WHITDV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, PAGE 7 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by the Corporation of the Town of Vhitby for approval of a By-Iaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby intends to appîy to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 248-75 read a f irst, second and third time and finahly passed on the l8th day of August, A.D., 1975. A copy of the By-iaw is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by regis- tered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-iaw may within fourteen (14> days after the date of this notice, send by regis- tered mail or deliver to the Cîerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his support of approval to the said By-law together with a request for notice of any Hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice shouid be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-law but bef ore doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law wiil be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held wilh be given only to persons who have f iled an objection or a notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the CIerk undersigned the address to which notice of Hearing is to be sent. The las-t date for filing objection will be the l7th day of September, A.D., 1975.a Dated at the Town of Whitby this 3rd day of September, A.D., 1975. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK 405 Dundas Street West, WH ITBY, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBER 248-75 BEING A BY-LAW TO BY-LAW NUMBER 1784. WHEREAS the Whitby deems Number 1784. Corporation it advisable AMEND ZONINO of the Town of to amend By-law NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND Il IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-law of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby by the Coun cil thereof as follows: 1. That Section 4, subsection <e) of By-law 1784 is hereby repealed and replaced by the following: "4. (e> Frontage on Public Street (i) No person shall ereet any building or structure in any zone unless <1) the lot upon which such building or struc- ture is to be erected fronts upon an improved public street which has a perpendi- cular width of 66 feet or more or (2> the lot upon which such building or structure is to be erected fronts upon an im- proved public street which has a perpendicular width of less than 66 feet and is shown on a Plan of Subdivision regis- tered in the Land Titles Office or in the Registry Office on or after January lse, 1974. (ii) The following streets are exempt from the provisions of subsection Wi narnely: Durham Street, Pearl Street Church Street, Simcoe Street, Duke Street, Bagot Street and Way Street as shown on Camp- Words rom by Norm Mealing Provincia- l Canijaign '75 List 'lhunrsday iliglit, Septcm ber 4111, ai ung wi li about 80 utiier people, i ai tended ain ail-candidates imieetig ai Thora ion Elemnentary Schoooun I Iazelwood Rond i thi Corridor area of Wlitby. I t was an evcaing wilI-spcnt. bc- cause, other thaiî for Des Newman, 1I had ncver liad the op- portLlnity beforc to sec or hear the othier twu major party candidates ini Durbani West, miy knowlcdgc of theni bcing rcstrictcd b vhat 1I had rcad in their brochures or the local press. Eachi of' the lhrcenc, beginning withi Dr. Charles Codfrey, wcre given about tive minutes to speak lu the crowd on the issues as they, and itheir party, saw tiemn. This wvas followed by a briet rebuttal tromn eachi candidate ut' the other candidates' statemients. aund then thie forumn wvas opened up flor quieslions froni tihe fluor. Despite a rallier cimbersonie pruceduire of' wriliag ou t al questions. and (lie screening of ail questions by' representat ives of caci candidate, a nunîber oft important topics we re covered ini somne detail. 'flic candidates thenîselves presenled a varied picl ure. Mayor D)es, a rticulate and iiit boriied as eve r, loo k comm iand rioh t fronithie begina ing. and \vas hionest and forth righ t wvhiue answering g ca([r every q uestion. lie prticul arly îimpressed tbis writer whien, ini dealîing wiîb bis personal ditfierences witb bhis parîy*s poIicy' on lbhe airport issue, lie declared thiat above ail lie xvas his own mari. Dr. Godfrey was equally inipressive. This muan is obviotîsly intelligent, a very capable public speaker. and consistent with bis lead- ership of the Peuple or Planes Croup. Dr. CliarlesGodfrey is very mnuch a "people" politician. Bill Pilkîngton. the Tory candidate, appeared a mani of principle. Very defin- iîely concernied with ici permissivencss of our sociely. Tliouglî apparcntly not as mnuch at case in this kind of public forumn as bis two opponients, lie camne across as a sincere, and thougb tful individual. On tbc issues, the candidates, with somne exceptions 0on the part of Mr. Newmnan. expressed opinions consistent with hthe platfornms of tIi cir party. Tbe nmos! notable of these exceptions wvas witbi tespect to the Pickering airport issue. NDP and Cnit policy says nu, Tory policy savs yes. Codfrey and Pilkington fullow the party line, Newnîan ducs not. CoU freys opnositîon is in ternis of people and eriviroriment. and Newman's support is in ternis of econo- nîic development f'or the region. Both arguments have mer- it and boti candidates were cloquent ini putlirig forth their positions. On educatîin, lucre wvas little deviation on the part of any candidlate froin die stated position of thieir party. Newmnan voiced bis parly*s concerni over the cost and quaiity of education, Pilkington put forth the goverrnent position that our educational systemi is second to none, and bell and Way Plan of the Village of Brooklin. (iii> For the purpose of this sub- section an "improved public street" means a street which has been constructed and is being maintained by the Corporation in such a manner so as to permit its use by nor- mal vehicular traffic." 2. This By-law shaîl corne the date it is passed by, of Vhitby subject to Ontario Municipal Board into force and effect on the Council of the Town the approval of The BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY 0F AUGUST, A.D., 1975. W. Wallace CLERK D. Newman MAYOR EXPLANATORY NOTE_ PURPOSE AND EFFEOT 0F BY-LAW NUMBER 248-75. The purpose and effeet of By-Iaw Number 248-75 is to 'define ""improved public street" and thereby allow for development on public road allowances of less than 66 feet on Plans of Subdivision regis- tered on or after January lst, 1974. AIl material filed concerning this application is on file and open for public inspection at the Planning Department, 14 Church Street, Brooklin, Ontario. Telephone: (416> 655-3346 Codfrcy voiced the NI)P demnand tor greater expenditures, especiaily îat h 1e lcmentary level. For Godfrey, regional governimcnt nlecds abolition, for Pilking ton, time ho prove ihself, and for NewMan, a rcstruc- turing. Here, as ini the case of the airport, the NDP and onnicrit Tory candidates echoed party pol'icy, and Mr. New- men expressed an opinion con trary tu the Liberai Party platform. There is another ail-candidates meeting this evening at nine o'clock in the Cen tennial Bulding sponsored by the arca 's teachers. I urge you to attend. 1 also urge you to wateh the televised debates (on cable) this Thursday at 8 p.m. Much can be learned froni this kind of-observation of the candidates, and we owe it to ourselves to be as in-. fornîcd as possible befure we vote on the I8th. As an example of whah can bc learned'from such meetings, when questioned on the h 1g-riscs in West Lynde, both Godfrey and Newman were well aware of the issue, and stated their opposition. On the otiier hand, Mr. Pilkington knew littie of the issue, and, consequently, had nu position. OnIy questions will draw out answers tu issues that concern you. Some scribbles Saturday, September 131h is paper day. Bundle those papers, and get theni ouit early for the Boy Scouts tu pick rip. lt's an easy wvay t(> lelp the Scouts financially, and thîey dese rve ouLir Ilelp1. Tuiesday, Septeiliber l6th, is the firsi night of the new seasoii uf the West Lynde Mixed Bowling League. Bowling is every Tuiesday night fromn 9 p.m. at the Couinty Bowl on Byron Street North. if you want ho bowl, cal] Carol Smith ai 668-99 78 or Ph il Hlili at 668-6128. Thuirsday, Septenîber 15th, is the, new date for the faIt meeting of thic West Lynde Community Association. The meceting begins at 7:45 p.m. in the Municipal Building on Dundas ~Street. lt's our association, su, let's plan on attend- ing. Friday, October 24th is thc date of the West Lynde Conînunity Association faîl dance. It's a costume or casual affair, and il wHil be held at the Heydenshore Pavillion. Tickets are S 8.50 per couple, music wii .be provided by a Di, and Uic price of admission includes a meal. Tickets are available froni any of the executive. The W.M.A.A. Touch Football League can use somne extra players. If any of the men of the community wish to play touch football, caîl Adam Chapman at 668-9721. That's it for ariother week, faithful reader(s). Sec you next week. EVERYONE SEPT. 23,24125921,191 GOING TO THE PLOUGHING MATCH ? Visit our building for free draws MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brookîi.n. 655-4991