>AGE 10, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1975. WHITBY FREE PRPSS JuY -Ed Broadbent elected leader of NDPq wil officially head Oshawa-Whitby M.P., Ed David Lewis was forced to Broadbent .was elected leader- vacate the leadership post of the New Democratic Party after losing bis riding. Monday at the party's leader- Mr. Broadbeflt collected ship convention. 948 votes on the fourtb Mr. Broadbent bas served ballot to defeat Vancouver as the party's interimn leader social worker Rosemary since the federal election ai- Brown wbo earned tbe sup- most, one vear ago when Port of 658 delegates. Counct*l resolIves 16 meinber caucus- Other contenders for the i leadership were M.P. Lornie i Nystroîn, former M.P. Johin Ilarney' and taxi driver. Douglas Campbell. At a news conference after the convention, Mr. Broad- best said that biis main- goal is to create a national ecoflo- said that the prograîn will be the party's platform in the next federal election, prob- ably in 1978. Mr. Broadbeflt will lead tie NDP's 16-ruember federal caucus in the House of Commons. greenho use issue - - 1-- -nrnidîç!he fLs ot break Whitby 'Council has finally solved the dilerrma of pieases on tus own prupei iy, pt'Jvli'lè ...ç .. - - greenhouses. for tbe time being at least. etnhe law.d le t -At Monday's regular meeting, council decided to anend Mayor Des Newman also gav oe iposintwed e a mto existing bylaws 1784 and 2585 by bringing forth a new coundil1 members. "If it has corne t h on hr a bylaw wbich would provide for non-commercial green- canno t ut îupat reos nhi wdrpet. o' houses not to exceed five percent of the lot area or 1 ,000 knwwa ti htw r oing lhe-.*." square feet, whichever is the greater. Referring to the bylaws in effeet prior to Monday's The issue of greenhouses has à risen before council sev- meeing which allowed a larger enclosure for a swimming eral times in the past as a result of a request fromn Richard pool th 'an for a greenhouse, Mayor Newman asked "is it Korstanje of 190 Meadow Road in Whitby who wants to fair?" bufid a large greenhiouse for recreational use. Councillor Joy Tbompson, Mr. Korstanjes' loudest voice i 1 Ktl> O lf~1f1 a e . "the man has sutfered enougb" witb the several non-' our front page for the second time this year. The decisions of the Town fathers. By building the greenhouse Bill Pîkiiigton won he île defeated his onîy op- furst turne she won the Miss Brooklin Fair conteSt. "he is not going to interfère witb the population in that Proigressive. Conservative no- otet Bob White, clairman ýFriday night Sharon won again and was crowned ara", she said. inatiofi for the provincial Miss County Town Carnival at Irouuois Park Arena Co&ncillor Thompsofl urged counfil to regard the green- riding of Durham West at the of the Central Lake Ontario Witm somne one tnousana pus spectatoirs un n4nd. bouse in the saine manner that tbey would an enclosed nomination meeting beld last Conservation AutboritY and Cathy Keyes, 18, and Vhonda Hunt, 16, both Of swi mning pool or any other sncb recreational facility. Tbursday in the Ajax Seron- one timne Whitby Councillor Whitby, were runners-up and wiII act as princesses. She felt that Mr. Korstanie h -.; a right to do whaiever he davSbol n the first ballot. AUGUSTIe i 1...<.. As predicted in a Free Press exclusive last week. Des thing and i wa"' LU ina81ai' ijý-- --_ Newman has resigned as the Mayor of Wh itby. - ahtsrie"M .N w a ad nd courtesy whicfl rey exîvzuJvu w ni u ri g . . .i> Mr. Newman, 44, bas served as mayor silice. 1966 and "I leave wîth the hope that those who will now be ag mayor. resigned the post Monday to contest the tîpeonli ing provini- charged with that responsibility will find inl it as great an He said that he bas made decisions on the basis of how cial election for the Liberal Party. opportunity for service as 1 have," he closed. they will, affect the whole of t.he town's population. rather Clerk Bill Wallace read Mr. NewmaiiS letter of resigna- In an emnotion-fidled speech. Mr. Newman thanked the than just small groups. tion which he received from the inayor on Monday. tender my resgnatiofl as Mayor of the Town of Whitby and P e e a r s et asw n t e member of the Regiorial Council of Durham.-" T pevelcos ensls ek 'ihe Andrew Antenna home, they were escorl the coucl. tbeemyo cesof ute oporato ad tonhe roni Whith'y won n ition il The Gai rard Road Il irilaid Alîstars also won ahl five through town on fire tru, phe ole of Wtebmy.igrattde cfoatoporanitYoh chamipiuish ip titles iii their Stairs on the 'B title as they gaines and, as a result, before tbey were taken people of unity rtitese fornter. Myervuice o respectivec ategories iii Noi th verc vitorîous in al five L îptured the 'C, crown. the municipal building foi serving Wbcmuiyteemn er ysrieto Bray rtsiClmigils en the teamns returned officiai reception. and my love for Whitby has been a special and persoflal Bray rtsîClnba aUS Carl Mantz, a 3l1-year resi- thé Oshawa Times. IHe was est in a yacht club for the of the first people to pro- the centre on Centre Street. dent of Whitby who has then promoted to superinten- town in 1957. That attempt pose a campaign to buîld a Two years ago, Mr. Mantz worked hard to make the dent of thecomposing roomn. faiîed, however, he spent general hospital in the town. established the Durham lives of the town's senior rnany hours campaigning for Mr. Mantz also worked Square Dancers whicb is open citizens more pleasant. is the After leaving the Times, the existing Whitby Yacht liard for three programns for to senior citizens. winner of the 1974 Peter he set up the Whitby Weely Club in 1965. senior citizens. His latest venture is a pro- Perry Award. News in 1955. During the Mr. Mantz is also credited gram called Meals Without Mr., Mantz of 105 Burns pa'per's l0-year history, Mr. witb initiating the formation By making Wbitby Wheels wbicb provides-inex- Street East bas lived in Mantz initiated several pro- of the Whitby YMCA, also Council aware of the need pensive dinners and recrea- Whitby since 1944 wben he jects. in 1965. for a senior citizens' activi .ty tional activities for Whitby's worked as a compositor for I-e rried to generate inter- In addition, be was one- centre. he hielpcd kick- o ff senior citizens. i 1 êl, ho hve heied me ini employees and the peŽple of tetw for the kindnesý ted cks [to ýr an I SEPTEMBER Gofry iu Drha est T he ew Dem cr t e a ty m de s w e if g ga n throughout the province in Thursday's election- One of those was in the new riding of Durham West, composed of Whitby, Ajax and'part of Pick- ering. NDP candidate Charles Godfrey defeated Liber- al bopeful Des Newman and Conservative candid- ate Bill Pilkington. Ploughing match heid n ear -Brook lin. Mlic t1975 International. Canadian and World Plowing Mntchi and Farm Macbinery Show gets underway Tuesday on the Ransom,- Robson and neighbouring farms, east of Brooklifl on HighwaY 7. The International Plowlng Match and Farm Mcier Show is beld eéachi year in a different county or rbgion of Ontario. It* is sponsored annually by the Ontario Plow- men's Association and the local Plowmefl's Association -and has'beefl ini operatiol since 1913. Over 1-,000 acres will be used for plowing. parking and the tented city. The tented city alone covers 100 acres and is fully serviced with bydro, telephones, water, toilets, etc. More than 300 exhibits wil include the latest in farm mradiineiy, automobiles..and borne appliances and wlII be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. An aerial view of the International, Çap, _ qq and World Plowing Match from a truck owned by oeaatofl Paints nis icnujrç; --IL!-IL -wénnAm tn him aurim ss re ý% . -- --.à i te% thnnk ail inow willi Aga-