Whitby Free Press, 3 Dec 1975, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1975. PAGE 5 Not sa long ago, 1 saw a leter printed in a local newspaper which was highly critical of the linemploymnent Insurance Act and, specificaiîy, about the UIC recipients, peaple wha are out of work or' unable ta find a suitable job. The writer implied that mast people who receive UIC benefîts and other forms of Goverument assistance are lazy bumns wha will not wark, even if the wark was readily available ta themn. Then followed the usual cry-baby approach: we working taxpayers are asked to support this kind of bureaucracy. No more maney ta the unempioyed. Let them -starve. To heul with somne 700,000 Canadians who are presently out of wark. Weii, it is easy ta say ail these things until you suddeniy lose your own job and become a growing statistic. 1 had similar negative views on people who were unempioyed or unemployable, but no longer do 1 hoid the same views. Because, here is one persan (yours truly) who wouid rather work any time and have a steady job than "bum around". But, that's not what my previaus employer wanted. To him, 1 was a number. The wark ethic did not exist. The long haurs did nat matter. The loyaleïy was unb.iiard of. The quaiity of the wark had no meaning. And above ail, you practically had ta renaunce your awn persanaiity. Then, I1.-jas not a member of -i union which meant there was no protection when protection was needed. On the slightest irritant, the employer cauld tell yau-"get aost, we don't need yau any more". ln a unionized shop, for iny disagreement, a "just cause" wo ld have ta be shown by the employer, before an empioyee could be dismissed tram his job. It is stili the aid belief that nine tfmes out of ten, the employee is pictured as a big, bad walf. Simpiy, he didn't listen ta the boss or samehow he dared ta chalange his autharity. He wore the wrang- shoes at the wrong time. He refused ta be a "caffee machine" for the boys in the office and above alI-get this he used his own mind for a change and dared to ask some, presumably unpopular, questions. You just don't do things like these. The corporate image is sacred-iike motherhood and apple pie. But, how mâriy times is the employer being asked to explain his side of the story? How many times is the employer being asiad to take a more responsible attitude towards his employees? And, how many times has -he been asked ta. understand that employees also have their rights? Generally, it is accepted that an employer has God-given, rights, he can do no wrang. The employer is ailowed to pay you a meagre salary. He is aliowed to ask you ta wark overtime at no extra pay. He can ask you ta functian tike a computer under most trying conditions. The demands are just endiess. Perhaps, one day the Gavernment should scrutinize the employer too. Definitely, he's na saint. i ai must add that surveys and statistics bear out the already known fact that only a tiny percentage of people wauld prefer not to work. The overkuhelming majority want ta work. Once out of a job. they became depressed and lose motivation for work. Lack of emplayment also brings on a number of ilinesses. And, psychologi- cally, the persan starts going downhill. Now, think for a moment. Would you like to be unemployed? Not me. Do you ever gel the feeling you're being watclied'?Wllin you ttrm arouud quickiy do y'ou sec a fleetiug shadow disappear arouud tie corner or m th de bushes? If you believe the reports, in tliis, tie lheiglit of the apparent sîlly season. îlîey you believe there are ittle greeu peuple ont there observinc, us. StilI . watchcd or not, I1îlîiuk ve (hnadians arc forunuate iu that unr police svsîcm dtiesni appear ta have îaken over coîîîrol oU' tic country vet. I say iî doesu'î "appear" because that 's îot îu say tuai the R CMP tir saine sucli urganization hasn'i takcrt over. il 's jusi iliat if îlîcy h ave it 's certainly îhe besi kept secret in tiiis couuury Recent disctverics ini the LUited States have revealet i te CIA involveti in opeuiîîg anti reainig people's mnail ton a large scale as opposed ta whai îlîcy wcrc originally giveni thaý sanie îask here iu Canada, we, dic taxpayers, would be saved thouIsands of dollars because, of course, we don't have any mail. That woLild leave dic RCMP froc lu nip ont andti îcket auv dtouble 1îaketi hîtrses. Of' course I kutw die R CMP is îînchî more tmodtern tIian horses anti uîi rLuntiers but i ihir imiage, unhike lte CIA. is stîll tne)f'ea the police t rttps tam iig Ountlaws/ in the vasi western and ti mirn itc ir. 1SI îsledi t Lnd1iti IuldI raise tmir eyelirows clue a bit if %ve îeally kricw allie duties cxpecied of or should 1 say carricd oui b,, ic RCMI>. NE*ER V * 4'RIN * CAROUSEL INN* -'c 4' 4' 4', 4' FEATURING Bob Mcbride (former Iead singer of Lighthouse) ""M EADOWS" FRIDAY & SATURDAY Businessnan's Buffet Luncheon - $2 .50 -Ail Vou can eat. MON-FR I l2noon to 3p-. CHRISTMAS DAY Dinner 4-9 Phone for Reservations SUNDAY BUFFET DINNER $5.95 ALL YOU CAN EAT SUNDAY EVENINGS 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. 1 wouidn't îhink checking oui stories of' littie green men is one of' tiose dutfies but then again 1 guess in the rernote areas. ihere is nio other police body to do the job. And, of course, as of laie the reports are more frequent because we're cither seeing more of the Iittde creatures and their space ships or else as a nation we're h iîting the bottle a litile more Irequen îly these days. Pie îhough ts of lit tic green rmen watch ing mie fromi the bushes of* sorte such hiding place neyer bothered ne but the thoutglits of a group sncb as the CIA shadowing nie miakes mie ai-raid, even in a moment of anger, tu utter a four letier word or. worýe stili, i*bid a parking ticket righit across the part thiat says, "do not i*oid or nmtlate tii s ticket". 1 don't have anlyting to hide but there is the odd timie whien I've been known to take the editor's namie in vai.J and 1 wouldit vani it tu gel l)ack to h iim. I will also admit a couple u'tiunes to have laughied oui loud watching or intrepid iriau Winter risking lite and limib while dodging cars ai the tour corners irying to cra.is the'intersection in search Wofa stury. Viii sure vou've ail called sonie neighibour a lriuînp) or a îwiî ai sonie tUrne or uthier but liad you doue su in the U.-' v u r renia rk s niigli t wind u r un an offticiai rep or t. F a t s bad c noughl bu t can yuu iniiagine stime puor CIA agenti liaviuig tot reati the mail'? Soine out liose Ici ters runi Aurnt Ccl îa would drive tîte lest of' tlîenirouud tue beud le t alune lisIen ing i n (un tel cpi oue ctonve rsatiouns. Nuonia tte r how trivial the de tails oft hot)V . ndle I arry gui timn k ait cousin Clem's wedding andi started dnnking wedding cake in tie punuchihuwl thie ('lA n ain wt i ndI i ave t t)fisteon ca ref'ui I v in case iti\vas ailI a caîiel'! I nplt l1w a sec re t agent tu get initurtiatiju aciuss ttî anutir agent. The whule îh iugý is unnecessary liere in Canada because \101. Ct) ild even îknoc k oi fi lie Prititie M in ist er andtihiie conut mv wouu d keep) riolit t(ti i ru nul ne. So ltar tiiis ioth we ve slîuwn î iai we don 't neeti a postal service or eveni teacliers St) wlîat's a ilnissing Prie Nijister or a counple (If' M\en ibers toft ParI iane t lie me iî li i tlby' tie Bell lias n rt wen we duîî t rietdila ltocal t tii ice andii ttiir local cabile tel evjsion i t!)p any lias su )w Illis tdic saine. We 'le 111issi ng our ptolice cliieci anti u of' iIouI gtod pol icemîenî andi as Open 7 doys a week Maiple teal RESTAURANT 120 BROCI< ST. N. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 4 Delicious Conodman and Italion Dishes 4 GREAT WALL CHINESE & CANADIAN RESTAU RANT 668- 7021 668- 7301 FREE DELIVERY BUSINESS HOURS- Monday - Thursday ....l.. 1a.zn. - 1 .a.m. Friday and Saturday .... l1 a.m.- 3 a.m. Sunday ................... 11a.- 10Op.m. 00W open Tuesdays 116 Du ndas St. West Whitby of late we haven't even had a permanent mayor. In fact, one nighit fot too long ago we even.Iost our entire water suppiy! We're also missing tlu apartment buildings but 1 underntand thcere's a move afoot to rectify that situation. Iu fact, we'rc su far off the beaten path here in Whitby we don't even have auy body rub parlours to raid. Consequcntly, when I look quickly behind myseif in Whitby and I think I sec a shadow I know il couldn't be the CIA or the RCMP or even littie green men. What could they possibly want of me or Whitby?? No I put it down ta being a shadow and break into a smiile while thinking that Whitby hasn't taken on miany of the bati aspects of our larger urban ceniers in Canada. And you know, 1 wouidn't have it any othier way! MANY T'HANKS FROM JOHN GOO DWIN

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