WJJITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1975, PAGE 3 ,BILL NEWMAN, Prepare for election in oingt o aei on ob 176, Menibers of the Progressive Conservative Association ot Wh-.tby were told last week .to start preparing for- a provini- cial election in 1976 by two party candidates whio con- tested arca ridfings in the Septemiber etection. The two - Bill Newnman who wvon in the riding of Durhaîn North and Bill Pilkington whio tçst in Dur- hiani West \vere speaking at the association's annual generat meeting Wednesday. MIr. Newman, recently switched fromn his position as Minister of the. Environ- mient to Miniister of Agricul- ture, represented Whiûtby in the provincial tegistature for eighit years before the riding redistribution. He addressed his opening- remarks to Mr. Pilkîngton, saying "you had a great can- didate in the tast election. He- is a very sincere and honestnan? Mr. Newman said hie feit that the Conservative did poorly in the tast election because "we miade a mistake in not telling the people what the NDP (New Demnocratic Party) stands for". "Doi't tet the, NDP foot you. They want to own. They are so hungry for power they will do anything" and hie added with a note of confidence that, "people are fe d u p with the British 'iunmbia programns and the Manitoba prograirîs of Ille N DP": Mr. Newman thien took a stiot at the Liberats xvho lie said "are like a stîip withou t a rudder". Ilie continuied, sayiiîg that, despi te flic minority situiation, .&we're stil runnling thiîs pr-ovi,,-e. 1-e won't sacrifice our policies and ouir betiefs. We \von't cave in to the ottier parties". Tliat, Mr. Newman believes, could force a provincial election ini 1976. He said that lie feets that Dr. Chartes Godfrey, New Demiocratic Party MPP for Durhani West, can be defeat--d but said to do it "we've got to work as a teap-l". "We can organize now and miake sure that we're ready to go", Mr. Newnmn said and urged tthe association to begin tooking for a candidate n-- miediately. "Starting tom ;rr-ow rnorning we need your lhelp and your co-operat ion". I1 sincerely betieve that we can take this province back to 'J iajority situation"',lie said. "Show mie a better governmiient. Show nie a betier tife". Mr. Newman said that, wvhether or not there is an etection, tthe tarty ini power is going t10 have to hiotd the tinle on1spending. "We're going to have to take a tougli stand. We're going to have t) live withiin constraints. I t ay not be popular but wve can't tive beyond our ineans. lt's going to be tougtîlfor att of us", he ýa id. Mr. Newmnan said hie suip- ports tthe federat governmient's. wage and price guidetines. "We ail miust be prepýred to make sacrifices. If we don't att pult together and mnake it work, we're goin' to have a rough tîime". "The provinces, regions and rnunicipalities are going to have to tive within limiitatio)ns', lhe said. Mr. Pilkington said, thiat during a recent meeting with Premier Bill Davis, M,ýr. Davis told ail Tory candidates ini the September eleclion thiat "&we shoutd be getting ready toi the next etection righit nlow. "The next contest we're tougli one", . Mr. Pilkington feets. Hc thanked the association niembers and Mr. Newman for their support in the September election. that makes a candidate pretty humble and pretty proud", he said. "While 'l was disappointed in the outeome, 1 miade many friends." White replaces Hlenstock as presiOden Bob White was elected attended thi president of the Progressive Cmntennial Bui Conservation Association if He opened Witby for 1976 at the futfitting his1 associatiofl's annuat general be "quite a bt meeting last week. the people w Mr. White replaces Mitdred association in Henstock who held the knuw that b position since 1971. tightened". John- Pisani was etected Speaking o: first vice-president; Pat Allen, of a provinc second vice-president; Johin Frost, third vice-president; c Sheita Camiplin, recording C secretary; Mary McEachern, corresponding secretary; and The Ma Richiard Matthews, treasurer. Direc-tzrs for the year are Very Merri Pat Witcox, Harry Cockburn, many f rien Chiris Catton, Johin Voss, Ed Robson, Ruby Welsh, Marg Taylor, Lorraine Fonte, Harry Jermiyn, Betty Kozlenko, Gait Carnptin, om -enstock, Edith Bedett, Gerry Cox, Johin Goodxvin, Arki. Szarka, Alice Whiting and Bill~i~ Morrison. Fotlowing thie elzetion o otticers, Mr. White addressed* the associationi memibers wvho f ofTries meeting in the i976, Mr. White said "4we ilding. must take a careful look at by saying that, it. We must prepare our- position would selves" for -it" and added that )Lirden, bu -t 'ith "we have to go out and re- ve have in our cruit new and young n ouir riding 1i memb2rs". burden wilI be "I believe in our provincial governiment. I think it's the )n the possibility best government we could ciaI election in live under", ho, said Constitution outdated m