WHITBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMIIER Ê4,1975, PAGE 7 GOAL IS $4,OOO Uni*ted Way campaign on at Psychiaà trie Hos]pital pital staff donated $5,201.30. Whitby Psychiatrie Hospi- ing to HospitalAÀdministrator From die 1,107 staff meri tai "United Way Campaign Milton Fishier. bers who were canvassed b, Chairman Stanley Hoar and During I1974, with Mr. the chairnian and his 24 assis his enîhusiastic canvassers are Hoar serving is first termi as tantis, 36 1 made donations hoping to top 1975's ambit- campaign chairman dhe lbos- As has been their customîi Church has tent at match The 1974-75 Live Love Projects of St. Mark's United Church, Whiitby included support of Muriel Bamiford, a missionary nurse who is serving in India. Miss Bani- ford received her early eduica- tion in Northern Ontario and continued studies at th e Toronto Bible College and the United Church Training School, now the centre for Christian Stuidies. Sl1w re- ceived lier training as a nurse at Wellesley Hospital, Toron- Recreation Some of the many new areas the Whitby Recreation De partment is developing clueprograms for handi- capped children. These programs need vol- unteers to ]end a helping hand so, that these children wil enjoy and benefit from lte recreational activities. As well, the Recreation SAVE SAVE Miss Baroford was ap- pointed as a missionary nurse in 1946 and for the past'ycars lias served in Iridia. Her most recent area of service lias been the Sharansthan Flospi- taI at Banswara where shie lias been in chiarge of Nursing E duc a tion - St. Mark's als() annouinces [liat the United Church blas a tent at the Ploughing Match. The chtirch is holding a walk-a-thon Saturday in the Dep»artmen t leaders Deparinment is always inter- ested in hearing from individ- uals interested in instructing or developing prograins, whiether in the area of physi- cal activities, arts and crafts. or general interesi activities. If you would like 10 help out as a volunteer or as a course instructor, please con- tact the Recreation Depart- ment at 668-5803. $2.OO Sq. Yd. CUT AND FIT CARPET BY BARRYMORE 1000%cHERCULON POLYPROPYLENE RUBRER BACK TEXTURED LOOP STYLING CHOICE 0F EIGHT MULTI-TONE COLOURS Reg. 12' WIDTHS $9'095 sq. yd. ONLY Sale $7-95 sq. d. SALE ENDS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27TH OSHAÀWA CARPET WAREHOUSE 163 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 728-4675 1- )y is. n hope of raising $3 ,000 to subsîdize 2,500 Portugese- Chokwe Bibles for Anigola, Africa. The church bhas set maximum distances of 17 kilomneters l'or walkers anid 34 for cyclists and asks for- the public's support iin this project. the past, the Civil Service Association of Ontario presented a cheque for $25. During 1973, the trend started for fewer staff to give but for those who did to treat the appeal more serlous- 'y. "During this month we have the opportunity to con- tribute to the disadvantaged in this area through partici- pation in the United Way. 1 feel that this is the time to realign our sense of responsi- bility for our community's needs and to see to it that the cormunity gets the programs that it should have", Mr. Fisher told th e hospîtai's staff. He said "the Uinited Way is a voluntary non-profit ef- fort to improve the quality of life in our area by providing needed hélp to those pro- grams which otherwise could flot funiction. Some of us have members of our families * 3 5 OTHE i3 1 OHW STATION AuN TE WORLD PLOUGHING MATCH HEAR DAILY REPORTS at 10:005 AM 12:005 PM 2:*05 PM 4:905 PM PLUS TWO EVENING WRAP UPS AT 6:25 end 11:le25 On Saturday CKLB wiII be dropping colour - coded ping-pong bails from a hot-air balloon at the Match. Brina these to the broadcast trouler to be eligible to win a Skylark Trip to Nassau, or a Pioneer Chain saw, or LP's who have benefitted from United Way supported pro- grams. Any one of us could find ourselves in the position of needing help from one of the United Way sponsored programs. 1 urge you ail to give generously in support of the United Way". ions goal of $4,000", accord- Open 7 darys a week Male leuf- '* RESTAURANT BROCeST. M. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461t Delicicus Canadian and Italien Dises needs volunteer for handicapped kids