Whitby Free Press, 31 Dec 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2.WFI)NFSD;IAY. DECEMBER 31, 1975, WHITBY'FREE PRESS i0 OOOperson limit set for Brook li*n's growith Anl eight-year-old boy experimienting with matches wvas the cause of tlîis SI18,000 blaze at theelome of Les Brvan, 511 Stewart St.. I)ec. 19. Fire Chiief Ed Croucli said thie boy wvas alonie iii theehoise and wvas rescued bv a îîeighibour. Leo Vanderley, 504 StewNart St. The boy wvas putting on hiis snlowsuit and boots anid calling for hlis (log and cat, ai the time he wvas rescued, said lte Chiief. Theý dog and cat were rescued from Hlie basenient by firefiglhters. Fire damîage wvas conlfiined 1<) the living room aiid there was sînoke damage to the rest of thew bouse. The Brvani family is staving with relatives umîtil the house cani be repaired. Free Press Phioto bv Brian Winter l)ouovan [-,. Pinker (onsul- tants LIhuiiel lîaq ,Dmmuncniid. cd thla Brookhl eventually grow tIo ap a t o fa bon t 10,000 people together withi an1 eniploinynîcut lbase outappro- ximately 2,500 snbjcct to(, ccrt ai n(le velopinen t st ra tegies, t miiNg .an1d o fficial plan Con- side ra tion s. The firîn, comuiiiissionied by the Town tu conduct the feasibilihy sh.ady of lrooklin, puît lorward cigh t reconînien- dations lu Whitby Counicil last week. "Brooklin shc>uld grow ho a population of I10,000, more or less, together with an enmploynient luase of soie 2ý,500. This development should bc supported by trunk uitilities. Furiher 7oroxvth, if anv, should be re- Thefts abound at- Christmas A Christnmas thief or thieves nmade off with niearly .5 1,000 worth of' liquor, chiocolate bars, cigarette' and cigars from the Moor"Park Restuarant and Tavern (north of' Brooklini) last week. Durham Regioual Police re- port that the owner discovered the theft Dec. 26, which amiounted to 41 cartons of cigarettes valued at S234.1 1, 76 botules of' liquor valued at S763.80, a quantity of clgars valued ai S52, and a numrber of chocolate bars. No cash was taken iii the robbery', ai thougliIlle stolon goods anîonnted io a va.ile- P-olice said the restaumrau w:us euitered 1w î,rving, open a 'ice exil dom. No suspects lu ave bec ei puclci cl \ (luuiýt1ma1S Vvc thiet br uke iuit > Illue clÂpîB uajirIs iin whlitiuîcv 1ila ai thue Iroquois Park aren)a Iasi xvleek and mtade oh f vith cl one ('iristiiuîas cheer. D)nrh ahiRegi tuaI iPol ice re- port tua t 15 boules of'i iquor and a mnmber utf cigarettes witlî a total value of S105 xvere stoleni i)urhaini Regionial Police are Ioukinig for those responsible fuin a b reak--iia t onue ot' the niodel homes in the lBradley Farni Subdivision lasi xveek- eind wlîiclu resulited îi nS6 ,000 daiage. Police said iiere was extensive lainiage tiirouglînu i the nmode] home and enîpty beer botules were "snasled A over Ille place". Tlùeves with an artistie taste took off.,l)ec. .13, with two statues from lte Hiarlander Pottery home on Ilighiway I12 near Brooklin. Durham Regional police said the siatues, of polyester ndsteel were valued a S 1,300 and weighied a total of i50 pounids. One was a three-foot statue of a dancing couple and the othor vas called a "fainily tree". 5Oth Wedding anniversary celebrated M r. and NI rs. Rodd ApplebhY, 32 Cresser Ave, Whlith)v, celebhI acd Iiîir -)Ot!]i \veddLlîing :Innivcrs:,i' MI1 (hriisti as ltv wît h a cin ici ccýlcbration î\Vithtli Iîci clu- dren and graîlclîildrcen a t their SOI) s hiome ini Boutle drive on Saturday The Fir-si Whitl)y Bloy Scouts are holding their 1Ilth Llnnlual bottle drive on Sat urday. l'he scouts wvill acce.pt returnable boitîles only. The nonev raised lhy thie drive wvill bce uscd to purchase camping Cclipnient. Editor's Quote Book Eriendlly concerfl zs often simple curiosity. Baron McKay viewed in thîe distant future, ini relation i te policies arriving out of a projected 1990 Durhain Region Official Plan", thte sttndy recommends. I t suiggests that "develop- nment. coulIc prr>hably get uindezway by 1979 and extend over a developmienl ýperiod of some 15S years. Assunîing an annual groxvth rate of nine percent f'or Whitby (equal lo Iihat of Mississauga), the r-ela- tive growth rates of Whitby and Brooklin could be as fol- lows today - Whitby 24,000, Irooklin 1,'800; 1980 - Whitby 37,000, Brooklin 2,400; 1985 - Whitby 5 8,000, Brooklin, 5,400; 1990 - Whitby 89,000, Brooklin 8,000; and 1993 - Whih 'by 1,0,000, more or less, lirooklin 10,000, nmore or less". "Suclh developmient should he based on a comprehiensive secondar-y plan for Brooklin that should gel underway in early 1976. Such plan should be prernised on achieving a quality living and working environnient of the highest order, and should involve continuous public participa- tion and social planning during ils preparation", the study re commne n ds. It suggests that "concur- rent with the preparation of a Brooklin secondary plan, thie Town of Whilby should prepare detailed studies b)f Special Area No. 6 (west of Oshawa Airport) of their offi- ciaI plan". "The Brooklin Secondary Plan boundaries should em- brance in' area bounded on the south by the I lyclro-Electric Power Comnifssion/Parkway Bell East, on the west side by Regional Road No. 41, on the rîorlh by Concession Road No. 8, and on the cast by the Wliitby/Oshiawa bounidury", the study recomniends. Il suggesls "the Town of Whiitby should enter into nego- tialions, at the appropriate lime, with the Consolidated Building' Corporation and Markboroughi Properties wilh a view to these companies "front loading" part or ail of the cost of extending trunk utilities 10 Brooklin". "The Region shiould contin- ue 10 size and extend trunk utilities tlîrough lower ier Whitby/Oshiawa for a 125,000 population (Whitby 100,000+- Brooklin at a 25,000 reserve)", the studv recornmnends. It wggests "the regional officiai plan should define the area in Whitby, north of the Parkway BeIt East, as an agri- cultural reserve (excluding Brooklin). The Ontario Housing Corporation should be encouraged to grant long terni agricultural leases on ils land assemblies. Likewise,, the two private development comipanies should be required 10 grant five-year leases on their land- holdings up 10 î ch timne as they are phased in for developmnent". The report on the Brooklin urban feasibiîity study was referred to council's adminis- trative comimitlee with Plan- ning Director Keith Birch 10, report in the*future. Cableeéast programs We thank vou for past patronlage and wisli you -a prosperous New Year - from Bram, Les, Dave. Keviri, Rick, Lawrence, Margaret, Scott & Jayne Ballagh, Lillian & John R1. Town. The Staff & Management 0f TOWN FINA SERVICE 701 Dundas St. E., Whitby Hou rs Dec. 3l1st tli 6 P.M. Jan. 1lst 1A.M.4 P.M. 7 A.Mlv. -I IP.M. daily froiniian. 2. 1976'. 6:30 The 3R's 7:0(0 Si2n Off SUNDAY JAN. Il 11:00 Siîalomi. for tIeleIexvishî ('onîîi ix'12:00 \%ltisic & the Spoken Word 12:30 Amaiziuig Grace, a pro- grain ot'Bible Study' 1:00 Churclh Today, witli a Catholic viexvpoînt 1:30 Ritson Road Alliance Chureh Ser-vice 2:30 Wlîat Does the Bible Say? 3:00 Sign Off MONDAY JAN. 12 4:00 Sîialoin 5:00 Daytimie. a programn for the Ladies 6:00 Eveuiing Report, Coni- nîutiiîity Nexws 6:30 Aîîîazing Grace 7:00 Counterpoint, a programn xith a Chiristian viewpoinl 7:30 Unîiversity Wonien's Club Presents: Ken Munro. "Womien in Education" 8:00 Expression, wihh Al-Non Meîîbe rs 8:30 Journe.y ho Adx'enture TUESDAY JAN. 13 41_30 Expression 5:00 Church Today 5:30 Counterpoint 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana. wth Ercole Foresta 7:30 Durham Report, xith Bruce MeArthur* and Jack Gearin 8:00 Performance, nmusic with Larry Chupa 8:30 The New Leaf, with Gordon Wick 9:00 Hotline to Heaven, Topic, "The Christian Need for Life Insurance" 9:30 Sigj Off N5kq: Programs subject to' change without Notice.'1, Prograins, Wednesday. Jan- uary 7 to Tuesday ianniary I3, I1976 Cablecast 6, Osltawa. W\Vhîibv, Bowinîauville and WEDNESI)AY JAN. 7 4:30 Suiel, witli tuie Frenchi ('anadian ÇClb of Oslîawa 5:00 Dm-rbanu Report 5:30 Journey 10 Adveniure 6:30 Tltat's M-agie, wxvilPil Pitiman 7:00 Whlitby Tiien and Now, witlh Brian \Viuter and Juni Quail 7:30 Edutcatîin Scene, withi George Pearce 8:00 l-oîliiîe lu Ileaven 8:30 Tuie 3R's xiii Dave I lodkiii5on 9:00 Rescue, witii die 7thi 1)ay Adventish 9:30 Testimonial Dinner for Rev. Johni Robb 10:00 Signi Off THURSDAY JAN. 8 2:'30 Testimonial Dinner for Rev. John Robb 3:00 Shialoin 4:00 Daytiipe 5:00 Education Sceuie 5:30 Wiîby Thien and Now 6:00 Whitby Report, xitli Blake Purdy 6:30 Performance -7:00 Tlhe New Leaf 7:30 Rescue 8:00 Soleil 8:30 Faitli Blptist Churcli Service 9:30 Expression: &'Big Brothiers" with Bob Weber 10:00 Sign Off FR1 DAY JAN. 9 3:00 Testimonial Dinner for Rev. John Robb 3:30 Expression 4: 00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Music &' the Spoken Word 5:00 Vita Italiana 16:00 That's Magic Wishes Maîy the peace of une holiday season remnain ail ou n'76 . and althe years to corne! .itianagen1cnt alii stilff of Town;ps Funeral Chapel and Ambulance Service

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