P AGE 6, wEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1975, WHITBY FREI Where were you on November l3th? Where were you betWeef 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.? I know where three quarters of Brooklifl householderS were not. They were not at the planning office helping to decide how Brooklifl should g4 regarding development. Only 108 people took time to accept the invitation of Professor Pinkor to mnako their viows known, and to register their opinion as (o lîow Brooklin should $row. One quarter of the householders!! Don't we care anymore? Are we so shortsighted that we can only think of today?,Are wc so self centered that wc can only think of numnber one? Are we 50 apathetic that we are going to lie down and lot the powers-thiit-be walk à llo*vor- us?I1'f that is the case thon wc deserve whatever environment that is thrown at us. I just pity the quarterý that are interestod and concernod. For general information, only 7 registered' that they wanted Brooklin (o stay as it is (Now we'1l possibly find Uihat there arc another 107 wailing 'but I want it to stay as it is'..togh! you know where you shouid have been!) Another 16 showed that they wanted planning to start now io a growth of 25,000. The rest showed that, they wanted growth of a middle of the road E PRESS type..28 for a growth ol 8-10,000; 23 f'or growth. (o 3600 in ton years and stop; 18 for growth 1to 21400 - 3,600 and roview growth to 25,000 in, say 8 ycars; and 16 voted f or growth to 2,400 In ton years, and stop. I have (o admit that it wll now ho interesting tosec what growth pattern is decided upon, and whether it shows the views of that quarter that 'did register their opinion., Professor Pinker did seem concerned with the people's opinions and did say (bat they would ho taken into account. But whethcr the -politicians and the proposed developers wI also listen will ho another story. -You have a'chance to ineet with your future Mayor and North Ward CouncilloÉ'next week. Thero is to ho a public meeting with all the candidates at the Brooklin Comrnunity Centre on Tuesday tic 2Sth at 8 p.m. Will YOU ho there? We were fortunate when Don Lovelock was our North Ward Councillor as ho was..and stiil Is evon (ho' a Regional Councilor now..most concerned with our problems. The next North Ward Coundilor has big shoos to f111.I.. hope that ho can make it. But you corne out on Tuesday and sec what they are offering. And as I said, the candidates for Mayor wiil also, be present. Apart from a great mnany signs, that like a bunch of weeds seemed to sprout up over night, I havon't seen much of an approach to the voters of the North Ward. Oh yes Mr. Goodwin.- I know some people got a letter from you..but your delivory boys nover made my house. I'm glad to sec that the Brooklin Horticultural Society are back with, tie Bylines..we haven't heard much frorn you people for a long time. But ail members please note that you are urged to attend the next meeting which will ho held on the 26th November..a Wednesday. You are having the annual electiori of officers and a pot luck BROWN'1S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, NORTH *WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 ANACI aï 9 9c UISTERINE 185C SCICK Il 99' CONFIDETS 75C FAmm MIL , uZi 0. Ri BRO Sltzr$1.29 ULTRA BaN $1.19 ICE CREAM 2'1S9c CLUB MOUE- TUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES ADI'9 SARDINES S'u 919c OLO COLONY - Regular end Diet Lims SOFT DRNKS 6199<c EA5T T0 05114- l LOL 1TIN9 Gowoen Ipe Large $1:. lb 231 BSANANAS on" oFancy Grade Mchtogb Red APPLES 31b 69' Otaro No.1 Grade RtUTABAGjAS ib, 12" me. i Grade Oeurla c'em "O mo * feen Si@U ROUIS MxI SIXDAIS -A WEMK 8:0 m.6 .. ONTARIO supper. The meeting wilt bc ihcld as usual ai the Brooklifl UnitedÇChurch Hall at6:15 p.m. It's a busy week! For on lThursday the 27th the public are invited to go.alongii to the Brooklin CornimufltY Ccntre and sece what 13 going on at the closing session of thec Fail Craft Series that has been organized by the Brooklin Arts and Crafts. 'his will bc a working session taking place between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. If you have ever wondered just what gocs on at the Brookllfl Arts and Crafts then this is your chance..and not just to sec a fancy display, but to actually sec the ladies working at thoir craft and producing somne lovely resuits. You'll probably be inspired to enroil for the next series starting after Christmas. And if after a week of polities, elections and crafts, you feel like going out and enjoying yourself at a drnner and dance..then why flot give Jean Phillips a eall at 655-2271 and reserve your tickets for thie Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association I Oth Anniversary dinner and dance that will be hcld on the 29th November. Tickets are 1l5 a couple. If you get the paper caly on Wednesday thon remrember that tonight is the Babysittlflg Discussion at the Brooklin United' Church Hall. It is organized by Group '74 who have been running a course on babysittiflg for our young people,' and wilI start at 8 p.m. If you do have need of a sitter, or hope to have need of one, or are just interested in what babysitting is ail about, thon you should go along. Admission is free..just bc intorested enough to attend. sitting discussion, United Church Hall at 8 p.m. Velue atilsfactioi Wl HANDLI ONLY GVRNMNT 8INSPECTED MEATS PRIME Ris. - (6h end 7th Ribe> ROASTS' .*38e T1ICK UT .5 c MACARONITAL RIBSTAK .5S TAL FORBRMNGSPAGHETTI SYRUP BLAD STAKS98 2-Lb.C FIOZ. MAKI luiLm- SU I WK - U SurIF& WHOLE CHOPPED SUET 796 SAà UïACE . 8", B I'S JAVEX BEEF STEAKS 1 .08'slotmB OLGAV, 1285UQIDBEAU rH£ COOL WLAT1III , vomITE -ONLS HAMô-a 418 32 9 C F. 1. 1 C STEWING BEEF1.O BotIfAL Fi.tOz Jug DEVON RANO &8ýFe SAK " O wmdess BAC2fI'4S End Cus9$ 1.84 FAB 13 MIR C O T T L A G E $a'RcKL O LLS i dm29 Cenite Cut là . $ 1.9 e te rg e n t E RG N HABITANT SOUPS 29C 19 ÇtIURVc - AU. PIJIPOSI mmonnou. FIVE ROSES FLOUR 89 FEATURE? 4F.O.Jr BS UI TpCM of oc»F»8-2 HABITANT PICKeD BEETS 59C unMST'24 FEATURE! - ASSORIED FLAVOURS 5F.O.Tn cBrown Bear 1LAURA ECUDWNmGS 20 ta Peck HN"YCRaMEDIl79 sESY B3UYI - I4EAVY DUTY 2 mPc GLAD GjARBAGE BAGS se NCAE 61/2 F. Oz. Tin CLOVER LEAF TUNA 69 89. FETJRI15 FI. Oz. Tin ALLEN'S TC SOCIETY LU XURY 29 B-OR ANGE nO 0l w FE«r Ju Fic e Afl48 Fi. Oz Tin SALADA7 PURE STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY 9 FI. Or. Jar FAUE E. De SMITK AS5 ISTANT IONYsm 4lep* FEATUREI - ASSORTED 71/2 FI. Oz. Jar PIZZA DELUXE.... .. 16 1EN ' FOODS 2155' Pt oTATloIs G OS............79 MLOES12-01. P4ê794 65s 3 BIG DAYS Thurs.Nov..20-Satr Nov. 22 DELIVR l 655-4422 or 655-3287 by Candidates Meeting at Uic Brooklin Commuflity Centre at 8 p.m WED. NOV. 26th - Brook- lin Horticultural Society at the United Church Hall at 6:15 p.m. THURS. NOV. 27th - Brooklin Arts and Crafts, at thc Community Centre ... 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. SAT. NOV. 29th - Garrard Rd. Lacrosse Assocation Din- ner and Dance. Cail 655-2271 SUN. DEC. 7th - Durham Trail Ricters general meeting. Brooklin Community Centre at 8 p.m. O.K. That is it for another week. Kcep the calîs coming in..there must ho some Christmas plans in the air by now. Don't leave il too late to get participation. Sec you next week. LIZ 655-3751 Pi Pri TI w in Free Phone ress Services. 668-6111 1EIEROENGRAVED BUSINESS sTrATIONERY THERMO.ENGRAVING hos the elegonceonad. îndividual distinctioni of fin. calitmonthip. THERmo.ENGRAVING is distincive raised letf.ring Thorino-EngraviSig colts about half Os much os you'd expect ta poy. M.B.M. Piiblishing &Photography Imc 121 Brock N. LETTERHEADSamd ENVELOPES CARDS *ANNOUNCEMENTS IF ~3 0 ~' <i il 17 now. Call