Whitby Free Press, 22 Oct 1975, p. 7

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WFITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975, PAGE 7 Worroný, j, WestLy Nexvs t'runî-the W.L.C.A.: by Morrn Mealing For any (tf you îh ai fblluov die aci ivi lies of tflic West Lynde Cummuniiiity Association, (iiis bit of' news slouild prove boili iiiteresi ing and encourag'ing. As yon knuow the Association hias bOeen operat ing iliese pasit Wuo iis withot the services uf' a Vice-President on tie ir Exectitive. Dan Pelletier resigned wlien lie inovcd lu Alberta, and, appareîitly, efforts lu recruit a successur vere liot terriblý' successful. At ay ate, flie searc iaseddaî Vice-President wvas appoiîîted about two weeks aigo. Tlhe ncw V-P is Ton-vy Baie of 23 Gerrie Court. Tony, and lus wife. Myra. and their two girls, Carolyn aind Julie, inoved t0 Whitby fromn Scarborougli iin Septenîber of 1973. Toîîy lias been a memiber of the Association silice it was formed, and was rccruited by Menibersliip Director John Giles 10 be a street representative. Il was in tIbis capacity that Tony aîîended thue falI general meeting on Septenuber 25îh, and was asked by the Executive to remain after the regular meeting concluded. At thaI Urnie, Giles asked Tony 10 serve on the Executive as V-P, and Tony agreed. Tony has participaîed in cornnunity activities ail along, and he and Myra are in tlieir second year as meîîîbers of the West Lynde Mixed Bowling League. This past sumnmer, Tony and a buddy. Clive Edwards, entered the County Town Carnival Car Rally. With Tony driviîug, and Clive navigating, their 1966 "Bug" energed victorious, defeating 50 other entrants. So, join me in wisliing Tony the best as lie takes on the tough job of Vice-President. He lias a toughi act to follow, but, talking 10 hirn, we gel the impression that lie will do al righ t.------------------ ---- 1 -TJ ù t bY -ari irs1 Thanks to our lirnited skills withi words, we were asked 10 get involved with this town's entry in the O.H.A. Senior "A" Hockey League, tue Whitby Warriors. We did so, not fully realising ail that was involvcd, but wlling t0 help out in whatever small way we could. Imiagine our surprise Miîen we learned of ail the work that goes inl 10 ficlding a competi- tive amneateur hockey leanu. The amount of work is staggering, and it falîs on the shoulders of a nu mber of men, a few of who 1 would like 10 mention here today. First, there is the Teani President Tom Fitzsimmons. Tom, who -is one of the founders of the club, is constantly on the go, arranging such tlîings as sehedules, picture sessions, sponsorship and the like. Thon, there are the Keenans, Ted and Mike. Ted has had the worry of selling program advertising, arranging the printing and selling of programs, and a million details associated with the progranus. Mlike, on the other hand, is the general manager along with being a player. As general manager, he has had 10 worry about arrangine nractice times, issuing invitations to players to try out with the club, and appointing a coach. Another fellow worth men- tioning is Al Armstrong who is the Secretary-Treasurer and who seems to be a jack of al trades. These four are joined on the Executive by people like Greg Steffler, Bob Smith, Tony Vella, and Doug Weales, and ail of these men work their tails off for the hockey team. The question of why they work so hard is not really1 difficuit 10 answer. AIl of themn love the garne of hockey, so that is one reason for their involvement. Some of themn remember the glory days of the Whitby Dunlops, and, 1 suspect, would like once again 10 field an Allan Cup Champion. The Dunlops were a good hockey team and tavelled ail over Canada and Europe in the quest for hockey glory. They also were a great advertisement for the town of Wh itby, and contributed, in a very large way, to the community feeling of Whitby. ýWe suspect that the execu-tive of this present Whitby teamn would like to develop this community feeling and community recogni- tion as well.1 eAt this point in the season, the executive has a great deal teice a teamn which includes ex-N.H.L.ers like John Wright, Peter Vipond, and Howie Menard. They have succeeded in developing community sponsorship for the team with 17 lcal businesses participating as s ponsors. They have given te town a hockey tbamn which the populace can identify wihand be proud of. Iurn heteman te 4nbein-te --,-esrv l'lie W.M.A.A. Faîl Dance is schcduled for Novcîuuber 21st at the Fteydernshore Pavillion. The dance marks tluc iîctîiril fu Whitby o)f* the MO-JO-MOTH-BALL Band, and, ais dance organi/er Bob Sniflî pui s il, Iîhey arc botter than ever. TIickets go on sale Ibis coming weckend, and arc $7 a couple lor W.M.AA. Memibers and $9 a couple f'or inun-iecîi es. Thecrc will be a cash bai' and the price of' the ticket incindes a bu fiet. [or tickets, cail Bob Smith ai 668-9257. T'lieWarrior arc ýat home on Sunday againist the U of'T Varsily 1Blues, anîd Tl ii-sdaty against hlc Orillia Terriers. The Cub Scout organ izat ion wilI bc h olding ail Apple Locals are exhibiting ut Art Mart in Oshawa A total of 30 exh ibiiors, inany fromi Whitby, will bc displaying their macrame, pottcry, jewellery, weavings, and nîuch more at Art Mart '75 ai The Robert McLaugh- lin Gallery. For three days-October 31 November 1 and 2, the Vol- unteer Committee brings t0. gether a very special collec- lion of gifts and Christmnas decoration items. They add refrcshments, somcthing for' lîusbands, a touch of Christ- mas spirits and mixed toge- ther you have a great exper- icrice. One of the attractions at this year's Mart will be a raf- fe for a beautiful handmade Canadiana Quilt. Also for your convenience dic Gallery Shop will be open for you to bo brouse in; new stock has been order for the M art. With the expansion, favor- ites such as the Sherry Shack, the Hock Shop and the snack bar are stfll nuuch in evidence. Volunîcer Committce Pre- sident Mrs. Mac Nurse of Whitby invites you to Art Mart '75 on Friday, October 3 1 from noon until, 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, Novenu- ber 1 and 2 from noon until 5 p. m. Admission for the Mart is $1 which includes a ticket for the draw of the Canadiana Quilt. Chldren under 12 accompanied by an adult are admitted frce. NAN letter reeeived and file d Whitby Council recently re- ceived a letter fronu John Bickley, Chairman of the pro- Pckering airport group 'New Airport Now'. He wrote "the decision not to proceed with the Pickering airport creates a grave threat to all communities in the Malton area. It is now up to the people affected t0 prove to both govemnments (federal and provincial) that the new airport is needed and wanted. To try to do this, we are re- organizing on a Malton wide basis. If you (council) sup- port our goals, you can help in several ways". Councllor Tom Edwards made a motion to not sup- needed now! flue First Whitby Boy Scouts are "in urgent need of a scoutrnastcr", according to Tom Horne. The unit of 17 scouts aged Il to 14 may fold if a scout- master is not found. Training will bc giveri ho interested persons. Cal] Tom 1Horne at 668-5 I180 or Marcel Brunelle ai 668-4663 if you cari help out. Day tliis corning Saturday, October 25thi. Two groups of' Cubs, the 5th Whitby A group under the leadership of Andy VanDolcwccrd, and 5th Witby B group under the leadership of Stuart Brew, will be ini the arca. So, buy an aliple or two, and suipport the Cuibs. WeIl, iat's it for another weck, lfolks. Sec you here liexi weck. Halloween s Specials for everyone ai H Sali Fish & Chips Halloween is just around the corner, and H. SaIt has good news for trick or treaters. For starters, there's a new special Seafood Platter treat the whole farnily will enjoy. Deli- cious fish in our light batter... mouth-watering dlams and shrimp ... and crispy chips. Al for $1.69. And for the kids, there's a free Halloween mask with each purchase (limit 2 per family) ' You can choose fromn four of their favourite designs. There's something more for- the kids.too., Every take-out order wiIl be packed in a vinyl bag, specially made to use for trick or treating.Y"--' Supplies are limnited, so corne in now and get these great treats at your local H. SaIt Fish & Chips store. FREE Halloween Musks? FREE Vinyl Trick or Treat Bags?* At these H. Sait Locations: 32 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 315 Dundas St. E., Whitby

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