whitby Voice of the County Town Kee p on bussin Joy Our plaudits this week go out to Whitby Councillor Joy Tbompson. Couincillor Thomipson's attack onl the Whitby- Oshawa-Bow man ville bus service provided- by Charterwavs Company Limiited seenms to have emibarasscd the companly inito action. After Cotincillor Thornpson labelled the cornpany's buses "rottenl" anid said thiat their service "stinks", Charterways added an carlier bus to their morning mun and indicated that they may look into the possibility of expanding their service. Keep on truekin' Joy, or should we say bussin'?.. Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy Community Editor - Bilan Winter SR IGO E 2800READERS Pul>iilied every WednesdaY Contr-jIutrng-Eu-1tor - Jim Q2uall Production Manager - Marie, Burgess Display Advertising Manager1 by M.B.M. Publishing Classified Ad Manager RbnLo and Photography In. m c lt n aae Marlene Byrom Mike BrgessPubThee FMraginPressr.Building Mailing Permit No. 2941 Mik Buges,.PubiShr-anaingEdtor 12 BockStretNorth, Phone 668-6111: Toronto Lino 282-1004 Holoduke is "bi*tter and disorienitated" Dear Sir; In eply to N'rs. Holoduke's letter iin your recent issue of the Free Press, it would seeni to me that she is' a bitter and disorientated woman. Bitter, because of hem attitude toward everyone froni the governmnent down to the ordinary man and womnan in the street, not fomgyettting. While on that downward path, the trade unions. Disorientated, becatuse sbe cannot make up ber mind just who is to blame for the woes of recession. Fit-st she blames Mr. Trudeau and the govern- ment. Secondly it is the trade unions who bave brought this country to its sorry state. She then goes on to blame the majority of Canadians. Î assume by Canadians she refers to those of us who now reside in Canada. 1 might go along, part of the way, witb ber criticismn of the govemfi- ment. It is our democra- tic right to level censure at our arrogant Mr. Trudeau. However she says "Wbat makes Mr. Trudeau and the re- presentatives in Ottawa believe etc ......... where other major matrons have failed miserably". This is rather a siv statemnent to make. DDes Mrs. Holoduke imagine that a thing like a recession can be halted over a short p.--riod of time? This recession is like a gigantic machine siowly riding rougbshod ovem us, and it cannot be stopped by just a snap of the fingers. It takes indefatiqabie ex- ertion, determinatiofi and courage by us ail to apply our shouilders to the juig- gemnaut, to dig in and slowly but surely bing it to a hait and then roll it back. Thiis, 1 believe is happening.today, and the recession is siowing clowni. Thiere are stili awesome burclens to carry' but far fomn having "failed rniiserablv", ours aii(l other nation's leaders arc succeedino iin bringh;g it to a hiait. If it woid keep Mmrs. Holodukc's argument I will go along with ber tbird choice of the "rajofity of Cana- dians", and add also, the majority of U-sonians, the mnajority of Britons, and indeed the m-ajorïy of ail the free world's citizens, are to biarne for the presen t financiai difficulties, starting fom the highest echelons of industry down to tbe ordinary man in the street. We have been greedy. The industriaiists bave held knives to our throats by falsely creating conditions of shortage to raise prices su, that they may appease their sbare- holder and Une their own pockets. The utterly useless middle man who sits in his office, neyer seeing tbe commodities in whicb he deals but makes tremendous pro- fi ts. The retailer wbo jumps on tbe band wagon and takes the consumer for ail the traffic will bear, and ourseives who demand the luxuries that we realiy cannot afford, and could weli do witb- out. The foregoing includes A of the country 's needs from food, clotbing, gasoline, real estate and who could have, but have not, helped. 1 refer to the inedia who are supposed to be the voice of tbe people. Tbey bad a field day with the sordid Nixon and gave Iimi plenty of front page covemage. How miucli better it would have bee,,i to serve the people by banishine this miserable politiciaii to the back lxiges, aiid investiga ting aind publishing their findings regarding oui- own commnodity racket- eers. This would have been more iin the intercsts of Canada and Canadians. 1 suppose, however, tbat une could bardly expect themn to criticize those wbo opened tbousands of dollars iii advertising througb thCir papers, and T.V. stations. 1 point to those iin parliamnent, also the voice of the people, who couid bave, as a body stood in parliamnent and said "O.K. Mr. Trudeau this racketeering bas gone far enougb", but this the party whips wouid not bave aliowed it because after ah uone could not reasonabiy expect themi to protest against those wbo prob- ably wield a tremendous weapon of political finances. Mrs. Holoduke took the Lneducated trade unionists to task( for being the cause of our present difficulties. It is very evident that she ducs not care very much fom Unionisrn. Trade union- ismn is a necessity created, flot by the iabouring man, but by tbose wbo emiploy hini, and it has been ever thus silice the birth of trade unionismn in the 1830 years and the despicable treatmient of the TOLL PUDDLE MARTYRS. As a trade unionist 1 deplore many tbings that are donc in the naie of tra(le union- isnm, bu t nevertheless tra(le uLiofisI i5 isneedcd far' withouit it thie lot of the Nvorking inan ii w)uld be a sorrv one indeed. It %vould secîn thlat Mrs. Holocluke considers thie ti tic 'trade unionist to be synonimoLis %ith thie word 'strike". Thiis reail- ly is not 5<) becauise there are always two sides in any negotiation, debate or argument. Thie lack of decision resu Iting in strike action, whichi is outmode anyway, is usually be- cause of stupidity, and possibly dishionesty on both sides. Therefore if the Unionists were to ask for wbat they rea,,lly think is fair, and the eînployers were to offer what tbey really can afford the both sides would be so close together thiat reasonable and amirable negotiation between two bodies of honiourale meni would resolve problins that hithertoo hiave led to strike action, and to the detiemnost of al , con- cerned. Alas that sucli is flot so. Mrs. Holoduke says that the trade unionist is uneducated. I wonder why she Iooks upon themn 50 éontem-ptuously be- cause of this misfortu ne. Or perhaps she is so full of education that she Iacks what miost trade unionists and the ordinary person has and 1 refer to int'ffligence. Even the rnost backward, to our standards, of die abori- gines niakes. up iin intelli- gjence for what hie lacks in education. By the saine token, 1 do not doubt for a mnoment, thiat maniiy ed uca ted persons iack intelligence. I1 vould very mnuch like to introduce Mrs. Holoduke to somne o>f tliose uneducated trade uinionists %vhio perforni miracles to tuie tune of one anid a hiaîf ten tli()isafldtlls of an .iiich witli thieir very eduicated fingers and to some of those wizards who pro- duce thie nachiinery thiat miakes our life SO rnuchi casier. 1 believe thiat she would 'à e very surprised to find thiat they are just ordinary, warni bearted people, and she inîay ever find an educated person amnong themn. To cail themn rats, or to whatever the word "4rodent" referred, ivas despicable in the extremne and wbien one disparages a inan because of his grass roots tlien tliis smells of uitinost bigotry. 1 origi- nated from those British Isies to which she referred, and 1 sport that foreign accent so distaste- fui to ber. However 1 amn a m-ild mannered, easy going type who took out bis Canadian papers rnany years ago, and whiose love is for Canada and al Canadians regýardless of their accents and pursu.-ts. 1 met a lady fairly recen tly just before openi- ing timne, in tlhe foyer of the Whiitby Post Office. Sbe renembered the day wbien she could go to tbe jpost office, located ini the corner store, whiere it did not matter if the postal section was ciosed be- cause it was no0 trouble to be served witb starnps etc. 'the subject won- dered on to trade union- ismi tt-d how she allowed that if people- thought as nmucbi as eachi other as tbey did in the old days and were nearer to God bv attending cburchi regulariy then everybody, or folks as she put it, wvould be a whoie lot happier. 1 couldn't have -agmeed with hlem miore. Howvever sbe put mne off by saying that bier bius- band, who wvas bornii i Canada, hiad to work hiard AIl is life to make a living and the big fat foreign nieighbour of hers, she nîentioned the c3un- try, vas imaking rnoney hiard over fist. Fortunate- ly tbe post office door wvas opened and tbe con- versation terniniated. 1 once said God with bis armn around the shoulders of a black man namied John. John was cornplaining about the fact that hie îas allowed worship ini the local churchi providing bie went Up to the balcony, in the furthest corner, wbere hie could.-i't be seen and away from everybody. God laughed and squeez- cd Jobn's shoulder and said "Cheer up man. You werc luckier than 1. You did at least get into tbat churcb. I have been trying for years and hiaven't niake it yet". I wonder if Mrs. *Holoduke and rny Post office lady belong to a simnilar church? Harvey Alexander 904 McCullough Dr. Whitby q lamilý- momw a