Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1975, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17, 1975,. PAGE 23 O(K. ______668_3618 Children's Matinee Sat. 1:30 p.m. ""HEY THERE! IT'S YOGI BEAR" NOW PLAYING ""-.. ÏHEDIXIE DANCEKINGS" Burt Reynolds 7:05 p.m. "'THE LEGEND 0F HELLHOUSE" Roddy McDowelt (Adult Entertaiîimeîit) STARTING DEC. 24 "TOMMY" TOWN 0F WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no garbage collection on Thursday, December 25th, 1975, Friday, December 26th, 1975 and Thursday, ianuary 1, 1976. Garbage normally collected on:- Thursday, December 25th wiIl be collected on Monday, December 29th, 1975. Friday, Decemiber 26th wiII be collected on Tuesday, December 30th, 1975. Thursday, January lst, 1976 wiIl be collected 0on Friday, January 2nd, 1976. GARBAGE MUST BE OUT BY 7:00 A.M. FOR COLLEC- TION ON WEDNESDAY, DECENIBER 24th AND WEDNESDAY, DECENIBER 3 1 st, 1975. R. A. Ktiwaha.,ri, P. Eiig.. l)irec [or of Public Works. Brookliln-Whiltby Mînor Hocke y Association Iroquois Tournam Mt Dec. 27,28, 29 Billets required f or out of town players Anyone interested cali Mrs. Sandrelli at 668-5492 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ j Two clectric quarter horse MOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER BOX, $15. Cati 668-6750. 1969 CIIEV 1/2lTON PANEL TRUCK- un,.ertit'ied, nceds somne body wvork, $ 1,200 or bcst offer. Cali 655-4356. Two SNOW TIRES - with rims, Uniroyal Winter Ride, F78-14, new, $55. CaiI655-3879. 1969 FORD WAGON - 8 scater, tincertified. $400. Cali 655-4416. FEMINIEIDOBERMA\N 14 vvetks nid, ai l siots. red &' tan, papt'rs. sired bV ('anadianl Chiamnpions. (ail aller 6 p. (6553493. 11 AGI I ont' e ai nid pulp. $15. ('ail 668-6779 a'tttr 5 p)in. C('AN ARI S FWR SALI niaiet' ceIIait'. gnaran îced itr. ('ail 008-4915. tEM At.!'PLI> S wteeks oit1. 5-4) 9. 533 WAVERLY ST. N. OSHAWA, ONTARIO LtJ 5W8 B/W. me H. A* 2nd ANNUAL IROQUOIS TOURNAMENT 1975 27th, 28th, & 29th Dec. 1975 FIRST ROUND SCHEDULE MINOR BANTAM DECEMBER 27, 1975 Oshawa Bayridges Whitby Barrie Leamington Rochester N.Y. Malton Cobourg Whitby Rochester N.Y. Syracuse .IY. Bayridges VS. VS. VS. VS. VS. VS. VS. vs. Syracuse N.Y. Aurora Owen Sound Hull Quebec Ajax Tor. Olympics Cedar Hill Thornhî ll 8:45 arn 9:45 arn 11:l15am 12:15SPm 1:30 Pm 2:30 Pm 3:45 Pm 4:45 Pm MINOR PEEWEE DECEMBER 27, 1975 Kingston Twsp. 12:00 pm Aurora 1:00 Pmn Cobourg 2:15 pm Mississauga 3%.15 Pm Iroquois Iroquois I roquois I roquois I roquois I roquois I roquois I roquois Brooklinj Brookîinj Brooklin.j Brooklinj Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Arena Arena Arena Arena Complete furnishings of faptorW showroomns apVd suppliers, t, model homes, apartmneqts, town- hQss(used for display purpose ptlly>savings de high as 50ls)ei cept cut-easy terms can be seen .at*the i wrehouse 12 to'8 daily. E L¶ER'SFRITUR E 253 Bloor Street East, Oshawa Phonp - 728-347.1 CAIAPENTRY Home Repairs' Improvements I3athroom& floor tiling,. Recreation roomis,, cedar decks & patio doors, etc. ÇAJ..L 6684686 Th. 0 Slding 4Fa*cIa 0*Soffit Eav.stmoughing 90 Doors, Windows 0 Patio Docte Woilc ueamntmd Lic. 81172 IIIprii t t .9 cliibit' foot [-sRi -/, \Wil tinpper l'idge. $.ý 1010; nldt ilîotil RIDGE, S51). hoth arte i n ood ttondtllion Cail 055-3083. FULLER 13RUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREM ENTS CALL FAY 1)REW 668-9915 A TTENTION FARMERSII! WHY PA Y MORE? iM OUALITY SEL FUEL DR oit »iivery .ce cati colt 668-3381 FREE» ESTtMATES 668-1668 728-1593 RI.t"I-RID)GL-RAI*OR -- Admnirai white, 6 nionthis old, manuel dei'rost. $250. Cati 668-9786 After 6 p.mi. weekdays. Lined t)RAI>t'.S --5'" x 45" and malýtch ing qn lit hedspread., Nu11e and gree'n to.-.a, $20; tnfant's delnxt' 101 NGI.t< like nesx. $5. ('ail 668-8429. t-ISR RtN(; tartev Davidsor, 1200( ask iw, $65 ; 4 MAG whects, anti tire s'or tort' ncar asking $80: 3 seus of car ROOF RAC'KS U8 a sct. ('al 668-4449. Straigh t stittit FORt1 Ali Ll- SI-wl IN( NIA( 'IN i i rnnnir1 M'detr. $25; 501 iipi. StRVI('L IRl AKI R. $4: 301 amp. kniit'e S W T'i( I 1BOX, $2.511: 8fuse' paliet 1ho \,$8; i terior car ItiR.$5-,(GALL.ON îBOT- TiLS si tii air Ineks. t'or iniakinig %vine, 90 cent[s a bottie. (Cail1 0() 8 -9()1 ]\V() SINLAV 1i11(1-b - ili wshels, 15 imcli. hblack wail. Ï. excellenit conitiion, $25; RACELR BIC'YCLtE, il) gond condîitioni, $35. Ca11 668-5541. LYON'S AUCTION HALL 18 McMillan Dr. Wanted Items you have to sell Estate - Antique -Consignment Sales - Appraisals S-iLm Twice Weekly Open Monday -. FridIay 1:00 -8: 00 Po.Me' ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 you, wek *heu BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: December 21 to December 27 Turn up the wick at your job, task or project. Whether or not you are aware of it, it's an ideal time to start ne* programs. Getting use to a change that is takinig place in your immediate environiment, could be a problem. Incidentally, any changes that take place-will be to your advantage. You'l do well with the opposite sex. As a matterof fact, there's some sort of over- ture or acknowledgement coming your way. Today, you could be referred to as being-"a soft touch." According to your chart, it's highly probable, that you'l forget about charity beginning at home. Many members of your sign will be asked to do something that is-well-some sort of honor,.There is a catch, how ever, that task will flot bring you populanity. You're inclined to take things for granted, today. But, most important, you're going to get the feeling that an associate has let you d own. Mentally, most members of your sign are now sharply honed. It's not likely that any sort of written error will get by you. Running around with a sword in your bet-ail set to do verbal battle-seerns to be in the general seheme of things for most members of your sign. Being hard to get along with, especially when a member of the opposite sex is in- volved-seems to be your hang up! Take it easy, Sagittarius, you'Il need ail the help you can handle. Things should look bright in most depart- ments of your life. Actually, things will go your way-in spite of a few blunders. You should hear good news concerning your job, task or project. Incidentally, this AQUARIUS good news will corne in a rather bizarre Jan. 20-Feb. 18 and misleading form. PISCES Feb. 19-M ar. 20 Not that you're going to face any "hair raising" reversais, the fact remains that, emotionally, you'11 be as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. PERtONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send the day. monIf>. year and place of birth, plus $1.00 for postage and tandling ta Or. Andrew W. Damis, P. 0. box 12766, St. Ptersburg, Florida 33733. TOWN 0F WHITBY 1976 DOG LICENCES Dog licences for the year 1976 are now available at the Treasurer's Office, Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby at a fee of $15. R. A. Claringbold Deputy Treasurer Town of Whitby CUSHIONS UNLIMITED featuring HAREMI & FLOOR'CUSHIONS Soft Scuflptured Furniture Large & Small Stuffed Toys Opening Specil DecoatorPillows also Bedpilo;vs 1/2Prime - x-~. - 44f "'~Ç "~< >a~ "-s r~r>M. CUSHIONS1 130 Brock St.1 Whitby. UNLIMITED N. TAKE NOTICE ] Charterways Co. Ltd. announces early morning service to Oshawa Ieaving Whitby GO Station at 6 a.m., Dairy Bar at 6:05 proceeding east on Dundas St. to Thornton Rd. connecting with the. Oshawa Transit. bus 6:20 daily. For further Information phone Charterways 723«7171. SA VE ON PREM1 'w' GAS e DIES - .MOTO Ot0 o pleal -roW- DURHAM PLUMBING Lt. REPAtRS, ALTE RATIONS AND NEW WORK

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