- culate around them. Do not keep under the smnk because it is too warm and damp, there. RESS local infornîed centre. And to those who haive yet to use the invitation to caîl nie & shure thieir news or views let me once ýagain ask you to consider giving nie a euhl & lctting the whole North Ward in on your activity or idea. Could be a good New Year's resoluion! Did you get to the Olde Tynie Christmas on Decenîber 2l1st? Must have been over 300 people who did. It was a greut afternoon and aIl those who helped in the organfization & presentutions should be justly proud of themnselves. The pioneer decorat ions of the tree & hall were done by the Brooklin Arts & Crafts Group - and were delightful. The refreshments prepared by Group '74 were delicious. And Gord & Steve Coupland, Kevin & Reg Smnith, Chris Clifton & Don Johinson did a great job providing the music for the curols. Mention must be made, too, of the Nativity Scene put on by both Brooklin Guide & Brownie Groups. 0f course f'or the little ones Sunta's special agent - Bob lieron, wus the star of the show, very delightfully uided by "Miss Brooklin" - Joane Lynde. AIl in ail a greut ufternoon, rounded off by thc Kinsmen who provided wagon rides uround the town. Congratulationls & thaçLks to aIl for mnaking this a great community afternoon. Next meeting l'or Group '74 wAill bc Monday, Jan Sth - 8 p.m. ut the Community Centre. Asiburn Coinmunity Centre also had a successful Christmas event - their annuai Christmas concert. Not only did the community get togethçQr in the usual f riendly fashion but they also collected $70 for the Salvation Arrny. Thanks go to ail who helped make both the event & the collection a success. The Community Centre Conimnittee would also like to remind Ashburn residents that the Annual General meeting will be held on Jan l4th ut 8 p.m. - & ask that as many as possible corne out to support & elect the 1976 committee. Over at the Brooklin Library there is still room for your preschooler at the Tuesday mother & preschooler storyhour. Nuw that Christrnas is out of your hair you may wish to join in - no admission, just go over to the library & enroîl. By the way the New Year brings new Saturday opening hours. Starting Jan 3rd the library will be open froni 10 arn - 4 pm instead of 9 arn - 12 noon Saturday storyhour will now be from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 1 can't be ail joy & gladness in one column as you well know. My sour note today is the fact that although a beautiful tree was placed outside the Commun- ity Centre - fully lit for ail to delight in, there were certain characters in our Community who couldn't bear to see it. By the tume it had been up for a week ail the lower lighits had been removed!!! Now what earthly good a hight 4iulb of this type is, I'm flot sure. So 1 have to surmise that they were taken for "kicks". Whoever it was that did it 1 hope you realize that you are guilty of theft! Just prior to Christmas some one lost a ladies watch in the North St. area. Cuil Mrs. Vesters, 655-3106 and if you identify it as yours she will be only too delighited to returfi it to you. At a glunce. MON. JAN. Sdli - Group '74 rnonthly meeting at 8 p.m. at the Brooklin Comniunity Centre. New members most welconme. MON. JAN. 5t.h - Registration at YMCA for 2 day playschool at Meadowcrest starting Jan. I2th. WED. JAN. I4th - Ashburn Conrnunity Centre Annual Gencral Meeting. 8 p.mn. at the Centre. Once again it is timie to close unother colurnn. Get the calîs coming in. Take cure & don't forge t to Buckle up when out driving! Happy New Year. TODAYIS ANSWER