PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS1 PLANNING DEPAR TMENT Hard work to corne to frul By Brian Winter Staff Writer Early in 1976, Whitby slild have a minfimtuni standards housitîg bylaw, a cornpleted secondlary plan for fthc downtoxvn, and a start nmade on consolidlahing the town's fwo zoning bylaws. According ho Planning Direchor, Keif h Birch, several of the projecfs begun in 1975 will soon be compieted, and a fu program of activities is set out for the new year. Mr. Birch considers thîe Mîost inîportant achievenett ini planning in 1975 xvas reaching a general consensus between tlic pianners and the people regarding the future ,developnîienh of downtoxvui SWhitby - Bo thi agreed th ahtthe downtown should be kept ini its present forni, with rede- veiopnîent beiuîg ini scale and xitlî ifs present character, lie said. The finial reviexv and analysis of the downtown and highxvay commercial area secondary plans xill be made soon, and early ini 1976 thiey xiil be senît te thie town. the region and tlic provinîce for approval and incorporation into the officiai plan. The conîpletion of flic dowvutoxvn secortdarv plan xill enabie tlîe planning ho proceed wîlî a consolidation cf the txvD zoning bylaws xhiclî cover the fornmer towîi and fornmer townsisbp separately. says N'r. Birch. He expechs that for parts cf the town already buiît up, only a few refinenients wilI be required, but wihh the work rcquired for the reniain- ing parIlt ot* the hown, il is tinlikely that the consolida- t ion cani be completed withini "We liope to have a draft forni ready f'or public meetings during the year, anîd would probably have mneet- ings in each ward like we did with the officiai plan", lhe said. Mr. Birch also reports that the draft of the minimum standards bylaw is complete and in the hands of a solicitor. "Counicil should pass the final bylaw early in the new year, and offending properties cani he brougit up to minimum siaiuirds", he said. Counicil intends ho adver- tise the bylaw for public comment prior ho its passing, says Mr. Birchi, after which a property standards commit- tee of ratepayers appointed by the counicil wvill be set uip ho liear appeals of' rulings by the officer eniforcing the bylaw. The nmininmumistandards bylaxv \vil] also enable the townl to obtairi up te S80,000 ini granits t'rom the Ontario Home Renewal Prograin. says NI r. lirch. This nîoney. administered by the towvn. cani be lx *ined on a partially forgiveable luasis to property owniers xvloie re requîred Linder the bylaw to bring their buildings up te standard. Thic- housinig f*easibîilitv' study for Brooklini bv Don- ovan Piniker and Associates xvas completed last xveek and ref'erred to the adnîfinistra t ive comniittte by cotuncil. The study reconînîiend tuit Brooklin grow te a population, of about 10,000, with emlple)y- ment opportunities for 2,500 people, withini the comnnity. Once the town andl the region have approved the findings of' the study, the planning deparhmnenh citi go alhead withi a detailed plan- ning shudy ef* Brookliin and surrounding arcas, in 1976, says Mr. lirch. Also in 1976, flie planning deparfmnent will take a look at whiich of the renîaining seconidary plans shiould be undertaken for inclusion ini tie*official plan. Those left to do are the harbcur, lands west of the Oshawa airport, Alnîonds, Ashburn, Myrtie, Myrtle Station, Macedonian Village, the east side of Brock Street north ýf Iighiway 401 and tiie West side of Thickson Road north of 401. No deternîinahion bas been made ye t on wvich plans xviii be onde rtaken in 1 97(i and in what order says Mr. lirch. The othier niajor project f'or 1976, excluding thc regular business o' pro(cessinlg subdivision plans anid otlier routfuie ma t ters, w iii be xrapping uipIthe Onftario NMunnicipal Boeardl hearîngs on objections to tlle officiaI plan. In 1975 the O0MB h leld hecarings on f'our- objections, and ruled in favor of'thtle tewn on ail but mne. Thie exception xvas rvorl Street, \VI]ilîih Itle towîî %van ted designa tecd as a col lcct or r oad( and tllie r es id eni t s did net. 'Flic OI 1 asked fortu r t hc r st udv of* a aI îgnmen t In tIdus aiea. INu . iircIi said ]le consider- ed the m iost importan t dcci- sion xvas Ilthe phelding of' the tovn's decision l'or a coin- niercial designalt on for 25 to 30 acres 1atItle sou thx\vcs corner of )unidas St reet and Thickson Road, own.ed by Consolidaited Building Cor- po ration. Three hlearings wili be required in 1976 on the Pickering Farms property, lands to the west of Pickering Farnms, and the Trowbridge property. 1ickering Farnis is at the corner of Dundas and D'Hhillier Streets, and Towbridge at Taunton and Garrard Roads. In the area of subdivisions, the long-standing con troversy over Whitby Towne Estates "&appears to be setfled ho the satisfaction of ail parties con- cerned", said Mr. Birch, and lie expects construction ho start in niiid or late 1976. The Paramioit subdivision binîid Anderson Collegiate bias passed flic draft plan f'ornii and r-equiires a suibdivi- 51011 agreemien t and zoning h)ylaxv anendinen t, lie said. Construiction lbas heen nnder way on1 the Bradley Sou th subdivision by the cnr1l ing club silice the fail of' Construction exprected to By Brian Winter Staff Writer Silice last Septembler i)'lIlI jîer- St reet bas heen a mlass oh, înutd as seveî and services are beCing -censhrncted neorti tt e oie o f Wh i tlby's, niewest stîRlivision ites1(. Ce nst roc t ion eof the fi rst p)lia se of' the suibdivisioni kîiown as Lynde ValleY F-sttes, is expected to begin n the spîring oft 1976, ~ in thiree to ton r years thle devel- oiet %will lîring 4.000 nexv r-esidents te the town. Lynde Valley Estates -is a 260 acre tract etfernier tarni land soutliofethte CPIR tracks, bordered en the cash by the easherni brandi of' the Lynde Creek and on the west by tlhe boundary between lots 32 and 33 of thie f'ormier Wlîitby Towvnsh ip. The xxesî lîrancli oft the Lynde Creek passes tlîrotuglî , tle centre of the developiienit. Tlîc 50L tlîerîî linîit of flic subdivision is the extensiotn of Vernon Street froin Cochîrane, with an extension of land in the southeast corner ho joiti with tlie existing D'Hiliier Park. According ho Deputy Planning Director Kevin Tunney, the subdivision will have 528 single family units, Ition shortl y 1975 and will be conîpleted wuth the officiai pian and if by the somminer of 1976, the counicil wishcs to proceed, while services are being put the oafficial plan should, be into the Lynde Valley Estates, arnended. llowoýver the plan- at the northi end of D'H-illicr ning department would flot Street, with the first houses recomînend any amendment to begin construction in 1976. to the officiai plan in this Mr. Birch is szmewhat con- regard,hle say s. cerned about the situation re- If an arnendment to the garding the Markborough officiai plan's policy on Properties subdivision north residential development was of Dundas Street and east of passed by cd-uncil, "the Thickson Road. problems the planning de- Although the planning partment have with this staff had recomnended 875 wouild disappear", says Mr. units including 200 town Birch. The planning depart- houses, the counicil approved ment's opinion is supported a plan supported by the local by a legal opinion", 1âe adds. ratepayers which remnoved The problem, says Mr. the town houses. Birch, is that the officiai plan "Theplanis nw alostsays housing should be within red'fthe p lan is ow aemost the reach of ah members of roey fortecerk orport g)the comrnunity and thiere to te mniser of ousng)should be a range of dwelling and the region", said Mr. types. Th'le Markborough plan Birch. "The crunclb cornes at presenit does not have this when the region and rninister range, lie says. review the plan in light of As for the future growth officiai planl policies". of Whitby in the comning year, Mr. Birch states that lie Mr. Birch says "the economy dlocs fot feel tuat the plan will determine die rate of adopted by counicil complies growth of the town". of Lynde Valley Estates begin in sp ring of '76 290 semi-dctachied and -220 October 1973, and received town1 hoLîSeS.7 draft plan approval fromi the Also included in the devel- Ministry of Housing on May opilnint are a1 two-acre 8. 1974. On May 22, 1974, convenience conmmercial site, the Ontario Municipal Board and eighit-acre public school approved the zoning bylaw site, a five-acre separate for the developmient. school site, antd a I .7-acre The Town of Whitby signed block of land for a chuirch or the final subdivision agree- othier institutional uises. Thiere ment in Auguist 1975, and the is also provision 2 a future first phase, west of Lynde ire hall site. Creek beginning in the spring nn tf' iie np(iilfentires of 1976. of hulis developiient is ifs 67 acres et' parks and ravines, doiniinated by the wcst brauicli of' the Lynde Creek passing through tthe centre of* the subdivision f'ronî north te sou tIi. Special provision lias been mîade te incorporate Wlite- face MoLuntain as an exten- sion t( i I iliier Park, placing huiis popular land-nîark under public owîiership. lIn addition, tlie town will receive a 40-acre block of parklaîîd uorth of the CPR tracks te niake the total park- land for the developnîeuît more flian 100 acres. TIhe firsi draft plan for the subdivisionî canme before coonicil uuîder the namre of Harstaiî (Whitby) Ltd. on Septemnber 8, 1970. The town approved the plan in Slie poinîts ouftiî lat the toxvn houses wili be built at flic sanie tiîîîe as the single famniiy homes to avoid any confusion amiong home boyers as to wlîat types of lîousing are in the develop- muent. Tlîe subdivision will be built utîder the supervision of an archiitectuirai couitrol coniniittee te infegrate the types of bousing, building niaterials, siting of uuîits and laid sc ap ing - The wate-, and scwer mains are being constructed Citis wintcr from Dutîdas Street, north aiong the D'Hillier Street alignmcýnt, ho connect with the first phiase cf the development. The developer cf this subdivision is Beimont Con- struction Ltd., cf T..1'into. FBDB helg ,y ouM Financial assistance Management counselling Management training Information on government programs for business F).J. SKINNER one of our representatives wiII be at The Lucien Motel, 134 Byron Str., North, Whitby, on ianuary 8th, 1976, at 9:30 arn 22 Kingre treenn t st shawa, O nt. o Phone: 576-6800 Openîng new doors to smail business. Construction workers are busy installing sewer and water mains along DH[-illier Street to service tlhe Lynde Valley Estates subdivision. Work will continue tbroughout the winter, with home construction in the first phase of the subdivision starting in the spring of 1976. The completed subdivision, along the west branch of the Lynde Creek wil briag 4,000 new residents to Whitby. Free Press Photo 'z