PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1975, WHITBY FREE PR Hfi again! l il st art this week with a word for the "ful l ime mother and housekeeper", (A longer titie but a true one than the 'tnonworking wornan" -- is tliere such a person as the later<ý Anyway to gel to tie point, would you ladies tike a nîid week break? If you don't have to go out of town for it and if you have prescitoolers they, too, are catercd for. I'm talking of course, about thie 'Y' Take-a-Break Programme. it is held every Wedncsday mnorning between 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m., at the United Chutrch Hall on Cassels Rd. E., Brooklin. Youngsters are kept occupied - or just cuddled if that is-ai1 lhey need - by very capable sitters, while the ladies have a sociable tirne together, making new friends exercising and taking part in interesting demonstrat ions and discussions. These session programmes include a visit 10 Consumer Gas for a cooking demonstration, and a demon- sîration of Christmnas Crafîs. If you are in need, or would just enjoy, a mid week break then whiy fot go along. You'll be made niost welcome. If you prefer you could cail Mrs. Betty Calherwood at 655-3646 whio is only too willing 10 answer any of your questions. Calling ail U.C.W. mnerbers! Your annual Pot Luck BROOKLINE ZESS Supper is being hicld at te C.E. Building, United Church, Brooklin on Tucsday November 4tli aI 6:30 p.m. Gucst speaker will be Mr. Evercît Maycock a relired schoolteacher who has just rcturned from a visit lu China and will bc showing lte slidcs of bis trip whilc giving a commentary. And on Saturday Novemiber 15th dic U.C.W. will bc holding their Half-Century Bazzaar at lte Unitcd Church belween 2 p.m.-4:3O p.rn. Everyone is wclc.ornc 1 visil the ladies and pcrhaps buy somne of the rnany handinade articles on sale. Babysilling is available, so thal you cari shop in cornfort and then cnjoy a nice cup of tea wilh friends before relu rning home. I itad a cail from lte Brooklin Senior Cilizens Club this week. (Anotiter first lime!) l'm delighted 10 report ltaI our Senior Citizens mccl evcry second Fniday aI 7:45 p.rn. sharp at the Brooklin Cornmunity Centre, lu, play cards, have lunch and t0 arrange tours and trips that ail the menîhers (approximately 90 in number) will enjoy. They should b e holding a meeting Ibis Friday Oc lober 31 st - but as titis is Hallowe'en nigh t thle men & wornen of'lte S.C.C. will meet oh Saturday November Ist instcad. Starling Novemnber 3rd and running froni Monday 10 Saturday until te end of April, there wfi lbe the aflernoon Shuttleboard meetings. They run from 1 10 4:30 p.m. and new members (male or female) are most welcome 10 joîn lte 20 members that already mccl regularly. Don't forgel that if you already own, or are planning on owning a snowmobile, titen you should go along 10 the Brooklin Comnmunity Centre on Sunday November 2nd at 8 p.m. Titis is the day, the lime and the place thal lthe Dtirlamn Trail Riders will be meeting 10 excliange ideas and information on ski trails and fun oulings for tite new season. Il cerîainly semns 10 bclte best way of gelling more ONTARIO Value atisfactlir 25 FI. Oz. Btl ~11O9 FEAIUREI - STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY Vcacho Pectinl s1 FEATUREI Packag QUÀAKER &ZS OATS 44Lam 9 3c crijoymcnt out (of your machine --also a vcry good way 10 mccl somne new fricnds witli a sirnllar Interest. Wl, l of course Frlday nigitt is Flallowc'cn and I guess al the l1111e people (andi not so litîle -- If previous ycars are anylhing lu go hy!) WiII bc Out lu trick or treal! 1 hope lhey enjoy îhcmisclves and I also hope' lhcy take care. Salurday nugit I ho' belongs 10 the adults. And 1'm pretty sure ltaI liere wiIl bc a good crowd over aI the Legion for lte IlIalow'c ci Dlance. Drcss up(or down!) and entry wil only cost $3 a couple but everyday clothing will cost $5 a couple. The l'un starts aI 9 and promises lu be a really gond night. If~ you prefer a more formal occasion then cail Jean Phillips aI 655-3271 and book your lickels'for the Garrard Rd. Minor Lacrosse Association Annual Fall Bail. Its lo be licld aI lte lîcydensitore Pavillion on November 8th starting aI 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $7 a couple and includes bar privileges, door prizes and a buffet lunch - music is pro. vidcd by B & H- Sound. Should be a good evening. Monthîy meeting of Brancit 152, Brooklin Legion will bc held on Sunday Novemnber 9ti t a 1:30 p.m. Ah members are urgcd 10 attend, and a welcome is extended to any veterans who would like lu, help support our youngsters sports activities, and other comm-unity aclivities, by joining the Legion. Don't teltlite fact that it is THAT ... timc again - duc paying limne, Ihai is! -deter you from making te meeting! Well, that's it again for titis week. And now I guess its back 10 lthe leaves! I don't think 1'11 ever get rid of 'cm! At a glance, SeT.NiO.Citizn l- 7:45i pSen i BrooiznCubm-nit4 Cen. t r Lion Haow'ni Canre Legion Halln SUn.e NOV .m2nd - DurnHaml Trai. Riders aIr-okDinhCm- muity Cdere at 8 p.n m. MON. NOV.nrd - I8 p-.m SeNNiOVCitzens -tuteboar Serp itCommSuty entre. 8 .Group '74 guni ente.l 8min. ru '7 era mtES.NO.4h-UCW Annua. POV t uck upera United Cothuc startigai 6:30d p.m. sarin a SAT. NO. Sh-Ana Fali LacOssV B at Hcyen-u sho Lre Pavill sating aI 8:30e tatng SUN0 . NO.9h-Ban 152,.BrOk.inLegio-Gral meeting akin :30 p.m. ra mtE.nOVt :3.m. Rmm braSNc. DaytCrime a Wbrey Cetapit I 1am Brooityn gon memb11s wi join Wbiymemnbers il 10:30 a.m. eber a S03AT. NO.15h-UCW Haif N.tu -azzaar a Unled Citurit - 2:30 p.m Un.NOV. lth - Brooklin Legi O . Mem br A na ReenîrnMembDsa Pad and Service aI 1:30 p.m.- LEZ 655-3750 Sam UNJI - 5114(45COUN Syrup .99C OffiJPIMgAND 44(510 14» . &Q Nuts la 1.1 89C IATUmI - ID &*wur ~ soe a Apple Pies 85C Pud'dings 45C PIAT(JtiD - SSI N . Ca.iumamP.» I&(Ol PA. Cheese u. msl19 PEPSODENT me69C I EAD DOMINs.900 I1I1.BLUffiSlaBuItr 89 2 "» C"..- lOSSRU *.L P 53 0 CRN" RCONNORS STOKELY'S Fancy NESTLE **m *.*u À KING SIZEj YORK mE ih VC m l Bm9evauw u0'ÀD FEATREII- NABISCO 240z. Packag 85C FEATUREI - DR. BALLARDS CHAMPION 5F. Oz. Tins D)OG FOOD 31R'$1 FAUREI - DR. BALLARD'S SPECIALTY 14 Fi. Oz. Tins D)OG FOODS 3R'89' FEATUREI - REGULAR DIAPERS 30 to Packe BABY SCOT$29 AUNT JEMIMA 2-Lb. Package PANCAKE Mix 69' STiORE HOURS OPoN six DM5 A WIEK 8:.30 i.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS- & FRI- #TIVà m m NI~,flI> iii w ~.SIU. 0 New Semo0ns - soedless *GRAPEFRUIT 8/r75< 0 flProduce of U.S.A. Testy 0 Seodiess GRAPES 0 n 594 lb. 0Onturo Grown CAULIFLOWER. f 0 Lge. heads 59Ç O IOntario No.1 Grade flrm 0 fgreen CABBAGE 29' f0l 0t No.1 Grade MIId SliIcng M Sponlsh type ONIONS lRESEW 1OTHE TTO UMIT QUANTIiE 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Oct. 30 Sat, Nov. 1 FEATUREI-BLUE BONNET 3-Lb. Package MARGRINE$1.99 843Z. Jar FEATUREI - DRINKS or F.B.I. JUICES 6pmk 75 FEATUREI - CARNATION EVAP. MILK 1-Lb. Tins 3:0'31 AUNT JEMIMA 32 FI. Oz. Botte PANCAKE Syrup $1,25 [1DELIE;A TIWRMO-ENGRAVED BUSINESS STATIONERY THERMO-ENGRAVING hos the elegcnce arid individual distinction of fine craftsmonship. THERMO.ENGRAVING is distinctive ,osed l etI.ring Thermo-Engroving costs about half os much as you'd expect ta pory, Call M.B.M. Publishing & Photography Inc 121 Brock N. 668M6 111 LETTERHEADS und ENVELOPES CARDS *ANNOUNCEMENTS BROWNj'S FOODMASTER NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 Bam BUVI Mt. Lawrence CORN OIL WE ANLE OLY GOVERUM ISPECIDM TS TENDER - JUICY - FOR ROASTING (Tenderfoin Portion) LOIN4 "O"If Pork 1.e291b (3 to 31/ LB. AVERAGE) FAMILY PAK 9 TO 11 CHOPI - QUARTERc Loin Pork Chopsi .39J [T* THE FLAVOUR THAT COUNTS ...168 Loin Po* mmk-8 DINNER Shouldersi .9984 AG STflE - m r R. . . ýhpiy'i 2S 4PX O Bol.gna 48v' Corneds' 1.09 MION 88.8440-. TOfP« P - . MAI&UMN "MIoPA -8.44 . 14041 Sausage 88 c Bacon 1 e761 M zcoow ceux=! Heurts 58 L fïer 49 c -1ý onnoummma