Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Intrepi The crowd hield its breath as three' intrepid voyaReurs set out in a red canoe to navigate the unchjtirtered waters. This is not a description of sorne of Canada's explor- ers enmbarkig on an expedi- tion, but of Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau, Mayor Jirn Gartshore, and- Campaign Committee Repre- sentative Joe Ottenbrite who paddled a canoe out to the centre of the Iroquois Park swimming pool for the official ribbon-cutting cere- mony Wednesday. With Mr. DeVeau at the stern, the voyageurs set out, a littie wobbly at first, but made it L3i the outer depths without incident. As Mayor Gartshore and Mr. Ottenbrite cut a red ribbon stretched itd voyage urs across the pool, a clicer rose Chairmian Walter Beatl; [the from the assemiblcd multitude. pool's archlitect, -Alan Wilcox; There niay hiave been some Doug Paton one of the pool's doubt in the minds of a few designers; Rev. Raymond J. as to whether the crew would Carder; and Counicillors Tomn make it safely to shore, and Edwards, Gerry Emni, and a member 0f'the Whitby Brass Bob Carson. Band added to the suspense Mayor Gartshore, from a of the moment by rendering safer position on "dry land" a very authientie fog horn outlined th e progress o f -blast. Iroquois Park as a commun- But ' the voyaguers made ity-*oriented recreation comi- isafe and dry, back to the plex, explaining that the pool edge of the pool and thie is the second of the units in facility which Whitby hias this comiplex. awaited for more [han 10 Further developments years was at last officially planned for Iroquois Park in open. future are basebali diamonds, The remainder of Wednes- soccer fields and a health day's opening ceremionies complex, lie said. took place on the edge of the "We are looking at the pool deck where a number of needs of today and 'the community representatives foreable fuiture", said Mayor wvere seated, including former Gartshore. "I do hiope you Mayor Des Newman, Regional. will take advantage of what officia is here for you as mnucil as ;ýou possily can". Mr. Ottenbrite, represent- ing the commlittee wihich raised funds in 1973 [o assist in the construction of the pool, thanked [the members of die committee for their work and declared that "the people, of the Town of Whitby are proud of this swimmling pool". Rev. Rayniond J. Carder, of [lie Whitby Ministerial Association performed [lie dedication ceremony, and Recreation Director DeVeau conmmented on the use of the pool. Mr. DeVeau reported that 2,500 people contributed [o the pool campaign, and that the pool is being used by an average of I11,000 people per month. Theïe are programs iiy OJi( at the pool 78 hourà a week, somne of which are for the mentally retarded and crippled clildren, lie said. Mr. DeVeau introduced Ron Hupfield of the. YMCA which carnies on an extensive instruction programn at the pool, and Peter Eberlee of Totten Sims Hubicki Associ- ates which prepared the total master plan fo r Iroquois Park. Following a musical inter- lude by the Whitby Brass Band, Aquatics Supervisor, Donna Stafford introduced [lie pooî staff and offered commentary on stroke and rescue demronstrations, and a programn by the children's diving, competitive swimiming, synchronized swimrning, and fin and snorkel program. The grand finale of the 1 y Corne in and - I i [lioin Oi~.r îînrmotnaS ItTS. ror everyboy on your ,ection? Value? You'll have to see it to be lieve it. MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT STORE Ladies', Men's and Children's Wear 1Iist. EXTRA LARGE MEN'S SIZES MINOR ALTERATIONS FREE c.>.I 321 BROCK ST. 'Se P4i 668-3468 WHITBY PLAZA DUPONT 0F CANADA LIMITED OHS open It is Christmîas tinie at the whithy I luniane Society Shielter Sunday, where area resijents are invîîed to attend the sheÈter's aniual open house andl Christmas party froîn 2 p.ni. to 5 p.m. Abou t 200 people came lu 1-.t year's open house. says Shelter Supervisor Mrs. Carol Lang, and 18 animaIs were i house on Sunday adopted thial day. Thiere are a inmber of puppies, neutered and spayed adult cals, and kittens avail- able for adoption this year. l-lowever, Mrs. Lanig suggests that visitors take care iin choosing animiais for Christ- mias gifts. Santa Clauis will be on hand to mieet the children Sunday, and there will be a bake sale staîl set up by the ladies' auxiliary. The general public is invited to attend the open bouse to see the work of the Ontario Humane Society in the Whitby area, and to share in the festive sêason.* Chuîldren wvill be especially welcomie says Mrs. Lang. She also points out that donations of pet food would be ::-,velcomied at the open house. R. J. Richardson F. S. McCarthy The Board of Directors of Du Pont of Canada announces the election of F. S. (Frank) McCarthy, President and Chiei Operatingz Offhcer, J. E. (Ted) Newall, Executive Vice-President, and B. L. (Bert) Turvolgi, Vice-President- Marketing, effective December 19. R. J. Richardson, formerly President, Chief Executive Oticer and Chairman of' the Board, continues as Chai rman and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Richardson joined Du Pont of Canada in 1954. A native of North Bay, Ontario, he has held positions in re- search, manufacturing, marketing and corporate planning. He became Executive Vice-President in 1971 and waS; appointed President in 1972. F. S. McCarthy, a native of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, joined Du Pont of Canada in 1935. During the Second World War, lie was responsible for the design of several Crown-owned plants which were managed by Defence Industries Limited. He has held a nurnber of positions in Du Pont of Canada in engineering, marketing and pro- duction. He became Vioe-President in 1964, and was named Senior Vice-President in 1972. Mr. Newall, formerly Vioe-President - Marketing, wilIl be responsible for ahl aspects of the Company's market- ing, manufacturi.ng, corporate developrnent, employee and public relations activities. He joined the Company in 1958 and has had extensive experience in marketing and corporate development actîvities. Mr. Newall is a native of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. -B. L. Turvolgyi, formerly Vioe-President-Manufacturing, will be responsîble for the Company's flibres, chem- ical, plastics and films groups. A native of Hungary,-he jined Du Pont of Canada in 1953 and has had experienoe manmufaeturinst. corprate planning and corporate development. Who could resist the appealing faces of these littie animais who are looking for a home. At left is Peaches, a two-year-old spayed femnale Persian cat, and at right às Freckles, -an eight-week female part hound. Both animais are av ilable for adoption at the Whitby humane uociety slielteÎLon Thickson Road, whi ch is holding its annual open house Sunday from 2 pm. toS5p.m. Froe Pr.. mto on our cc J. E. NewaiI n Pool1 evenlifig was a water ballet by four Whitby and Oshawa girls who will 'e competing in the Ontario Winter Cames at Sault Ste Marie next February. The girls, Margo Mountjoy, Diane Moore, and Vicki Stafford of Oshawa and Dawn Twyman of Whitby, are Ontario Junior* Champions and Central Regional champ- ions in synchronized swlrnming. The program closed with the unveiling of two plaques by Mr. Wilcox, and Mr. Paton of Canadian Swimiming Pool Design Services Ltd., assisted by Mr. Beath and Mayor Gartshore. One plaque bears the namnes ot the tcwn council and the other thanks the people of Whitby for their donations to' build the pool.

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