Whitby Free Press, 24 Sep 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WE DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975, WHITBV FREE PRESS by Norm Mealirïg Provincial Canpign,75 (Wra-up Well, the election is over, and Who would have thought that, after 37 days of campaîgning, we would have a Conservative minority government, and that the New Democraie Party would emerge as the Officiai opposition. Certainly flot Bob Nixon. oywih ooyral nii One New Demnocrat victol hc.ooyr.arlestii pated camne to pass right here in Durham West. DrChre Godfrey, the successfül candidate, conducted an excellent campaigfl, and, in the humble opinion of this person, was aided primarily by his forthrighit opposition to the airport, and regional governmient. In West Lynde, his cause was not hiurt, in the least, by his reasoned opposition to the West Lynde highrises. So, for four înonths or six rnonths or whatever, we wil! have minority governrnent in Ontario with N.D.P. en- joying a more powerful and miore proi-inent role than ever tcj èrje. A IILI, willi i1îis p roi i ieîce and p ower, i t wiIIllie very intecrest ilg Io sec il' the iîew Meniner Ironi Durhamî West can influenîceflic course of events suirrouridiiig the airport, regional government and the higliriscs. W.L.C.A. FaIt Meetimîg_ Tornorrow night, Thursday, September 2Sth, the fall meeting of the West Lynde Cornrunity Association will be held in the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, beginning at 7:45 p.ni. As was rnentioned in last week's colurnn, the Constitution of the Association is tô be dis- cussed tomnorrow night withi several inmportant amendments having been proposed . There are a couple of proposed amendments being put forward for discussion which deal with the finances of the association. It lias been proposed that the dollar anounts tWiat the Executive are authorized to spend be raised, and the question of rnenbership fees is also on the agenda. One presumnes the purpose of scheduling a discus- sion of the latter is to raise the fees from their present level. It would appear that inflation lias touched the W.L.C.A. The quiestion of association bo.undaries is also on the agenda, with one amnendnient proposing their extension to include the highrises when, and if, they are built. This amcendmnent is likely to generate a great deal of heated dis- cuission given tlhe commuitnity's attitude toward the high- riscs. It will mot be an easy decision to reach for if thc higlîrises are includcd a great many people will have 10 for- get the battle that hias been fought, and accept as niemnbers peuple who live in a building nobody wanted built. On thc Ibsns Ask for tis 1011cr f rom our represeritative, ioans D. J. SKINNER anywerewho wiII be at: TH-E LUCIEN MOTEL. wiCanada 134 BYRON ST., NORTH, WH ITBY, ON THURDAa"OCTOER 2d, 175 aa9:3 a.m or 22 Kng W uinsa(lr estOhw THEANN Aini LsevMUr nICIPotA L en7 n coditionspeDaTsIDL l IS UNDER WAY The annual municipal enumeration began on Friday, September 19, 1975 and will continue this week. This municipal enumeration is separate and distinct from the recent provincial enumneration which was conducted for the provincial election. During tha week, an enumerator, carrying a pro per identification carci, wiIl cail at your residence for a few minutes ta check basic information required in determining: " the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems; " the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help reduce local tax bills; " the preparation of jurors' ists; and " population information needed for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name, age, property status (e.g. owner or tenant), school support and residency of aIl members of the household. When the enumerator visits, please check that the i nform-ition on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it an J verify the changes. If you are flot home, a Notice will be left for you. If , langes are necessary, please make them and mail the Enurneration Notice in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additional information, please contact the local assessmeflt off ice. Ministry of Revenue Arthur Meen Minister of Revenue T.M. Russell Deputy Minister Ontario 1 UR eO WA /5 7Tf/C PR-INE FOR ME? /T WASA NumaÉR. /E WA NTED 70 KNOW IF 77/e COAST VYAS Corne in sit under ~S18UUG ()Iller Iuînjd, il' the Jîiglîriscs arc excludcd, would precludc any thotight of' coopcratiofl betwcen thc people Who entually live there, and t.his commnufitY. It wouId also appear to bc discriminatory given the low-rental nature of the proposed apartmcnt complex. In putting forth this amendrnent, 1 think the Association executive is acting somnewhat prernaturely. First of ail, whether to include the highrises or notcan surely wait until they are built, and occupied. Secondly, whether to include the highrises, or not can surely wait unti somne interest in joining the association lias been shown by people living in the buildings. 1 suspect that any discussion now wil be largely academie, and will serve no useful purpose. At any rate, the Constitution is to be discussed tomor- row night, so why not corne out, and get involved ini our association. S-ome short scribbles: The Whitby Warriors (formerly the Ma cs) of the O.H.A. Senior 'A' Series have been practising hard for the last week and a haif. They have an exhibition gamne this Sunday at Iroquois Park against the new Lindsay entry in the league. Game time is 7:30 p.m. On the subject of highrises, a recent news release mndi- cated that the O.H.C. was no longer involved in the project. My Queen's Park sources tell me they are stili involved. What is the truth, 1 wonder? Message to Wayne Dcvcau frorn West Lynde: where is ail the dcveloprnent plaîîned for Central Park, and promnised for this year? The W.L.C.A. Mixed Bowling league got underway on the I6th of September. Ivan Booth's teain was presented withi a trophy for finishing in first place last season. Some 34 bowlers showed up 10 bowl for handicap. Watch this space for scores and standings as the season progresses. The faîl dance is on October 24th at l-eydenshore pavillioli. Don't forget. Bye for another week. Sec you tor-norrow nighit at the meeting, and îîext week, right here. Editoi's QUote Book om an In seeking honey, expect the sting of bees. Ara bian Proverb g U ILy f death of usband 120 Michael Boulevard in Whitby, was found guilty of manslaughter but not guilty o f murder Thursday . The conviction arose out of an incident last May in whiclî her husband, Khaleel, was stabbed ini the chest. He died in hospital 10 days later. Tie verdict camne in after ic jury, cormposed of six nien and six wornen, deliber- ated for almost nine hours. Mrs. Subratee testified that hier husband dragged lier by tic hair and began kicking lier after ami arguaient. She said that she picked tmp a parimig knife froni the kitclien but did not intend to uise it. Toronto psychiatrist Garry Prince, whîo had been coumîselling Mrs. Subraîce, testitied thaI lier lîusbaîîd tlîoughit she lîad beemi datimîg other men. Mr. Justice Peter Wright set a date of 0,ctober 2 for sentencing. the in fra-red lights! La Contessa Beauty Lounge 119 Green St. 66--8-9262- 20% OFF WALLPAPER BOOKS 25% OFF ALL SUNWORTHY BOOKS ON ORDERS 0F OVER 4 ROLLS 103 BROCK ST. 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