PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1975, WHITBY FREE1 ÇWklin ~ Byines How's it going? Just think, aniothier week and it wili be over! For another year that is. Why is it that wc have 52 weeks between each Christmnas .... but everything seeins to onfly get done in the last two? Anyway for yauir sakes 1 hope that you are further ahead thian 1 an.... because if anything, 1 an in a worse state thun previous years and could do with an extra txvo rnonths in which ta get recady!! ý, But l'ut going ta mnake sure that l'rn fr-ee next for the Cornuunity geltotgether thait will be held i the Braaklin Comînunity Centre betwveu 2 p.rn. anid 5 pant. It promises to be ani -il ternioa aof great fun uand frienidliiuss. Thiere xiii be curai singing arounid the gaiiy lit tre.... have you seen it? i' lloks reaily great ....And thien itlxiii be indoors for so-nte pianeer refresienits, arnid Soifle pioncer decorations. Tliere wili also be a Nativity Scene prcsented by the Browniies and Guides and of course a visit front the Joiiv Geitlint:i front the North Pale. And that is niot ail. Because the afternoon's feastivities are rounded off by wagon riches around the taxvn, to view the decarations,- on the houses, etc. Group '74 is hosling the Centre activilies and the B:c'uklin Kinsmien are arranging the rides. With thent and 'the Brawnies anid Guides doing the Nativity Scene, thiis is a commrunity effort. There's anc snag. If the rest of the Conînunily klaesn't show up il wiil be a waste of tinte and effort. Sa cane an - a greal deai of PRESS tliouglil bas gone jta this day, sa rouse yauirself, wrap up the 11111e ones and be there for 2 You'll enjoy your- self. And before you leave the houise, please put an your outside iights, so duit the wagon riders will have sornîehing ta look at. The invitation is bo the wholc Nzrlh Ward..cauîe on out and let us gel to kncw ecach other. And Urn teliing you...if 1 caui spare the ie - anyone caui! 1This makes nie cry! There is aniother great event an the saine day and at the saine tirnce.... 2 1st Dec. between 2 paîn. and 5 p.m. This is the Ontario Hurnane Society's 'Open Ilfouse and Christmas Party'. Evcryone is welcorne ta, corne along and join iu the Fi. For the sntaîl fry that Jolly Gentleman is zaorniug 4-.hl's go[t anc vcry busy day on the '-I1st. Hope hie doesu't wear hiniselifout befure the 241h!! lt's a greal comrbinalion ut the, hlumuane Society when you thik af it ... Children, animaIs and Santa Clatis. Wat Disney cauildn'î do better!! If yau cnjoy a good boak aver the holidlay tiien let me reînind yau tlvhît the library vvill bc clusing early au the 241h and the 3 t st ....aopcuing heutrs will bc 2-5 p.rn. un both days. And il will be clased ain Ch ristinas Day, Baxing Day and on New Year's Day. Duiiîig the hioliday scasan the childreni's pragrammes arc as follows: NlMoiflays, 221nd and the 29t1î there wili tbc crafts iietwccn 2:30 and 3:30 Tucsdays the 23rd and the 3Oth there will be inavies hetween 2:30 and 3:30 pan. and an Wednesdays the 24th and 3 1 st, there wiIl be carotliug on the former and puippet show an the latter. Reguilar Story I[lotir will >e lheld on the Saturdays. Sa no barcd young pîeople please over thc holiday. With anc îhing and atic.hert you've ptenity ta kcep you occuipied. This brings me toaunother point, anc thut bottiers me, and a greut muny people ini the tawn, judging fro.,n-,somie calîs l've hiad ini the last few weeks. Arc yau younig pcople bored, or is it that yau jusl nced a swift kick in the punIs ta srnarten yau utp? Or is it that your parents need ta bc proampled ta srnarleu uip and start acting like parents, and face rip ta their responsibili fies? What ever il is, il seenis Firemen had b usy weekend Tlirce seriousts ires hast weckend kept thie Whilby Fire Departuient btîsy. The flrst occurrcd ut 11:36 p.uî. Friday n.ighlt ut thie Lake Ontario Steel plat, xvheu a sinall explosion lu a furnace cactsed the hy drahic hunes ta break and Uth furace îipped, pouriug hot nîctal auto thie tiecr. The tire tepartnietit was abe ta put out thie fire lu t1e hydralic huecs, but dainage te the structure and equîip- meint was excessive. saIys Chiief l-d Croucti . lie est inated ilt could rcach as iuch uas S I niilliotn. On Saturthay at 3:06 p.rn. a grease Ilire brake out iu thie steve and dtîct work at thie Ro-ah i taltel, causing abaut S I0,000 daruage. Five cinils responded ta the alarin, and liad thie tire utider contraI xittiit 20 intaes saiid Cliief C reticli. Thie fire xvas cenfincd la the kitchien, and ail occupants of the lotel w<re evactîatcd safeîy. The thtird fine occcirred Suîîday ai 12:04 p.nî. ut 803 Athiol St., thte honie af aiies Chiarter s. xvhýrre a iieds1îread ini a drycn cauglît tire. causing $350 damiage. that a gret many peopte around îere are gltiîîg OP with s<)ne of tthe sinart atec hlaviour and thie gute1r lauiguage that is bcing praduL'ed by saie oaIaur teenagers .. girls as wett as boys t hiasten Ia add. t atsa hasten ta add Ihat il isn't the rnajority of teenagers, but a sinaît care aof kids that are a pain in the ueck. I don't know wtîcttîer- i,' blame thern' or blaîne thîcir parents. t agree ttîat wc cuit, t always guarantce thc outside betiavior of' aur ctildreui. but at -the same lime il would scern that saie paren ts cauU I do with taking a great deut mare interesl iin Uic gaings au of' thieir offspriîîg. They arc usuatlthie ames that screamnINe murder wtien young Fred gels caught doing soninthiug drastic,' and wonder how il cautd happenIo t thein. ltiI tell you lelting your childrcn wander around ttîe towu, not knowimg whcre thcy are gaing, or withî whorn, atnd ual knawing what lhey are up la. Why not miake your homte a marc welconme place for yaur kids and thieir friends. I f you gel a complakl--, about thecir behavior..just l'or once act like a parent and correct yactr child wiîh a heavy hand if need be. Don'l wail until we have la start layiug charges atgaiust doesri't hiave to go that far, nat if you arc doing the job that you îoak oami en you dccided ta have a fantily. If same of yau are sinarting afler this..gond. You are the nues l'ni talking ta. If the resl of you arc sîlting buck and saying thal il daesu'l conceru you....tlhen thiîk again. hlo ia any tintes hiave yau seen snrnelhiug or heard somne- lhing..but have turned a blind eye tor a deaf ear. ~Why ual tell the young ones you don't like that kind of behavior, if you kncw the chiîd..why not tell the parents. And wie,you are a il ..check whal your owu offspring are upto these dark evenings. Let's ail pull together before the whiole thing gels ouI of hand..aud whiîe we are aI, il, il wouîdn't be such a bad idea if thé Recreat ion Deparrnent Iooked mb î hings and tried ta provide sorne fort of occupation for these people. Tho' that, ta me, is passing the buck..why should they do the job for the parents? Nuff said, I hope. Tonight we sec the end resuit of a chore Ihat sorne of aur young people took on a few weeks back. Pmn referring ta the Group '74 babysitting course. It is Graduation night aI the United Church Hall betweenl and 9 p.m., And everyone is welcome ta go aîong and sec the kind of work these yonng people have produced. Refreshients wiîl be se,,ved and as I said, everynne is weîcorne. Beî'ire we go ta At A Glance, 1 apologize ta anynne that went down ta Auderson on Saturday for their debate. Afler thie paper hiad gone ta press, they unfortunatehy had Ia cancel the activity. Il was ton laIe ta let you know... il was n nes fault but just one of thiose unfortunate happen- irgs. As I said..apologies toalal that were incouvenieuced. DEC. l6th-23rd - Registralian ut library for next Moîhier aîîd Tots programmne tlîat is due ta, stant Jan. 6th. SUN. DEC. 2lst - Montîîy îmeeting of Legion miembzrs aI the Legian Hall ut 1:30 p.rn. SUN. DEC. 2lst - OLDE TYMUF CHRISTMAS..,- Cormmumîity Centre at 2 p.nî. tilI 4 p.m. Ail North Warders arc invited. SUN. DEC. 2îst - Ontario Huniane Society's Open I-louse and Christmias Party. 2-5 p.m. ut thie shelter on Thicksan Rd. Evcryane xelcone. MON. DEC. 22îîd - Cildren's Crafts ut the library bctxvecmî 2:30 and 3:30 p.îî. TUES. DEC. 23rd - Movies aI the Library, between 2:30-- 3:30 p.în. Children agaimi. WED. DEC. 24th - CuraIs for the chldremi. t the 'Wi-rary betxvecî 2:30 - 3:30 p.nî. MON. DEC. 29th - Crafts for Uhc eblîdren. Libnary 2:30 -- 3:30 TUES. DEC. 30th - Mavie..for thie chîldren. At the Iihrary 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. WED. DEC. 3lst - Puppet show ut the library .. 2:30- 3:30 p.m. WeIl that rouinds iltmup for yet atiothier week. M) esteemîîed Editor lias just called ta tell nie thaI there wilI b( n paper ncxt wcek. Sa I1xvihl take îlîis npportunity « xvisl yocm ahi thie b[essimîgs amîd happimiess of Christmas. 1 hope tial yotm wiII ail enjoy thie wannith and love thal'is sa mîuchî a part of Ihîls season. Take cure of yourselves, and if yau are travellinîg have a safe jattrney aîîd couic back ta, us in amie picce. A Very Happy Christnias ta You Ail. LIZ 655-3750 For a warm Christmas instali a h,,,eatiIatoro Friroplace woodburning or gus ON DISPLAY; built-ins, walh hanging & free standing fireptaces Ail. cast Franklins Complete accessories Christmas Gif t Certif icates Available 900llopkîna St. qt Jurm, Wlitbv, 668-3192 Open Tuesday thru Saturday. Season's Greetings from the staff of StFP eSTORES i5::ý. One ofthe CeshWSgroup The Firepluce lus - - -------- --