PAGE 2,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975, WAITBY FREE PRESS Heart disease studied on Tuesday in St. Mark's United Church Hall Part-tinie volunteer firefighters from Hall 2 on Thickson Road North (from left) Neil Atkinson, Art Armstrong and Frank Mayer try out the hoses on a new pumiper/water truck recently delivered to the Whitby Fire Departmeflt. Free Press Photo by Alex Kainins Town to appeal region 's land ga Whitby Council recently endorsed an administrative cominittee recornniendatiofi to appeal the Region of Dur- han's proposai te assumne lards owned by the Town near thic Rossland Road police building to Uic Ontario Municipal Board. Clerk Bill Wallace reported that thc Regional Municipali- ty of Durham passed a bylaw on October 1 t0 assumne a 2.871 acre parcel of land. lic said "in tlîis regard. by letter dated May 13. 1975. the Towrn's sol iciter requested the regieflal ceuicil to table the malter of the passing of a bylaw related lu this nmatter and further adviscd the re- gional ceuncil that lie had been authorized on behalf of the Town of Whitby to nege- tiate the m1ost a ppropri,é' access to Uhc propcrty. The regional council saw fit te reccive and f-ile dic letter f'rom the Town's solicitor, and on May 14. 1975, reconfi- mendation freni the regional managemfen t commnit tee wh - ich instructcd the regienal solicitor to prepare a bylaw for tlie assufiptien' et the 2.87 1 acres. Mr. Wallace reperted that in May of' 1973.,uthe Town turned ever I1.062 acres te the regieri and ini July of ibis vear. anether area ef .525. Therefere, the regieli is trying te assume an additierial 1.284 acres. In the opinion of the Town's solicitor, thec Town of Whitby hiave good grounds to file an objection wîth Uhc Ontario Municipal Board", re- ported Mlr. Wallace. it waob. FOR ALLOUS Complete Home Furnishings for the Discerning Shopper DROP BY &SIT ASPELL SALE Yes! Our f irst white cotton sale of sofas, chairs, loveseats. Your choice of fabrics. 70 Rossland Rd. West Oshiawa Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, il0.ép.m- t 576-6465 Thursday,& Friday, 10.9 p. m. I E _________________ The focus will bc on heart disease, its prevention and its treatmCent whcn the Whitby Chapter of the Ontario Heart Foundation holds its annual public educational meeting on Tucsday, October 28, in thc Asscmibly Hall of St. Mark's United Church at 8 p.m. A panel of outstanding men in the cardiovascular field will speak about the risk factors which contribûte to hcart discase and some of the approaches being taken to combat what has becomne the nations number o.::- killer. 1Dr. George Steiner of the Department of Medicine of the University of Toronto wll present the current thinking and research findings linking diet to heart disease; Dr. A. Chisolm, Chief of the Cardio- vascular Unit of Sunnybrook Hosffital, will make a presen- tation on the relationship be- tween exercise and heart di- sease. Evidence shows that Iack of exercise is a contri- buting factor in the develop- ment of heart disease and as- sociatcd cardievascular pro- blerns and thcre is a growing belief that proper exercise is important in the preven- tion of cardiovascular disease and also an important therapy in tic treatment of thosc suffcring frorn heart discase Dr. D. MacCregor of thc Car. diovascular Unit of thc Toron to Ceocrai Hospital will out hinîques whiclî are beiîîg used te combat tlhe effects cf lhcart disease. a new and draniatic appreach te sonie disorders. The Whitby Cliapter cf Itie llecart lFýounidatien hias been sponsoring tlîcse annuLal cdu. catierial meetings for several years and feel fertunate te have the privilege cf present- auction soon St. Mark's United Clîurch is holding a silent auctien on November 18 with a preview viewing on November 9 frorn 12 te 3 p.nî. At prescrnt the clîurch has about 100 items te be auctioncd. The church lias aise an- nounced that a lîcart tuind mieeting will be lîcld Octeber 28 ini thc clîurclî hall andl that Oshawa Preshyterial U.C.W. regienal nîeeting will take place at th e Albert Street United (Ilu rcl i n Oshawa on thc sanie date. of such outstanding authori- tics in the field of heart and cardiovascular disease. Presi- dent of the Whitby Chapter Nigel Schlling, has stresscd that these meetings are flot only of interest te those who have known heart and associ-, ated problems, but are of equal importance those who are in good health and wish to prevent the onset of cardiac difficulties. Following the presenta- audience will have the oppor- tunity to ask questions of the panel members. On display will be the many pamphlets and educational brochures a- vailable from the Heart Foun- dto.A record crowd at- tended last year's presenta- tion and it is. expected, that an even greater numnber wl attend what promises to be an exceptional programme this season. Chutrch bazaar The Wcstmninister United Church Womens Auxiliary is holding its Christmas Bazaar on November 6 at the church on Manning Road off Thick- son Road in Whitby, w-Uh the official. opening at 2 p.m. with Elizabeth Hatter, former LYNCH The bazaar wil include several small gifts which would be ideal for Christmas stockings'and home baking, candy and plants. AlIight snack and refresh- ments will be served. -mw ANDERSON Jayne Rose Marie Lynch, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Lynch, 215 Coiborne St. E., Whitby was joined in Holy Matrir-nony, Saturday, Oct. 11, at Ail Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, to Robert Joseph Anderson, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson and the late Thomas Anderson, 144 Lupin Dr., 'Vhitby. The couple honeymnooned at the Pocono Moun- tains, Pennsylvania and will reside at 840 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Photo by M.B .M. Publishing and Photography Inc. CHRIS CATERING SCARBOROUGH- AJAX - DURHAM REGION PROVUDES 7e *à 9mi "and Gathering... PERFECI OJITERI NO FOR EVERY SOCIAL FUNCTUON e I>ABRTlE.ý eBANQUETS e SIIOWERS 9 WEDD1NGS 0 WEDDING CAKE BENTAL (1~ ' \~\~ Assistant Manager Sheila Cambell hrimas CaOU 6837891 8394874 P arties No