PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS POLLING SUBDIVISION, THE NOTN NARO comSSem C orUjNC S&JBDVISUMN Nms. SU $7 u38, . 40, 41, 42 s-4 43 THE WEST WAM THE 5CENTUL WARO THE LAIT WAR CONSISTE 0F POLUNO SUBDIVIIIONS CONSISIE 0F POLUINC SUBDIVISIONS CONSISTE OF POLUNG SUIOMIIO No.1. Z .s.4,5,S. 7.& 9. 10 No..l,12,18.14.1516.1713,19,20.21. =2324 Ne.. Mn2Bu 27,3% 9, ea. S& 3%. in. a THE CORPORATION F THE TOWN F WHITBY NOTI CE LOCATION F POLLING PLACES POLL NUMBER 1 Notice is hereby given tothe Municipal Electors of the Town of Whitby in the Regional Municipality of Durham, that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, as amended, Chapter 95, I have caused the municipality to' be divided into polling subdivisions, and have provided at least one polling place for each polling subdivision.. Following is a list of the 'polling subdivisions and related polling places. When reviewing this list, reference should be made to the Polling Subdivision Map which accompanies, this notice.- Reqular Pollinq Day will be December lst, 19J75 and an Advance - Poli wl be held -on November 22d. 1975. LOCATIQN Mrs. Margaret Lee's Residence, 1370 Dundas St. W. West Lynde Public School, 270 Michael Blvd. Denis O'Connor Schoo!, 1003 Giffard St. Mrs. F. 'osettani's Residence, 702 Cochrane St. E. A. Fair-man School, Walnut & Palace Sts. E. A. Fairman School, Wlalnut& Palace Sts. Denis O'Connor School, 1003 Giffard St. St. Marks United Church House, 200 Byron St. S. Mrs. Orma McKîiay's Residence, 707 Maria St. Mrs. Joan Hilliard's Residence, 906 McCullough Dr. Mrs. M. Sevcik's Residence, 1008 Byron St. S. Mrs. M. Gouldburn's Residence, 1608 Dufferin ST. .ki Centennial Bldg., Senior Citizens Roomn, 416 Centre St. S. Centennial Bldg., Board Roomn, 416 Centre St., S.- AIl Saints Anglican Church, Centre St. N. E. A. Fairman School, Walnut & Palace Sts. Mrs. Ann Vesters' Residence, 513 Ash St. Florence M. Heard Public School r Dundas St. E. Em 'manuel Reformed Church', 403 Rossland Rd. W. Emmanueël Réformed Cýhurch; 403 R ossîand Rd. W. - -.-- #