28 Warriors willfc teRssians minusr The Ontario Hockey Asso- ciation Senior 'A' Whîitby Xarriors enter the December 28 exhibition contest against the Russian First Division Moscow Kimiiiks minus out- standing goaltender Dave Ta,.aryn and inspirational coach Dave Nichiolishien. Tataryn recently signed a three-year contract with the Toronto Toros of the World I ockey Association after îrnpressing the Toro's management in a five-garne trihoiheri.suffered what is suspected to be ligament damnage Èo a knee in a regular season contest Monday and will definitely miss the gamne against the Russians. He wvas to undergo surgery yesterday. Before tie injury, Nichiol- ishen said he did not feel Tataryn's absence would hurt the Warriors as they have two "4excellent" goalies in Brian Wilson and Dave Boyarski. He added thiat the teamn has scheduled extra' practise sessions in preparation for the game against thie Khimiks. The gamie begins at 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Park Arena. by Vadimir Pakhomov Nov isti Press Agency Khimik is the youngest of the ten leading Soviet sport clubs having been established ini Dec. 1953 and it has been taking part îi' national championships since 1957. Fromi that timie on no major hockey 'touirnam'mi--it held in the USSR passed without the participation of the rep.-esen- tatives of tie chernical plant of the city of Voskrescnsk (somie 50 miles east of Moscoxv). Ice ho] :'.ey becamie the Ieading sport there a long rime ago. As mnany as 16 shops try for the plant's championship honours. The chemnical workers take part in the Chiampionship of Moscow Region while tlieir strongest representatives hold a place in the top division. Khimik placed 10th in the year of its debut. However already in th.se tirnes the club more than once was succeýsfu1 in its encoun- ters with the country's lead- ing teams - the Central Army Sports Club (TSSKA) Dynamo and Spartak. In the autumn of 1963, Khimiks emerged victorious in the traditional tournament for the prize of the newspaper Sovietsky Sport and 18 months later they received bronze medals in_ -TheTUCI ChaT% mpionship: .- THE CORNERSTONE GIFT SHOP Cheýs Sets, Copper, Brass, Canister Sets 122 Brock St. N., - Whltby MON. to FPAl. 10 -9 SA.1- ïCf I.,for 'People whn care" rataryn and Nichi Tie Whitby Warriors oft Il a WiL1 anid woolly afiair the Ontario l-lockey Associa- Thursday, the host Warriors tion Senior 'A' league won defeated the Napanee Cornets two games last week. 7-4 in a gaine laced' willh Senior 'A' the Napanee alishen fighit S. Tie Va r riors led th roughi- as Gary Milroy fired three goals, Ed Philpott two and Daive Nichiolishien and Gord McCosli onc eachi. The Warriors postcd a costly 5-2 victory over the Midtown Lancers ini a gaine in Lindsay on Monday. Playing coach> Dave Nicholishien su fféed danmage to a knee and will be side- lined for somne tilnc. Paul Raymner scored a pair and Bob Kirk, Pete Vipond and Ed Taylor added singles for the Warriors. The Warriors play host to the Allan Cup Champion Thunder Bay Twins on Saturday at 7:45 p.rn. and entertail1 the Russian First Division Moscow Khimiks on Sunday, December 28 at 7:30 p.î.- A liînited number of tickets are available at Shorty's Cigar Store and the Whitby Recreation Depart- mîen t. ~AINT .- U1'-WALLPAPEI Pittsburgh paint at 20%o/oOFF Present coupon below with your next roli of colour film for Printing and Developing... SA5O0 Off the Regular Phototinishing Price with thîs Special Holiday Offer! --CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT TO CASHIER- - - - - DECEMBER WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEL)NESIAY. L)ECEMI3ER 17.1I97Ç PAGF 19 C CRAFT WORKSHOP VISIT OUR GYIFT SHOP FOR HANDCRAFTED: POTTERY MACRAME INQUIRE ABOUT: POTTERY CLASSES POTTERY SUPPLIES 115 BROCK ST. S. 668-9511