Whitby Free Press, 22 Oct 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 197S, WHITBY FREE PRESS Government hel]ping home buyer, WHO CARE ENOUGH TO HELP PEOPLE Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped, in Whitby urgently needs volunteers, 18 years and over. We have 154 inentally retarded aduits and children in residence, who need a friend and teacher so they rnay participate in fait and winter programmes. Give somethîng more precious thian moîîey, give of YOURSELF. Call Volunteer Services Department, 668-7745, ext. 435. Thiarkyoti. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY MOT LR PPRELI MINAR2È-LLSI l.ELEÇCIQ0RSL EQ0R -THE THE PRELIMINARY LIST 0F ALL ELECTORS PREPAHED AS REQUIRED BY THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT 1972 AS AMENDED AND THE REGIONJPL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM ACT, 1973 AS AMENDED WAS PUBLICLY POSTED IN THE OFFICE 0F THE MUNICIPAL CLERK ON THE 201H DAY 0F iOCTOBER 1975. IELECTORS SHOULO EXAMINE THE LIST TO ENSURE THAT ITHE IR NAMES AND RELEVANT INFORMATION ARE COR- RECTLY SHOWN. COMPLAINTS IN THE NATURE 0F REOUESTS FOR ADDI- TIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO OR DELETIONS FROM THE LIST MAY BE MADE BY AN ELECTOR COMPLETING AND FILING A FORM OBTAINABLE AT THE OFFICE 0F THE CLERK. THE LAST DAY FOR FILING FORMS REOUESTING ADDI- TIONS, CORRECTIONS OR DELETIONS: 31ST DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1975. REVISIONS TO THE PRELIMINARY LIST 0F ELECTORS WILL COMMENCE NOVEMBER 3RD, 1975 AT 2 P.M. IN THE CLERK'C' OFFICE IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AT THE TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS 201H DAY 0F OCTOBER AD., 1975. WILLIAM H. WALLACE, A.M.C.T. RETURNING OFF ICER AND CLERK DON'T URGENT NEED URGENT NEED FOR PEOPLE INTO The New Season Without Coniing To The AmIF.S WEAR TeHouse of Stylé For Women WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST ELEGANT FASHIONS FOR FALL & WINTER IN OUR COAT DEPARTMENT SMART NEW STYLES TRIMMED or U NTRIMM ED A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR CHOICE BLACK'S LADIES WEAR 72 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA, ONT. Phone 725-1912 OPEN DAULY 9a.mo, - 4 nim3 . ~L9 i.m* ~m. By Mack Parliament Director of Publications Canadian Real Estate Associa- .tion There has bcen--and wiii continue te be--îîîany coin- plinîts from persuns who say thicy caniot afford te own a hiome. Sornc of these lains arc ne doubt truc becauise tiere have aiways been fanil- lies in Canada wle, bccaitsc of lower th an average ùincnies ur pcrsoîîal priorities, have îlot been abie te, buy heomes. Hewcever, in receit years the federai and provincial govcrnnînts lhave core 10 t tlle aid etf mure peuple thi a ever bcfoe iii history te cri- able thic îte reacli tlîcir geai et' fi1rst bey îng, andi theri imiprevirig. thecir mwi p-iece oel' Canilad a. Thîis xas neot aixvays su. Peuple etf average licornle coid ne[lt hope t eoxv n a hionie et' dilcir (mvi as sueli as tliey xvcrenia rried îuet liig ago i f thcy nia rried iii tii i r earlv 20s. Ne. 'l t tek vears et, sac n tice ii ies t cases te save tIllc aI i-ire i al()tit dm w paylniellit. 1i1iniaîiy cases il xvas mnly S i,000. Biît Ilble dit tcreîîce betxvecîî iîcei arid tiie amîiieîit neqiuined t'on iecessi tics xvas se littletic ba tuie averaige wage caîîîcî îîeeded te keep a close xvatcli 011 expeîîses lu accwîimulte tlle passpu r t l I n l(11e owexîr- siliii. il t xas îloit itiîstuai toîr n11a11Y taîiliis te posti))lle liaviîîr a car et'any'kiiîd , let rlie a iew eie, xvii uc savi ni' tewa rd liiuî ii eli slii Sou îîd t ouî.! lî txas. Bu t exvier suip eve I lii ugh i icy h ave îîuî aduptcd tue stance ut sel t-discipline necessary 1(1 acquiî c tue requi red duxvn iuaviliî. (trucidenit aiy. imiles arce t xvuî î mut aI tii encdt r)t'ti iir rîuurtgagc :îîirt itat ieruperiud ). Tciî nrrexv--'e)r lue t ter er wurse--deiucnids oni teday. A saviîg prograîui is like a fit rîcss prugraîi;il lias te bc xvurked at te preduce resul ts. Anud timue brnugs resul Is, nuo îuattcr xviiat upperlunil ies luave beîu lest ini thie hast. Ta ke the case of thue 3~5-year-oid xvhu h ad aixvays xvanted te attenid uîîiversary but liîad puît it offt'anîd rîrw thtirgliit ie xveuid be tur) oid xviîeu lie gnaduated fouîr veans duxown the rrîad. "i iexýv ol d xviilyeu lbe ru teour yeaî s if vou don't g?'a t'îictu(iaskcd. "TIiirty-îiic". xvas the ob- vieus aisxver. ,Anîd hlio ei xvii eoue AINT thc picture bas ciianged in the hast two decades. Rising in- cornes have brouglît rising expectations and rising cx- pecttions have spawned a feelinîg cf urgency for ahi the thiîîgs consumers want tu consumne: new cars, snownîo- biles, beats, wintcr vacations in far off and exotie places and ncw bouses witlî ahi the I'rills. Se great lias the ur- gency become te consume and kcep up tu date tlîat iteiîs arc often discarded bc- fore thîcy have scrved tiîeir usct'tî irhie. Oi' Couîrse mîanî by luis very nature is accîsitivc and self- iîîtercsted. iHe xvouid rnuci ratdier put otff urîtil toiierrow xvhîat lie slioud du uoday, aîîd coîisrîîîtoday xviat liec cud Thiis patterni, xviicli Cali aliîiîest huecucnsidcred thec înor nîii îîeîg îiaîiy ci tîzels, lias led te al lack uf' seit'-disci- pli ie as tair as saviîîg tnixard big ticket iteîîîs is ceîîccrîîed. Ilt has ai se prec ip ilat cd ail iîicrease iun dcbts duce l'u cre- dit uu rchîases. Silice il is reiativeiy easy te ebtaiu credit l'or aliiîîust eve 'y tii i îig in a -ceonsumie teday, pay tuiiurrexv sucie- ty, iiaîy lieo pl e t'i d tIi îu- selves fiîîaîcialiy oebiga tcd t'orpay hienltlianîîdc bts -ait h igl i iitencst rates ( îuuucli ilîigicr îlîaîî ior Igage lîitcî est r ates) toi- a long tilimiti hIe tiiturc. Suric utofthe ilites hueîing pr rcli scd vill lie xvn ouItoretlîeyare1uaidl I3uî Iliat lias îîut daîijued thii ntrlîrsiasi tor homîe - - - in four years if you do go?' "Thirty-nine", the would- be student repiied and immed- iately decided to enrol. The samne reasoning apphies to a savings program. If not une penny is accumnulated, re- gardless of thie age of the saver, time will mai-ch inex- orabiy onward and an attain- able goal wiil be still out of reach. Fortunately things have clhanged in the iast two de- cades and--despite what some detractors ci airn--h orne owner- ship is not neaniy as difficuit to acliieve as it may appear. I ndustrial wages h ave h teraiiy skyrocketed and young peuple are earning mnore mioney in rei dollars than thecir fafliers did. If rising expectations were kept uinder centrol, evcerric- poraiy, h orne owne rsiîip weuid be witiini the grasp of noeeplec. It is truc Iliat the price utf bIouIseslbas risen in recent years, but Su blas the price of evcrything cisc. Ycî. accord- iîîg tu Professor Lawrence Sîiith . ot, the University of' Teronto Polilicai Ecuiuoruîy Departnuent, in the 10 years iuetweti 1962 and 1972 hue îropo)rýiol1of' inconue sperut ton h uusîng scrvices actuaiiy dropped t'ren iiX186 lier cent te 16.1 lier cent. i-le observes that betweeni 19)61 and 1974 "the iiunhe oxvne rsb y cutinlonenit outthe ('unstumer Price Index rose 127.1 i îer cent. xvi îlc disposa- able incoie uler 'arniiiy in- crcased byv an estiniated i56.8 pcr cent". Su une cati oniy concLi.de tiiat b urne own rshl) pis xviti i iite grasp of a larger scegment ofthie popuîlation tliian is usuaiiy tlîuugiît. Ini addition te rising dispo- sable inconie, the fedierai gev- criunient is stanîdng by te lielp prospective hoîîîe buyers. Iniiniany provinces tiiis assis- tance is supplcnicnted by ad- ditional aid. I n Teronte, l'or instanîce, the federai pregraîi wiii assist faniiics xhese incernes are as Iîiglî as $20.000 a year te buy new homnes witlu a lrice tag as higli as $43,000. Down paymrents are as iew as 5 pier ccnt and, if ncccssary, month- iy iiertgagc 'paymeîîts can bc susbsidized utei a nmaxinmunm utIS 100 a inoîuith.- Tiiee i s ai se a S 1.5 00 oran t availabie t(i ail Ontario f'irsî linie purcliasers of a bornie er duplex. flhc federal goernrnent's prograiis are net witliout - -l Up to 50% OFF llaws. Where it might be ( sirable for a family to beg with the purchase of a mnodc existing home, neither tl Assisted Home Ownersh Program (AHOP) nor i $500 federai grant progra wilI permit this. Howeve the Ontario provincial grai is availabie on both new ar existing homes. Uniess r newed, the offer is sehedule to expire December 3 1. Urban A ffairs Minist( Barncy Danson argues thi only new home constructio increases thec nation's housin stock and therefore exis th, homes arc prccluded fror both federal prugramns. The goverînmcnt program arc nict xitlîou t an ironic, twist. Farnilies who bough hoîîîcs ini tigli ter ties and ar stili paying tor thern are als( assisting today's home pui ciîascrs îhrough traîîsfer pay 111enlts. Whitby Arts appreciates financial aid from Towin The Board of Directorý of Whitby Arts Incorporated recently îhianked council foi its financiai assistance to the organ izat ion. "Il woijld like to acknow- iedge the grants received in 1974 and 1975 totaliing S4,200 which assisted us in operatig our gaiiery as a vis- tual arts centre for Whitby and the surrounding corn- munities. Additional assis- tance was received recentiy and this grant of S2,300 covered the costs of the sewer connection for the building. Thiis work was completect during the rnoîîth of Septem-: ber. Your interest and sup- port in Whitby Arts is rnost appreciated", said Director Linda Pauiocik. ]Boatin.g over Visweekend, over 200 boats îiiuored at the Whitby Yacht Club xviii be taken out of the water by crane and put into xinter sturage. On Octeber 25, the docks wiil be rcniovcd trem the water and pît'axvay uîî tii the xvarnu vea th er rctuniS. IWALLPAPERS IN STOCK 20% OFF PITTSBURG-H PAINTS 103 BROCK. ST. SOUTH F~ OUR~ 'b-ow 1

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