WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1975, PAGE17- uW Free Press Emorium FOR SALE FION)A NMINI TrRAIL -- in gond condition, $150. Y-AMAIIA 80, in goodi coniion, only asking $400 firi. Calil 655-3785 ask for A nd rev. 1971 PINTO - 2,000 ('(, lîiffl 1green. 40,000 miles, body great, motor very gond, 4-specd. radio. fully certit'ied. gond gas mileage. best offer over $1,300. Calil 59ËîaW L__ -- SWINGOMAr77-Fobay $12. ('ail 668-9888. ANTIQ1JEb - Dresser $90: kitchen cabi-net $120: beauty table with 3 mnirrors $120: -2 chairs $30 each: rocking chair $130. CallS79-2939. DRUMS - ('omplete set: 2 toms, 1 tloor tom, base, chrome snare dnim, high hat,. 2 cymbal st.-nds, excellenit condition $ 190. 219Keith Street after 6 p.m.. PINE DESK CHEST - Hanu. crafted, has 4 drawvers $95. ('ail 668-4677. 1967- YAMALHA 350 - needs some repairs & comes witil a repair manual. asking $ 75 or best offer. For details caîl Keîlh at 668-5123. Kenmore STOVE - 4 bumrer heavy duty, about 5 years nid, $65.(Cail1668-4'750, MOPED - Broneo brand iiew & 0 miles, highrise handiebars, eluxe seat. 148 miles per gallon, il1 go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cai 668- e3186. 668-6l11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING* ________________________________________________ I. U'RAMJS - 6 strinig banjo. $ 100 or inearest offer. Phoune 668-4187 aller 6 o'clock. STOVE- 30 inch, good coni- dition $75; space IIEATE.R $60. CffIl 668-6750. _____ STOVE- Small $60; B&W TV Philco $60; teak chesterficld and chair $85:, antique Raymond treddle sewing machinec $65. ('ifl 1668-6080. - 1965 ..NERCURY ('OMEÃŽT licenises, uncertified, gond runninig conidition, $300 or best offer. *Must selI. 'aIl 655-4834. rTwvo 1965 l'ON1IAUS - one -is V8. good body>ý-&~ motor. trans- Jmission needs wvork, as is, $450 or best oller. O ther is certîfied. 6 Icylinder. $450 f7irmi. ('ail 668-9757. 1.967 BUI('K Le Sabre - needsý motor work, everythinig else A-1, newv muffler and transmîýsion installed by reputable companies .1 WO OD One traiter load soft wood suitable for fireplace $35. ('al 668-8957. WEDDING GOWN - Size 12, veil and train $50. ('ail 668. ý406 or 6684410. Emp. STEREO - -LToyds receiver, eight-track, turntable and two speakers. Just like new $150 or best offer. Ca1668-7190. Emp, reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires, 2 F60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 283 heads $40; 2 bucket seats $30; set of headers $10; Ford 1/2 Vin 15 in. Rims. $8 each (4), Ford 1/ ton rear axle S$15 and 2 drums $15. ('alevenings 579- 1690 and 4&lý.8-5823.. ~PLiYèuxredë(w6t, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. Repossessed - by bank, sacrifice 1/ price. Cal M.r. Woods 416-292:-2264. WRINGER WASH-ER -$5 mnshroom KITCHEN SET, whitel with black padded seats $100; SEDDING DRESS, si7,e 9, comn- piete with floor length veil $90. ('ail 723-7147.1 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8, 4-door, green with black vinyl roof, black in terior, certifmed $2,300. ('ail 655-3406. 1 STOVE - 4 burner, heavy duty 30 in., $35; 5 piece DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140.I ('aIl 668-6750. I MATERNITY ('LOTHES - lncluding four tops, one pairf slacks, two pair shorts, .a pan t suit and a dress, neyer worn, size 10- 12 $25 for everythinig. ('aIl 728- 1- PARTY DRESSES - long evening -owns, suze 9, Il & 12. ('al 668-9256 after 6 p.mi. BI1CYCL. - boysN' ('(M Targta, onîy one yeac oId, in gond condi- tion, $60. ('alil 555-4409. COAT - Ladie- hlack persian lamb approximately size 20, in gond cohYditîin, wili seli for $50. ('ail 7 25 -5 714. Emp. SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 61/ buckle st le. worn once $25. ('al 668-2119. Emp F GAS STOVE - Findley, 2 years nId, gold colour, Rotisserie, excellent condition. $ln'. (':2l 668-4468. 1 4r AFGHANS - Old fashioned' 45in. X 4Sin. for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both mnulti- colonred and svould suit any decor. ('aIl 655-4776- Enip. WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece included,, long sleeves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, asking $50. must see..cal 668-9120 after 4. TV - B&W 20 inch $ 100. ('ail 668-1384- King-size BED - with quilt mattress pad & ftted sheet $100, Single wardrobe mabinet $18. ('ail 668-8316. DRUMS L Oympiajtl piece set includes stool, in gond condi- tion, asking $250. Cal) 655-3563. UNIFORM $10; steamn MON $8, Itwo smal carpets $6*each. ('al 7 2$ ,12 1U King-size BED - with qnilt mattress, pad & fitted sheet, $85. Single wardrobe CABINET, $18: ('aIl 668-8316. STROBE LIGHT - almost new, 1 new bnlb, factory made, warranty and al parts $50 or' best offer. FERRET - aibino, brown maIe or femnale $25. ('al 668-7190. SPEED1 BOAÂT - Reasonable $9. al Dong at 668-8957. WASHER/SPIN DRYER - Westinghonse, used two months $165.00, 3 piece sectionl bn green orlan pile with bar $400 like new. Cal! 668-4377 or 668- 6078. WINDOWS- Basement 21X j 7/ $6 cach, picture window, storm 58X64 $30, wîndow size conld bc aitercd slighitiy. ('al 723-8220. Porceliïin enamnelled stul single' LrebxoGRS(LTI white LAUNDI{Y TUB with LaNg nerywsie bxofG1R S('O1-2 sturdy steel stand $25; CHEST I$25 BO arYS Of new se 10-12, DRAWERS $45; Set BUNKBE3DS $20; BOSI-LA TING$8; irls-12 with springs, no mattress, siz C$20;ATFAM I12, $8;achrl1 36 inch width $50. Cal) 668-9009 bueSIERC 8 'l -725-1211. or open for your convenience "- 9 to 9 Monday to Friday 10 to 6 Satu rday Lower MaIl Whitbv Mail, Hwy. 2 and Thickson Road, Witby. Phone 723-6792. mcmhberoni L.A,,. A.. AI 1.c., O.T..(. Ont. Reg. No. 1079998 SKI BOOTS and SKIS size 31/, $15; swivel. CHAIR, $15:, IILINIDIFIE«-R $25:, VAI>ORIZER $5;, brownie UNIFORM $8;, ci- cetrie coffec PERK $ 10; sandwich GRILL $7:;TOASTER $7: carpet SWEEPER $10: smlali clectrie Fi,ITER $5; G.E. ELOOR POLISIiER $10: 6 liight bar type i3ATIIROOM l FXTURE wsvi shave pltmg in, like ncsv $20: 6 appie crates $2 each. ('aIl 668-9404. I ton TrACK LE $40.('al CHIAIN BLOC'K & excellent condition. 655-3257. RUGS -Il1f11 X 8 ft. 3 in. & 10 ft. X 6 tt. 8 in., earth colours, rust, gold, bro\ý-i, beige, $500 for botl. ('ail 668-1923. CEDAR SHINGLES - 8/ bundies $90.00; homnemade 12 ft. alumninumn housetrailer $250. Cati 655-3411. TRI1C Y ÇL : ("CM 16 inch wvheeI. $20: boys ska tes, size 5. $j. ('ail 668-86 19. 1963 l)ODGIÂ- 4 door sedan $100. ('orne and look it over. ('alil 668-5386. Swimming Pool Cl earance ,4'Leading manufacturer of lifetime warranted above ground aiuminum pools is ov-, er stocked in many models.. r Imediate delivery and inW stallation at reduced winteî prices. Cail collect 416-536-. 9278." 1969 OLDS -Cutilass 442 V8 power dise brakes, antomatic, AM/FM radio, ail ganges inciud- ing tachometer, 2 door hard top, body needs paint, approximatelyj 76,000 miles, $1.100 or best of- fin Cal 68-166. Emp. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - 1 year nid, fils bWys 9-13, pads,' mask, gloves, arm & chest protec- tor, $60. ('ail 668-57 14. CAMERA - X-15 instamatiC (Kodak) with carrying case, in exccllent condition S 10, ski boots size seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in very gond condition $7, microscope kit, contains micro- scope. slides, specimelîs, for ob- seving $&. ('ail 668-44bS. . ,ý PAN GUITAR- Replîca of Gibson Les Pan!, îwo double pick- nps, excellent condition, adjnst- able steel neck $100 firm. ('ali 668-9772. Emp. CUTTERS - one in excellent condition $150; one racing cutter in gond co ndition $75. 'alil 655-4964. l)ININc; ROOM TABLE' - 6 i:-irs, gond condition, $70. Cal! 668-2987. 1970 MGB Convertible good working condition, certified one owner, cnmpote with Iuggage rack asking $ 1,500. C'al 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 afe.p,.rp. BABY FURNITURE - SU911l O (Chair, includes carniage, stroller, chair, high chair, svîth inter- changeable parts $50. Cal) 728- 01333. Em P. TOW TRUCK- 3 ton, selling as is $900 or best offer. ('al 668- REC(ORD1 PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & grcy marble in design $20, plcase cal -after 6 pin. 655-3 240. i-mp. HIUMIDIFIER -$5, ce;ercise cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, steren record player $ 15, 8 golf* clubs & hag$115, typewnriter $25, electric sewing maci\c $20, rocking horse $5, baby walker $3, sworc: $5. (Cal668-62-57. FOUNTAIN - Approx. 6 ft.' dilîimeter, 4 ft. taI) $1 0. Cali aftcr 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCUI1A DIVINC; WET SUIT - girls' med-um size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pamts $55. C'alil 579- 2652. PO)NY - Strawberry Roan pr ev i(outisly used l'or childrens' rides complote \vitlh gond as new saddle blanket, briie, hialter and reins $125. ('ail655-3031. WINTER COAT- imitation t'tir, leopard type, 2 years nid, worn twicc $25. ('ail 579-3569. ELI-CTI(' BROOM -Regina withi pile adjustmenit dial new condition $25:,('hiîd's BED fold- ing type 27X52 wîth mattress gond condition $30:, 2 burner stove electric 220 volt heavy du ty 25 in. high ith sheif, no oven $15. C'a11655-3860, STOVE- 30 inch, dlean & ail eliments in complete wvorking condition. $85. ('aIl 655-3883. SNOW TIRES ý lits 1966 alf-toni truck, god condition, $25. ('aIl 668-2806. 1-LRRING - Harley Davidson, 1200 asking $65; 4 MAG wheels and tires for foreign car asking $ 80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS $8 a set. ('aIl 668-4449. KITCHEN TABLE - Oval, 3 chairs, almost new $90. Cal) 668-6604. 1968 PONTIAC - Laurentian V8, sel) as is $800 or best offer, 97,000 miles, ('alil 668-7980 af ter 6 p.m. GOLF SHOES - 2 pairs, white and peach coloured pair, size 7 $10, white and black pair size 7 $10, gond condition. Cati 863- 1806.-ant ask for Cathy. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN- GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $1.800. ('ail 668-5745. AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER $325; unique kitchen table, solid maple top $450. ('alil 668-5910. Red Wool Curling JACKET - size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cal 668-9073. SNOW TIRES - F78-14 (700 miles) W.W., $35. bi!) 668-9880. 300 H.P. CAMSHAFT &solids, offenhainser twin carb high ise for small block Chevy, iike new, asking $200. Cali 655-4723. REVERB - Traynor signature A4X 10. $250. C'ali655-4978: Persian Iamb COAT - with- ýmink collas, size 20, asking $30. ('aIl 668-4002 aftcr 6 .m. 1972 GRA\N TORINO SPORT- V8, 2 door flardtL)p, powt.r steering, power brakcs, vinyl roof, minor body work, $2,000. ('alil 7668-9805. RIMS - 3-14", 5 holes, fits Ford produet 1967 to 1972 may- be Chrysler & Dodge also, $5.00 each. Will seli separate or as a pair. ('ail 668-2253. BUGGY - Twin stroller comn- bilnation, gond condition $40. Cai 668-57. tio______ GARAGE- wanted to rent. irf&rabiy twn (or more) car locatcd in or near downtown area. ('ail M.B.M. Publishing and Photo- graphy 1lnc. 668-6 111. 1973 NORTON - Interstate $1 ,200. ('aIl 668-9925. DININ(; ROOM TAB3LI:ý . î chairs, solid oak, $600 or best offer. ('aIl 725-4830) or 728-9224. afler 5. G (J IlAR - ir ipi1e picknp electric, vill seli for $35, ideal for r' ,.k grop. Cai 668-2860.' 150 SR 12 , lcss thian 500 iles on 2, Pins gond spare with rim $45. C'aI 11668-5040 after 5:30. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE, in the FREI5 PRESS EMPORIUM, pay NL when you selI! There wilI not -be any charge to advertsers in. the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item iuivertised is sold. When the aiiver jised item is sold, you. pay ýa commission based on 'THE ADVE RTISED PRICE as illustratcd below. AIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one rnonth if not sold RATEI-S (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $5000 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listedas a private advertiser. Pleasenotify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold s0 that we may delete it from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can onîy be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: F REE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY 19 68 PONTIAC - Stratochief autnmatic, gond mechanical and ninning condition $425 uncerti- fied. Caîl 668-7644. CH-ESTERFIELD -Green/ gold broquade, gond condition, $75. Cal) 668-7644. Custom-macie extra Iieavy auty TRAILER HITCH for 1974-7c: pinto stationwagon $25. ('al NIKON FTN CAMERA - 50 mm., fl1. lense, 200 mm., f4-0 nikkor lense, electronic flash, $525. Cat11668-5259. SWIMMING POOL - R- possessed, excellent çoildi-' tion, Ieading manufacturer.. willing to sacrifice at 1/zprice. Cal Colleet 416-536--9278. One picture WINDOW - sash aluminumStorm, 66 X 54, plus 0w sid tght- 2 X 54 with self storing aiuminum storms & screens 26" Phiilips COLOUR-TV- stand included, $300 or best offer. Cal>668-3195.e RUGS - 12'x7'1" and 12'x Il', earth colours, rust, gold, brown, yellow, p lus underpad for both $400. WASHER SPIN DRY- ER - Simplicity, ha.rvest-gold, excellent condition $150. RUG - 12'xlO'6", orange, gold, brown tone $60. Cal 728-8467. 1970 ROADNIGHT TN TRAILER - sieeps 4, excellent condition. $350. or best offer. 'aIl 576-6197. 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA - 1600, 30 m-p-g., 4 door, gond condition, new tires, $1,000. ('ail 668-4286. HELP WANTED TORONTO MASSAGE, STUDIO' ATTENDANTS (2) required by Henry VIII Massage Castle Must be wvilling to learn maintain appearanbe,- well mannered, friendly $30 - $50 daiîy plus b'cnefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistance in rélocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Contact Miss Cathy (1) 361-0838 collect FOR SALE cedar lutmuber, assorted sizes, A-1 quality. C'ali 668-3090 weekenids WEN MORE FINANCIAL SERVICES MORTGAG ES 1050 Simcoe N., Oshawa 5-76-0410 1sf and 2nd mortgages arronged ot prime rotes. automatic transmission, asking 283 CHEVY MOTOR - With $100. Cal! 668-7553 or 723- 5366. 22 BOLI ACTION - With scope, gun rack, gond condition, $45. ('ail 668-3956 or Wed. to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-75 73. SUSPENSION HITCH - One axie (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Caîl 728-8056. BICYCLE - Boys high rise- 3-speed with banana seat, needs gear change, in gond condition $30, also boys 3-speed racer in gond condition $40. ('ah 668- 6083 after 7 p.m. WEDI)XNG 00V/N - Size 11- 1$60. Cal1 668-4595. Middîeaged GE NTLEMAN- lirom England requires boarding !and room for 3 weeks over Christmas, meals not necessary. Cali 668-6972. AUCTION SALE Saturday November 22 10:3OLm. The Estate of the late Miss Edna Green of Greenwood, to be heid in the Greenwood ('ommunity Centre on the Greenwood Rd. in Greenwood, Ontario. SOME INSIDE - SOME OUTSIDE. Sale wiîl include furs - mink muff, mink stole, silve fox, -FULL UINE 0F APPLIANCES & house- hold gonds, quantity of l9th century walnut furniture including breakfront sideboard, walnut con- versational sofa, rosewood spin- nett desk, birdseye mnaple chest, with swinging birdseye mirror, Canadiana chest of drawers, coppers lustre, black walnut side chair, oval parlor wood stove, pine chests, jacques & hay arm chair, walnut small ivory inlaid, table, watercolours & prints, set of 8 oak dining chairs, walnWt bed, cedar chest, walnut bobbin turru2d tea trolly table, large walnut secretaire bookcase of colonial design, walnut breakfront sideboard, large walnut extension table, large black walnut break- fronit bookcase - cupboitrd (hand carved immiaculate) dishes include wedgewvood, royal doult:in - figurine & plates, limoge, Brooklin pottery, jardinaires, American wall dlock (l9th century) This sale deserves your attention if only to observe these articles. This is only a partial list. Preview 1 Friday November 21 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. John Annis, Auctioncer 683-4500 WILL DO DAYCARE- in miy home, company for 3 ycar oId boy, Monday to Friday, ('ail 668-9915. Will do DAY('ARE -- ini my home, chiîdren of' any age, Monday to Eriday, very reliable. Cal] 668-7808. WILL BABYSIT - in my home, close to downltown area. Monday to 'riday. ('ail 668-6046. Bý1ABYSITTING will babysit in .'ny home. Mary Street. ('al 669-9722. Uur> JOBS DONE BASEMENTC(LEANIN(. T' RERMOVAL SNOWPLOWING Phone 668-6080 after 4 p. m. AL'S ROOFING & SHEET *1 I r /. ,tr I. 411 r ~ i 1' r~l il U -. 4 Il r Il A TTENTION FARMERSI!! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE N EM UMUAUTY w- -. IG.SDIESEL FUELI I * MOIOltL Prompt DIW'ny Ou o twn pai ociWi -~ 668-3381i 1 - &P ---I. - 1 -F ---f « 1 -1 1 lia . L