Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1975, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS SERVING OVER 28,000 READERS Voice of the County Town Mike Burgess, PubIisher-Manag..;g Editor. F i)lisll1c(l every Wedncsday by M.B.M. Pubiishing and Photography Ine. The Fi ou Pr(!%% Buildinq 21 Bt ock Sfreet North, Whthy, Oritario. iîssstatnt-f-dîtor Il lake Ptrd; C'oiunhty Idi tor lB rùîn iAinter Contributuing'E'd-tor - Jim OuaiI Production Manager - Marie Burgess Display Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon Classified Ad Manager - Circulation Manager alnByo Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whitby. Milinq Permit No. 2941 Phioil 668-6111: Toronto Lune 282-1004 CHRISTMAS ODE By Ross Johnston Ah, swveet browed Mary, dist thoni hear The lowing of thue oxen near? Didst fear the bleating of the sheep Wouid wake thy infant froml his sleep? Nay, fear thou not, for seraphi's wing Xili ward off every harnmfui thing. Say didst thou hear the heavenly choir When, striking every golden lyre, They filied the ptn-Lple vauit above With their seraphic notes of love"' "Glory -to God in highest Heaven! Sweet peace to good wilied men be given!" And, Mary, didst thou see the star Which guided wise men from afar? And didst thou in its light behoid Their gifts of myrrh, frankincense, goid, When, kneeling at the manger-shrine They worshipped there the King Divine? Ah didst thou then in vision sec The garden of Gethsernane? Didst hear when priest-ied rabble cried In jeers, "let him be crucified?" Didst see you cross with arms outspread Oh which the thorn-crowned monarch bled? Nay, not in vision, but in truth, In later years, with heart of ruth Thou stoodst beside that cross and wept For him who in the manger siept; When spear thrust tore his side apart, That spear-point pierced thee to the heart, Then didst thou gaze as gazed the seers Through the deep mists of flowing years? Didst thou behold with raptured eyes The growing bri&htness in the skies, As 'neath his reign as "Prince of Peace" The juls of ail the ages cease? And gazing stiil didst thou behold The final victory, long foretold? The serpant crushed--the battie won-- The world redeemed by Mary's Son-- The reign of sin and sorrow o'er- God ail in ail for evermnore And, Mary, as the years fulfill The mission of the heavenly wiIl, Joy-belis at Christmastide shahl ring Glad tidings to the swaddied King. And heaven and earth shail join in one To honor God's and Mary's C'on. NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS In order to -allow, the staff of M.B.M. Publishing &Photography Ine (publishers- of the Whitby Free Press) to enjoy Christmas with their familles, we will be. closed Christmas week. The Free Press will resume publica 'tion' the following Wednesday (Dec. 31) with our annual year end edition. We wish ail our readers& customers Merry Christmas and a truly Happy New Year! Can candidates sue for non-support?*> Dear Sir; The apathy of the voters ini the past Dec. 1 Mayoralty election ini Whitby is reaily a nation- ai disgrace - ini the narne of deinocracy - it was a mnockery. 1 woîuder if the candi- dates can sue for non-support? OR are they so fed up that they just assume it doesn't really matter who gets in office! They're ail tlhe sanie. 1 have an ideia, îot a solution, to try and get the eligible voters to try and participate. There should be one main polling station ini each opened fo r a week before voting day;, this way people could corne ini at their own Iisure, or if incienient weather happenied to occur they cotiId corne in another day; and of course the polis would be manned or wonuaned by dedica- ted volunteers. Hours 1l a.m-. to 8 p.nt - Split Shif t. The final voting day would be as usuai, opened ini al districts, and hope that mi-ore than 1/3 of the voters vote. 1 was 50 conceited ini ,'ihis iast election that 1 reaily thought 1 wouid beat Sth standing candi- date Bruno Harilaid. I would like to thank the faithful supporters ini this past mnayorselection. Good luck to the Town of Whitby in the foùth- coming year. See you ini council next year!! Yours truiy, Graydoii Colville Dear Sirs; We are thirty Grade 13 voters taking Cana- dian History at Ander- son Colleigia te Vocationai (Editor's Note) Institute ini Whitl This poemn was written about 75 years ago b y Drn ic Rüss Johnston (1 827--191 1), Whitby 's greatest I)ering a discu pe.For the story of Mr. Johnston's life see thne (lein the Historical Whitby colurnni in this issue of Frenîchlî ad 1robli the :tree Press. Minor hockey eveni*ng is going to be repeated )ear Sirs; own teams out, the con- winning Gulis.1 The Whitby Warriors venors for Iooking after then had their Htockey Club would like the distribution of tickets, cheer on the o publicly thank the and most particularly Mr. who participateé 3rooklin-Whitby Minor Bill Edwards, the presi- shooting contest. -ockey Association for dent, for co-ordinating the Altogether, it ts co-operation in the whole venture. fine evening; we taging of "Minor Hockey The 24 boys from the it again! Nîight" at our game on Squirt Division did a great Sincerely, November 28 at Iroquois job of entertaining the Park Arena. crowd in the relay race 1 thank the coaches for between periods - and Tom Fitzsimrr jetting thîe boys on their congratulations to the President. by. is1sion(on tof niew 1tliat the lerns get- The boys turn to coaches, El in the twas a e wilI do nons, ting settlers to New France. We hacd to offer 5(>-itioiis to the pro>tleni of settienient, -and decid- cd to look at it froinia conteipoLary point of view, tua t is, probleins ilivolve(l in the devclop- mîent o>f our Canadian North. We observed sim ilari tics, and therefore coLlld equmate tlhe two) periods of' history. We crealize(l tle major problcmîî was that of wvho shoulci go Io (lhe relative- ly tîninhiabited area be- cause most people woul(l iiot go voluiltarily. Once wve decided (in who sW,ýuld go wve found possible solutions to other problerns facing Canada today. By now we are considering several issues: 1. nlorthern developmient;, 2. capital punlishmnent and the crime rate; 3. ' inflation, taxes on penal institutions, and uiieimplloyimeîî t. Oiie solutionl is tliat iistead of the prisonlers servinig thieir senitenice iii a prisoni, thcey would serve it working i( pi) ortlh. Thiese i)ris(>iers wvould be those who are serving ,a iiiiiiiiiuiiii onme year aiîd a nmaxinmum of life. We clecidled to send prisoners ,because thie iorth nieeds i)opLlatioi: it wvouid be a deterrenitt(o, crie Ie- cause (ot (liceI)iysicai aiid social isola tioii--prisimers woui(1 no loniger be able to receive priviieges suich as w'eekend passes anid (le luxurieés experienced iii our prisonis; it would make people iii the soutli more secure knowig îfiat thue criminais are isoiated and are îîo thireat (o thetu. The prisoners would leariî to live witli others and to develop their owil eoimuîiity. Prisoniers could also Iearnl aI fride fiilie process of being, seif-sufficient. De- velopmient of the niorthi wouid be insared. This idea cou id save tax dollars for penai institutions, and rehiabil- itate the prisoners at the saine tinie. The sup)ervi- sion of prisoners wvouid crate jobs for sonie of our unemlployed. We invite conînuents on ou r proposais eithier through y our newspa.ýper- or directly ti) Anderson C.V. *1., 400 Anderson Street. Whiitby. We wvould be willing (o juick up any letters froml youir readers rýcspolnd inlg to our proposails. Please address coin- ments to: Grade 13 Canmadiain History Stu- deiits, c/o Mr. Jolîti Watts, (416) 668-5809. Youirs truly., John Watts Thi*rty Cana dian hi*story students suggestprisoners work in north i I I -I m 1% i momp qjvhitby ww

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