Whitby Free Press, 24 Sep 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDWESDAV, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Wlhi'tb y 's 10-m year mayor tastes def eut by Mike Burgess Staff Writer Des Newman, sigltly over an hîour after Uic closing of the poîîs Thursday night, concedcd victoiy to Dr. Charles Godfrey, dic New Denîocratic Party candidate chainnan of dic aîîti-airport group People or Planes. Newman workers at tlîe Sheridan Mail hceadquarters knew their candidate was in trouble when dic first polis started trickling in shortly after 8 p.m. The first Ajax poli had Newnman and Progressive Conservative candidate BIh Pfikington tied with Godfrey one vote behind. flice first Whitby poli, thc Psychiatric Hospital, had Godfrey ahead with 3 1, followed by Pilking- ton with 26 and J4ewman trailing with 10. The first Pickering poli, not surprising- ly, had Godfrey leading with 132, Newman with 62 and Plkington wiUi 60. As the poils continued to corne in, Uic picture, and Uic faces of canîpaign workers, became grimmer. The polis Newman won weren't usually~ by ,nuch. The polis Godfrey won seemned to be with large niajorities. Pilkington trailed t.hird, and the independent entry Terry Couglilin was long forgotten. The picture didn't change as more poils consistently placed Godfrey ahiead of* Newman. Godfrey was expccted to win Pickering. Ajax was expected to be close, and hopes were thiat a Newman mnajority in Witby would pushi him over dic top. Godfrey won Pickering, flot by as muchi as expected... ..around a thousand. God- frey won Ajax by about 700. But thc support expected in Whitby just didn't corne.. Newman only won by about four hundred. Speculation indicated that the feeling of the electorate had changed since the ad- vance polIs whcn Newman won Whitby, Brooklin, and Ajax handily and lost Picker- ing to Godfrey by only three votes. Others attributed part of thc blarne for Uic lack of votes to thc farcical Nixon/ Davis TV debate, and Uic resigiîation olf federal Liberai John r Turner, Minister of Finance. Shortiy af'tcr 9 p.m., New. rnan went frotisi is Ajax headquarters to G nilfrey 's at the U.A.W. hall around tht( corner to concede the eiec. tion. At that point Godfrey was leading by about i1,600 with oniY 15 polis to go. The first unofficial taiiy had Godfrey 11,529; New- manî 10, 104; Piikington 7,675; and Cougiîlin 149. Over 200 Newman sup- porters waitcd for him to make an appearance at die Slieridan Mail. "We lost tonighit, but 1 don't Uink Uic bail game's over yet", Newman said when he arrived. 'To corne back here, knowing we Iost and to find tlîis manyýpeopie here does somcthing for me. I'm astounded by your loyal- t>' and delighted by your love." Newman said that lie had nover been involved in an clection whcr; Uic People Uiought 50 hard. The ex-Whitby mayor, grasping Uic microphone with both lîands, was visibly erno- tionai, expressing his apprec- iation for his carnpaign work- ers espccially Whiitby iawyer Dave Sims, his canîpaign manager, and Laurie Single- ton who was active in ncariy eve ry thiing. Supporter Dave Trebiiock interruptcd Newman to toast lîini for a weii executcd camn- paign. "XVe have not iost ho- cause of the cîuaiity of our candidate, or tlîe quality of our carnpaign, so we congrat- ulate you even thoughi we were flot suiccessfui", lie said. I $10 laRes Remue an oroan lt's time to ciear the deck. Our warehouse is full of instruments taken in trade for new Hamn- monds. Itfs bulging at the seamns with 15 organs prioed from $79.00 to $3,000. We must move them to make room for a sh ipment of new Hammond Organs which is on the way. Ten Dollars is your down paymrent for any organ on the fioor. But hurry, the sale ends September 30, 1975. HAMMONU OIRGAN Studios 16 SImcoe St. N. at Kînq 728-1675 Des Newman, his w ifl' Marjorie, and their daughitors wcre on hand and despite dic obvious emotional impact stayed and took part in the festivities. This was Uic third political- loss for Newman, who has been the undefeated Mayor of Whitby for the last 10 years. He lost the flrst time he ran for mayor, and ho lost bis bid in the federal ciection of 1968. Many feit that too many people wanted him to continue as mayor (in 1968) and for that reason didn't vote for him. Hence in this élection lie rcsigncd his seat as mayor and wdl not con- tend Uic position in the up- comning lection. Des Newman prcdicts thé minority govornmerit will split and anticipates another election within a year. Until then he wil settle down to somne home life which he has had to sacrifice a good part of over the years as mayor and continue his efforts at Camnetoid (an electronic parts chroming plant) of which he is president and gencral man- age r. P.C. Bih Pilkington Runs thi*rd, First time by BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer The resuits of the first provincial election poil in thc new riding of Durham West arrived at Progressive Conser- vativé candidate Bill Pilking- ton's hcadquarters shortly after 8 p.m. When they were posted a boisterous cheer fiiled the Regal Room of Uic Whitby Centennial Building. Mr. Pilkington, the town's former police chief, had won thc poli, W-49 in Whitby, with 19 votes while Liberal can- didate Des Newman picked up 14 and New Democratic Party hiopeful Chiaries God- t'rey none. Little did Mr. Pilkington and his supporters realize that tlîis poili was to be onie ni' only eigh t tlîat he wvould win out of a total of, 13 polils in tie riding. In less tlian ani hour, thie trcnids began to switchi in die exact opposite position, with Mr. Godfrey first, Mr. Newv- mian second and Mr. Pilkinig- ton tlîird. Terry Coughilin, Libertarian Partylieid fou rth place ail evening with neyer a tlhreat of being strippcd of tlîat dubious lhonour. At 9:05 withl 90 poils reporting, Mr. Piikington, wîih 5,211i votes conceded victory to Mr. Godfrey, with 7,744. Mr. Newmian lîad gained thie support of 6,700 a voters at that point. "Lt has been a most inter- csting and wortliwhile endea- vour", Mr. Plkington said of his first contest in Uithe ii. cal arena. "L feel honourcd to have been given Uic opport- unity to do it". Mr. Pilkington expressed gratitude to Uic people who put in many long hours of hard work in Uic hope of making his first bid for elec- tion a successful one. 'r most imnpressed with the assis- tance and help 1 have re- ceived from a]l areas of thc region", ho said. When asked why le thought thc election ended as it did, Mr. Pilkington res- pondcd "tic climate is not righ t ". Speaking on whether or flot lic miglît reinain on the politicai scene, Mr. Piikington said "it is difficuit to say . ,ht now. To be asked to do it (run for eleet 'ýi) is îlot accorded every mian. For the near future, hoe wiii return to his job as inspector of Uhc Liquor Licence Bureau of Ontario. Ho calied Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Newman "two of the rnost able people in the politicail iniieiight". Then Mr. Piikington took the microphione tc ' 'neak to lus supporters DrL lit. "If i was to lose to anybody, i'd prefer to lose to Dr. Godfrey Hoe is a gen 'emnan and a fair opponent". ",Il did the best 1 can and frankly l'Il neyer regret it", he said. At that point, Mr. Pilking- ton left for Mr. Godfrey's headquarters to, concede vie- tory and extend lis congratu- lations to the winner. He réturned at about 10: 15 to a chorus of "he's a jolly good fellow". flc announcement that Durham North Progressive Conservative candidate Bill Newman was ahead in his riding was Uic only good news in an otherwise gloomy night for Mr. Pilkington and his supporters. ,Scottish Club first social Tlie Scottish Canadian Club of Whitby held its first social evening last Saturday niiglît at the Regal Rooni of the Centenrial Building. A good time was lîad by the 130 people who turned out to danice to Scottish and Canadian Tunes and enjoy tradiional rneat pies and peas. Thle club lias plans for dances once a montli as weIl as its own St. Andrews Bail iii November. NOTE 0,F THANKS 1 would like to express my sincere apprecia- tion to ait my neighbours & friends who did ail they could to help me in a time of needl. Thanking you one & ail, Mr. G. A. Wh ite, R.R. No. 1, Brooklin. 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