PAGE 12. WEur)ftSOAY, NOVEMBER 5.1975, WIHTBY FREE PRESS A NEW BREAKTHROUGH UN WEIGHT CONTROL N9Il Counterweight Weught Controis Ltd., the leading endi most resp.cted nome in Canadian weight reduc- taon Introduces the Revolutionary "INEW CANADIAN FAMILY MEAL PLAN." A way to lose weight that fits today.-, more relaxed living end eating habits. You decide how to use it. Eat 2, 3 or even 4 meals a day plus desserts and snacks. Even splurge on weekends. Enjoy bacon, muffins, spareribs, peanut butter, spaghetti; real mayonnaise even champagne. Satisfy your desire for quantity of food and variety. lt's ail here and we call it 'AduIt Flexibility." Lose Weight with the plan that treats you lîke an aduit. Eat the foods you've always eaten and enjoy the freedomn and pleasure this NEW plan offers. You get special encouragement at the friendly weekty meetings where your motivationi to succeed is fortified by your lecturer and a roomful of people pulling for you. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians lose weight since 1967. And we can help you. There are over 250 classes.a week. Corne to the one nearest you. Pl( Sht Mo 'CKERJNG AJAX eridan Mail St. Pauls United Church of Canada onday, 7:30 p.m. King Crescent Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ato look !or the 24 deiicous Iow calorie loucis (y cou(nterwýeight Ttf lyu il N'b... AU OF US Council will paY., for icow 's dieath Whitby Counicil will give $125 to a local resident as reimbursement for the death of his cow after warble fly spraying. James Cook had writtcn to counicil, saying "as a resuit of the spraying of warble flics on May 1l2th, 1975, the hieifer, due to a nervous reac- tion jumped into the manger and broke its vertebrae, and died. In addition to the loss Frogram needs The Witby ecreaiion Department's ýcrippied chiu. dren's swimming program rnay have to be cancelled if enough children are flot registered to participate in it. So far, there are only three children registered in the six-week programn which starts Saturduy. The prograrn is organized by the recreation department, the Ontario Society for Crippled Chldren, and the Whitby Rotary Club. The recreation departmnent staff act as supervisors and instruct- ors, while the Rotary Club supplys voiunteers, transpor- tation and equipment, under the direction (if Peers Davidsoti. The programi conisis of die Red Cross levci hiandi- capped cou rse. Anyone interested in registering their children rnay cail - Aquaties Supervisor Donna Stafford at 668-1325. The Regional Municipa Iity 0f Du rha m The waste disposai site for the Town of Whitby wili be closed Tuesday.November 11, 1975, due to dme Remembranoe Day Holiday. Normal operations will continue on Wednesday, November 12, 1975. R. F. Richardson P. Eng. Comm issioner of Works PROCLAMATION REMEMBRANCE WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COUNCIL 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY RESOLUTION HAS PROCLAIMED THE PERIOD 0F NOVEMBER 9TH TO NOVEMBER 15TH, 1975 AS REMEM- BRANCE WEEK IN AND FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. DATED AT WHITIBY *THIS 5TH DiAY 0F NOVEMBER, A.D., 1975. Wm. H. Wallace, A.MV.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby of the heifer, which 1 valued at $100, 1 had to incur $15 expense with the Brooklin Vetcrinary H-ospital and $10 with the Margwill Fur Farm". "I would ask that 1 be reimbursed for the $25 plus the value of $100 due to the loss of the heifer. The heifer weighed approximately 500 to 600 pounds and was about ,a year old", he wrote. Whitby Clerk Bill Wallace reported that "we processed the matter to our insurance company and they advised that there was no negligence on the part of the warble fly operator. The claihi was therefore denied to Nfr. Cook. However, it is my opinion that if the warble fly operator had flot been on the premises causing the animal to startle it would flot have.,proceeded in the manner it had, and ioss would flot have occurred to bl4'r. Cook. Mr. Cook was-' flot present when the incident occurred, however, Mr. Twee- die, the warble fly inspector, ageswith my comments and feels that Mr. Cook should be reimbursed accord. ingly " Council concurred with the., recommend.ation of Mr. WV41ace and Mr.. Tweedie., - The Whitby Arts Incorporated Renaissance Bail is iess than two weeks away. Preparations for the Novernber 14 festivities are ail but finalized. The volunteer %erving wenches'pictured above are front row, from left, JUii Barclay, Jo Elien Allison, Anne Valentine and Lorraine McKay. In the second row are Karen Sevanants, Jayne Anderson, Irene Lynch and Nancy Engish. The third row consists of Gail Grant, Nancy Shea, Carolyn Knowles@n d Marlene Pettes. A long iist olb celebrities wili attend the bail at Heydenshore Pavillion inciuding William Withrow, of the Toronto Art Gallery; Jim Cruz, Director of the Royal Ontario Museum; Tom Barrows, Director of the Shaw Festival; Barry McGre&or, Genéral Manager of Strat- ford and Andy Donato, Toronto Sun' cartoonist; and their spouses. 1 F ree Press Photo by Mike Burgess TYPE WRITERS IRENJT-ITI IBM SELECTRIC OLYMP LATEST MODELS ELECTRIC or MANUAL NEW & REBUILI TYPEWRITERSFOR SALE ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS DICTATING MACHINES A ADDING MACHINES. TELEPHONE ANS WERING EOUIPMENT DANFORTH TYPEWRITER SALES AND SERVICE 2940 DANFORTH AV. TORONTO (Opposite Shoppers World) .,98.2t589 AFTER HOURS 655-3295 (BROOKLIN) Whitby firefighters rushed to LyIe's Cut Rate Gas station on Thursday when gas vapours rom'a vehicle under repair were ignited by a blow torch, causing an explosion in the garage. According to the Whitby Fire Department, the resulting fire caused an estimated $3,000 damage including several window&; tools, bench equip- ment and fan beits. Free Press Photo by Alex Kainins music 110OBROCK ST. N. 7R WHITBY, ONT. 668-4435 "à Christmas Specials"'ý Student Guitars and Amsplifiers f rom $39 95 Instrument Repoirs Music Lessons Pioneer Stereos 1