WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12,1975, PAGE 13 Ilenry High commenicement Sixty-lbour grade 13 and 1 70 grade 12 st udents gradu- ated Friday aItlthc annmal commencement exercises at Henry Street High school. T[he top student fo r 1()74-75 was John Farewell, wlîo wvon the hiigliest a.cade- niic ach ieveie n t awad. th e Andrew Fouindat ion Scliolar- ship, the year five chiemistry pnize frnm LASCO Steel, and the Gra\!don Goodfellow Memiorial prize for- highest standing in year ive English. He was aso one of the school's 1 8 Ontario Sehiolars. anîd received a University of Toronto scholarship. [lhe other Ontario Scholars wvere Catherine Andrew, Beverley Atkinson, Neil Atkinson. Janice Attersley. Ronald Beettami, Sally Dop- king, John Dorsay, Diana Dundzys, John Hobbs, John Houston, Gino lgnazzitto. Bryce Jordan, Tinii Marks, Kathryn Powell. John Sims, Michael Skea and So Wong. The Ontario Scholars achieved' a minimrum of 80 per cent average lin six credits in year flive courses. University scholarships awarded included tlhe Chirysler Scholarship to Diana Duindzys the Consolidated Bathurst Scholarship to Ronald Bec- ttam, and the University of Western Ontario Admnission Scholarship to John Hobbs. Gino Ignazzitto and Cheiyl Borg received the Stcinbeng Bursary for continuing stud- ies bcyond high school, and Kim Moskaluk was awarded the Mayor's Medal for oqut- standing leadership. Neil Atkinson received the Whitfield Trophy and Nelson Shields for being the out- standing student from annong the honor prize winners. School honor pizes werc awarded to Neil Atkinson, Janice Atterslcy, Kathleen Henry, Timothy Marks, Jo- Anne Morrison, Rhoda New- man, Anmie Nurse, Jennifer Parkinson and Katliryn Powell flice Student (Counicil prizes for contributions 10 sehool activities were present- cd to Neil Atkinson, Bryce Jordan, Kim Moskaluk. Anme Nurse, Kathryn Powell and Anthony Vella. Caroline Stubbings was the winner of the Jeani Lofthouse Bursary for cntering a health and science course following high sehool. The Rotary Club Prize was awarded 10 Patrick Skcrrit, for fiirthcr education; the "JGRAYDON COLVILLE"J f or MAYOR of WHUTBY To THE openmiiidied people in the fortcomnifg mayor's election December à I. Let's filI the communications gap. Elect me mayor and let your voices be heard. 1 promise 1 wiIl not disappoiflt you. Let's get together and discuss'the issues. Let's rid Whitby of the Bureau.craCY. I'm not the best, but I'm.better than the rest. Graydoii Colville John Hlobbs. Rev. David Marshall Schiolar- shlip forthIle highiest mark ini ycar five English., awarded by thîe Royal Caniadiani Legion was presenited to Sally L)op- king; and th e LiII ian Bloonm Schiolar-ship for excellence in Englishi was presentied to Maiy Brta and Douglas Camipbell. flie Fired Browne Memnorial Prize for h igh est marks in year tducec mathemiat ics was awarded 10 Louise A tkinson, the Ferrco Engineering awards ton inatlîematics were pie-ý sented to Cathierine Andrew, Steplien Fisher and Colin Pitre; and Colin Pitre was also the winner of the Kiwanis Club Bursary. The Diane E. MeCoîl Menorial Award for a student of nursing was pre- sented 10 Janice Attersley. Thie Royal Canadian Legion Hlistory Piizes were aNvarded to Deborahi Duggan, Alec Simpson, Thiomas Finn and Margaret Robb; art pizes. were presented 10 Barbara Elliott, Sandra Brown, Johni Beck, Johin Free and Sean McQuay; and techinical awards were given 10 Kevin Driver, Robynn lbbitson, Robert Phillips. Kevin Collins, and David Gray. Awards wene pesented in communicative arts 10 Dale Tnîîswell, machine shop to Glon Atkinson, architectural draf1iing. to Herbert Kolarek, auto mechancis lu Alexander Strynatka, and electronics to Michael Wolff. Recipients of business educ ationi awards were Denise Harrison, Mary Binta, Louise Atkinson, and Cindy Smith. Ilhe Legion Ladies' Auxiliary pnize for a student going to a commuflity college went to Dale Truswell and the Franices Riclhardson Bursary for Eng- lish was awarded to AHlison Weir. Douglas Camnpbell and Bryce Jordan won geography awards. and Valerie Allen was die wînner of tie Junior 1-ligi School Mathernatics Contest. In athiletics the outstand ing girls were Kathileen lIlenrý and Katliryn Powell, and tlir outstandiîng boys were Nei, Atkinson and Bryce Jordan. The Whitby Lionis CIlul: awards l'or higliest acadeniù achieveenin in years one, tw( and th rce wen to1 Jear Campbell, Douglas Camp bell and Stephen Fisher. Awards in French were pre sented to Cynthia MacKinnior Janet Hempstead and Jflhi H-ouston; and science award: went to Steven Keefer, Doug las Campbell, Jusephi Bonc Steven Popoff, Cathierin Andrew, John Farewell an( s le 0 i Mtisic axvards wcrc prescit- cd , toKîi McQluay, Nuel Edcy and Robert l-lancock, and Dawn Churchi and Lisa Anderson wcre recogiiized lo Ihiîr contributions tbIihe sclioul band. Recipients of home ccoii omnics prizes wcrc Anme Robinson, Catherine Stewart Linda Ke.ariney, Donna Ilo mies, Patricia Ciehanskie, and Kathryn Pewell. Winners of awards f'or h ighcst academnic ach ievencient for year one were Jeani Campbell, Margaret. WilGon Mary-Ellcn Adnuin and Barbara Elliott;- year two, Dougl as Campbell, Mary Birta, Cynthia MacKinnoii, and Jenny Naderer; year thrce; Steven Popoti, Steven Four happy graduates of Henry Street High School look for their riames in the Bland, Evelyn Sparics and Commencement porn, last Friday. Froni left to right are Kimi Moskaluk, winner of the Caroline King; and year tive; Mayor's Medal; Brc ordan, winner of the Langevini sports trophy; Sean McQuay, Johin Farewell, Johin Hobbs, valedictorian; and Janice Attersley, winner of the Diane E. McCoil Memorial Award for Catherine Andrewnusg.Tecmecmn a edith ihshos aeriradftrdte Catherine Andrcw and Bryce nusn.Tec meepetasedinteigscolsceorm ndftrdth Jordan.awarding of prizes and diplomas to many members of the student body. Jordan.Free Press Photo I Snowmbile can be great fun. ilili Us what Ontam sdoin to help make sure they' re safe fun. k We now have new laws for moto rized snow vehicles, usually knawn as snowmobiles. Ail snowmobiles must be registèéd with Ontario's Ministry of Transportation and Communications. (if previously registered, they mus be re-egiterd.)Registration is. f ree. Alsa, people who operate snowmobiles off their own property must now have, a permit ta do so. The fee for the annual permit is $1 0.00. (The only exceptions are in certain designated areas of remote north- western Ontario.) Actually, complying with the new reg- ulations is easy. You can re-register a previously-registered snowmobile- and obtain your annual permit- at any Ministry of Transportation and Communications license-issuing office in Ontario (where you get your automobile license). if you buy a new snowmobile, the dealer must register it on yaur behaîf within six days of the sale. The number of your Registration Cer- tif icate must be attached to, or painted an, bath sides of your snowmobile's haod in numbers 2" to 3" high, and mustçcontrast with your snowmobilescalaur ta be easily seen. Yaur permit wilI be affixed ta yaur Registration Certificate and you wiIl be given.two adhesive stickers to aff ix ta you r snowmobile's haod according ta directians. That's ail there is ta it. Do not drive yaur snowmabile anywhere (except.on your awn praperty) unless it has been registered and you have a permit. Make certain that yauknaw and observe ail operating rules and safety regulations for snowmabiles and be sure ta check local by-laws in the municipality where you use your snowmobi le. For more information, contact: Public and Safety lnfopRe~ion B ranch Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue DownsvieW, Ontario M3M 1J8 Min istry of Transportation and Communications James SnoW, Minister Province of Ontario William Davis, Premier VOTES WANTED a