Whitby Free Press, 31 Dec 1975, p. 9

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Lwis APRILI Let* biasts image Unless you arc white, speak English and were bOrn in Canada, you Wil have a rough time in this country according to Stephen Lewis, the provincial leader of the Ne wDemocratie Party. Mr. Lewis was speaking tù a group of Anderson Col - legiate and Vocational Insti- tute studepts ini the gymnas- ium during the school's "Canada Day" last week. Mr. Lewis, who is also the MPP for Scarborough West, described the "Canada Day" as "one of the most interesting programs I've ever seen'designed for a collegiate:' He added that lie could speak highly of the country as mýost >olîticians wQuld in a similar situation but lie refused to do so as there are too many problems which are often overlooked. Mr. Lewis went on to describe te problemis whichi people who are not white, English speaking and native Canadians encounter. WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 1,197i-5. PAG-E 9 *Grou]p1 ti group of West Lynders have asked tie Ministry of lousing to liold up plans for two Whiithy highrise apart- rnents Pending fur th er cpsideration. The two twenty-storey low rentai high rises scheduled for the south west corner of Dundas and Jeffrey Streets was the subjeet of a meeting Wednesday nigh t between members of the West Lynde Community Association a nd Gordon Hickery, a development offi- cer with the Ontario Housing Corporation. Anderson Collegiate and Vocational I nstitute listened intently as Stephen Lewis, provincial lead- er of the New Democratic Party, tore apart Canada's image as a multicultural nation. Mr. Lewis' speech was one of many events during the school's ""Canada Day" last Wednesday. The group, led by Ed Dawson of Michael Blvd., was formed to deal with the apartçnents and had re- quested a meeting with Housing Minister Donald Irvine. Mr. Irvine was unable to meet with the group, and Mr. Hickery was delegated to attend on his behaif. The meeting, held at tie home.of L. Boyce on Ann Arbor Court, opened with Mr. Hickery offering an explanation of the Housing Corp's involvement in dhe buildings. Tne bulding to be put up by P. Sorichetti Eigainst highrises and Sons is being 95% financed throughi the Ontario Mortgage Corp., a subsidary of OHC. According to Mr. Hickery, the builder.,in return for an eight percent fifty- year m ortgage, guarantees that 25% of the 352 units will be made avaijable to the OHC. Tenants for these units will corne from the OHC waiting lists, and their rents wil be szibsidized. Mr. Ilick- ery further explained that a maximum rent would be set for the other 264 units and that no one earning in excess of $15,000 annually would No clash There wiJl bc no clash between the Newnians, Bihl and Des, for thq riding of Durham West in the upcomning provinçial Cdec- t ion. Environrnent Minister William N e w n a n announced carlier this week that he wotild nuL seek die Progressive Con- servative nomination for Durhamf West, but instead thie new riding of Durham North. bc allowed to rent one of these units, and that OHC would qualify these individ- uals. Whiltby H ospïtal Accre dited Milton J. Fisher, Hospital A d m i n i s t r a t o r,'bas 3nnounced that Whitby Psy-' ,hiatric Hospital has been ýwarded Provisional Accred- itation by lte Canadian Council on Hospital Accred- itation.' The Coundl's report, re- ceived in April, highly com- mended, amnong' other services, the Nursing, Service, Clinical Records, Hoy~ekeep- ing, Dental Services, Statis- tical prograrn evalu,tions and the provision of services to thie Durham Centre. Th e Coun'cil presented a set of recommendations whichi the hospital must accornplish in order to receive fifl accreditation. Architeci Ray Moriyama proposes modlei ciîy to be buit in area surrouriding Jlossland J<oad If Wh ithy C(nuîîcil adopts flue reconiendatimus of thie urban design sudy by Rainoiud Ninivanua. A relu i ecis aîîd Planiiers. the Ro ssl aîd Ruai A rca could ch cnii a îîîd ci Whitby's job market good Whitby is one of onhy three municipalities in thi, region which have good pros- pects of expanding the job market in the manufacturing field ini the next fîve years according to a recently com- pleted management consult- ant's report. The report also saîd that many industries currenthy located in Oshawa, the region's largest municipality with a population of over 100,000 are considering mov- ing to Whitby and that new ones are steering clear of the motor city. Man. stabliedl Durham Regionai Police say a Sunday mnorning stab- bing in West Lynde resulted i one man being hospitalized in critical condition and his ,wife being charged ,with 13ttempted murder. Durham Regionai Police tSubraiee, 46, 120 Michael Oâlvd., hîitby at 9:30 a.m. following his admission unconcious to Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital with what the duty doctor udentificil as a stab wound in the right ,side of his chest. Accnîcl-olywie report,"-the tiilly tlvelopcd residenulial ai caS <nl a i ain a;î pplatIinn ofalIlr xia1ici 32 )00M accrdngn lic ITowîn (I Wlu itlhvOfficial Plani. Tis k wnhd include cx istingiu residîcrces on ci 1h er sde o f'lrock S treet". "Tlhe Townî('entIre is,,iiîîiediately west of'(Garden Street. beiweeîî Rosslaiîd Road and a newv casî-west arterial mild. Ih i planneil to enconîpass a niix o f land uses includîng retail, offices. cornnunity faciitîes, resudential, parks andl openl spaces. South of Rossland Road are the civic, instiftutional, residential and major open space Lses." "The Town Centre concept is a three diniensional articu- lation of' the uirban design goals andl developmeni guide- lines. It seeks Io bring together a diverse range of trban uses which shouhl rcspond to the needs-aîd desires of the people in the town of Whitby". "in concept the Town Centre shouhl become a major focus of activity in the town for retail, office, andl public uses. However, it miusi be stressed that witlîin a fraiuiework of balanced growth there miust also be a place for the clown- town. The Town Centre Concept is urban in character andl intensity , radier than suhurban. Brook lin study Whitby C'ouncil. ai its inosi recent meeting, voteil to apply to theç On tario Minis! ry of' i hnusing ýfor f'inancial assistance in tie anununt ni' SI i10,000) for a Iwo pari devel- apmnnt study o f the Bri okl in arca. Seniors-' centre.- approved Wlitby Couicîl voteil Wednesday tu go alucai with' the Senior Citizens, Activiiv ('entre on the cornier of Pitt Street anid Brock Street Sou thi. Councillor Johln Guodwiîi brought the matter up duriîig a special meeting calleil [o strike the tax rate. He put forth a motion, seconded by, Councillor Joy Thumpson, that council adopt a th ree-part staff -recommençiation "that the Town proceed with the pro- ject at a cost not to exceed $200,000 andl tlîat thie nec- essary bylaws authoriziîig agreements withî Construc- tion and Design Services (C.D.S.) aînd Totteîî, Sims, llubicki and Associates Limited be brouglit forward for counicil consideràtion", "that the low quotation of Bennett Paving and Materials limited in the amounit of $16,000 for theçconstruction of the parking lot be accepteil and the mayor andl deputy clerk be authorized tW execute the' necessary contract documents"ilandl Taxes are Althougli there is nuo in- crease in dhe I1975 mîill rate. for local purposes over 1last year, Wliitby res idents will have a 7.1 tu Il percent tax increase tlîis year. The 1 1 percent increase apphies tu people-living in the urban area whose homes are assesseil ai S5,000. Accord- iîîg to Mayor Des Newman, this Il pe rcen t or $70 increase is niade rip of $40 for edutcatîin, $28.50 for sanitarv scwers and $1 .50 foi garbage collection. Peuple living in the rural area face a 7.1 percent increase as thcy unly pay dhe $40 for educa- Lion. A reserve lcvy o f 4.3 mnilîs,, collected hast year in -that C.D.S. be authorized to proceed imnuediately to denîolish the existîng buîld- iîg on the site". increased expeç1itaton of the. increase, wil1be pplied in o rder to ,absorb Aihe .anticipated 24 percenlt...- regional tax rate. Longueui delegation largest The largest delegation to participate in the annual Witby-Loigueuil twinning will arrive iii the town on Friday. A total of 61 people froni Longueuil are expectMfr o die weekend festiviti went t me noe oiJInaNEe RAY MORIYAMlA Mayor Des Newman and Councillor Joy Thompson officialty opened Senior Citizens' Week Sundaly. From left to right are: the mayor; councillor Thompson; Recreation Director Wayne Deveau; Mrs. Peg and, Laura Reid. Free Press Photo Lifanf tn flýA w

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