PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBYWINNERS 0F THE FWHITBYGIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DRAW in Support of Minor Girls Softball le.: Elaine Lloyd, 359 Harcourt Drive, 576-0238, Ticket No. 08644 Electric Broill 2nd: Lee Wick,'31f John St. E., Whith 4869, Ticket number 15624 I ce Cream Maker 3rd: J.C. Hoît, 92 Applewood Crescent, 723-4132, Ticket No. 13088 Crockery Cooker 4th: Ruth Wright, 606 Burton Road, 728-1344, Ticket No. 08919 Popcorn Popper Knight Like This There was the brave knight who preferred to ride a Great Dane rather than a horse. One night he was caught in a violent rain- storrn. The innkeeper naturally hated knights. and -uomplete turnishings o!i actory 0 showroomns and suppliers t«e. odel homes, apartments. town* houses <useci for display purpose only) savings as high as 50 Per cent cut-easy termns can be seen et the werehouse 12 to 8 daily. TWis furniture is sold by ELM ER'SFURNITURE 253 Bloor Street East, Oshewa Phonp - 728-347.1 Whitby >y, 668- Whitby Oshawa at tirst refused to give hlm a room. When the innkeeper saw the Great Dane stand- ing there soaking wet though. he said. "I couldn't turn a knight out on a dog like this. Paid for LioId and Silver coîns, old guns, clocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa your wee e yO.AWDMI ARIES Mar. 21-A pr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMIN I May 21-June 20 MOONCH ILI) June 21-JuIy 22 Forecast Period: September 29 to October 4 Speaking of personality flaws, you Aries, must cope with a neurotic that's fl(w walked on stage. Vour ability to placate will be put to test. Here we go! It seems as though you wilI not leave -well enough" alone. You'rc prone to tamper with scrious emotions. .at the cost of your job, task or projeet. An unusual interest in the woes of an associate, shows in your chart. For somne reaison or ainother, you'Il be probing into affairs and areas that should not be dîsturbed. It might not have occurred to you, but in the far dark corners of your mind.. .you've limited your circle of friends. Why? Think about it! LEO I)ecisions based on hearsay are deadly, in- July 23-Aug. 22 deed. And speaking of 'hearsay," most of your mininformatUon will pertain to a superior. Bluntly, don't cross swords with persons in authority. VIRG() Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Most mcm bers of your sign will be in sort of a twilight zone. Meaning? A series of events will fimd you feeling both happy and sad. For no apparent reason, whatsoever, many mcm bers of your sign will feel out of sorts. The planet Neptunes influence pushes you into a mysterious mood. It'll pass. quickly. It seemns as though you are considering a serious, very scrious, plan which, inciden- tally, is being opposed by a frivolous and light hearted person. According to your chart. it would be a good idea to alter or reschedule social plans. Otherwise, you'll of fend someone or trigger an embarrassing situation. Being liberal with -good advice," seems to be your hang up. during this week's cosmie cycle. There's one problem, however. Your "advice" might provoke an associa te. AQUARJUS This week, more than the remainder of Jan. 20-Feb. 18 the year-you must draw from past exper- ience. Duplicating misjudgements and taking things for granted, could be costly. PISCES Feb. 19-M ar. 20 You might find difficulty in carrying out new plans related to your job. task or project. Apparently, undercurrents and the clandestine activities of an associate is harpooning your progress. VELVET 'T OUCII FURNITURE STRJPPJNG no dip tanks or caustjcs AT unique Mac N eil 's tlow-over rcs Furnîture t. ri-opholster fin. furntureà " 413 Dundas St. E. 'Whitby , Ontario Bus. 668-5481 BE A BLOOD DONOR MI." BE A BLOOD DONOR James Wilson BROKER Doug ioyior SALESMAN Ernie Stoneman SALESMAN SALESMAN 24,Marbury Court, WH ITBY Beautifully broadloomed 4 bedroom home in West Lynde area with floor to ceiling brick f ire- place and recreation roomn plus walk-out family room. Phone for more information. R.R. No. 1 BLACKSTOCK Prime property ready for you to build that new home on its 10 acres of excellent land. Try an offer. 668m7777 121 BR= ST. N. R EA LT OR TORONTO UINE - 282-1.004 D)oug 'Scotty' Taylor Ernest M. Stoneman Edward Grant 120 Watson Street West Here is an older 11/2 storey home for you. It has 4 bedrooms, rumpus room, carport plus double garage, and storage loft. Not to mention an in ground swimming pool. Want to see it? Give us a caîl. 131 Brock Street North, WH ITBY Just isted vacant building with 2,000 square floor footage and 10 car parking out back. This building lias a new store front, air conditioning and new H.D. wiring. Act soon. CENTRE RESTAURANT & TAVERN OSHAWA CENTRE (Next to the Cinemas) 4 Excellent Food- Fast, Courteous Service Open 7 days and evenings and Uphol stery I - Res. 66"-526 MI.' t' llkýý