Have you tound a place tor 'everythîing? Did al the dishes survive the move intact? Are you wondering why 1 arn asking these questions? After talking to apartrnent building* owners and. moving companies I was surprised to discover that even thoughwe build permanent homes of brick and mortar and, unlike gypsys, appear to be settled, we are far from settled in one spot. Not having lived much in apartments 1 didn't realize that almost ail apartment buildings share one thing in com- mon at the end of the month aud the beginning of the next *month besides the collecting of the rent..no matter what building you chose there is invariably somnebody moving out and somebody else moving in. I heard the vacancy rate is around 3% which means that people about to move must have an ides of wÃiere they're going before they load the truck. A hair raising experien ce!, by BLAKE PURDY staff "rter A weekend experience reminded a group of us, myself included, how insignificant we earthlings really are. Thirteen of us, yes 13, and one dog were, on Pine, Island, near Bracebridge on Lake Muskoka, taking a breather frorn the current heatwave. There was Dick, the cottage's owner; his sister Mildred, Mildred's husband John; Dick's brother Ralph, Ralph's wife Ruth snd their children Bill, Jeff and Lynne, Lynne's husbsnd Lloyd; rny father Ken, mother Betty, brother Dave and myself; and Bills dog Rebel - pretty much the saine gang of folks who have been lu Dick's thinning hair forthe past ten or so years. Just having retumned frorn a short paddle around the bay, 1 found myself alone on the dock as the others were up at the cottage, some jarnrning on guitars and banjos, sorne preparing dinner, some reading and some sleeping. Being the fitsh that I arn and at that moment feeling like a fried halibut, 1 decided to violate Walter Safety's rules aud go for a swim. . .alone. After swimming only long enough to cool off, I heard thunder in the distance. Not wihig to return to my previous feeling of a fried flrsh, 1 decided to get mny tail out of there quickly. 1 did and by the time 1 was or the sundeck adjoining the cottage, 1 could see the ramn moviug across the bay. Quickly gathering up the towels and bathing suits which were hauging to dry, we moved inside, Bill calmldy plucking his banjo on the way. That routine, which is done with each and evely rtinfsll, finished, we gathered inside to wait out what we thought would be a routine rainfail. 1 dried off and changed iu one of the bedrooms. While doing so, 1 missed the worst part of the storrn which had what sorne of those in the cottage described as hurricane force wind's. A huge tree which, up until the storm, had stood at the side of the path from the dock to the cottage, was tomn out of 'the ground, roots aud ail. The tree, with a circumference apvroximatelv thie size of a car tire. lav across the path, blockiug easy inovernent between the dock and cottage. Moving was always a very traumatlc experience for me. Because ny, father worked for a large corporation we seemed' to be constantly on the move and at times 1 figured we would be better 'Off wlth'a traller. 1 have beei ln Whitby for over 22 years but 1 stfii remember ail th ose moves like they happened yesterday. 1 got s0 that 1 hated to make frlends, be It with people, animnaIs or thlngs, because 1 no sooner did than I wound up saying goodbye and heading out again.,, 1 have a reputation of being a "saver" and 1 guess 1 cari blame it on rny restless childhood. Moving means a tirne of purging and thus it was-that whenever 1 had gathered together a collection' of "treasures" it would be time to move and that usually meant there was either no roorn or my treasures welghed too much. I would have to readily admit that a lot of rny treasures today are just junk but junk has a lot of character. Andy Warhol got sorne pretty fantastic arnounits of money by sculpting what you and 1 would class as junk. In fact, some of it could be your old, thrown out junk from years ago. Another thing that bothers me about throwing out junk is that not too many years later that same junk could corne lack to haunt you as a valuabl e antique. It may not reaily' be an antique in the true sense of the word but rather would be classed as a collectable. That means it isn't 100 years old but you'll stili pay a good sum to buy it. And ikely as not it bears a close resemblance to sorne of the stuff you decided to heave out of the attic one Spring day ten years ago in a fit of ambition. I've often thought if 1 had the monev 1 would buy new articles, preserve tflem, and stick them away tor a hundred years. Naturally 1 wouldn't be the one to benefit but my descendents would find they had a ready market willing to Another tree, Mqually taIl but flot as large around, crashed to the dock, rnissing Dick's boat by a couple of feet. A hammock and a chair which were on the dock before the stormn hit were blown înto the lake. A barbecue which sat on the sundeck was picked up and hurled down the steps. The top step was lifted out of its place and tlirown to the ground. Inside the shaking cottage, some people drank, sorne smoked, some chewed fingernails, some paced, some talked and John slept. "He was in the hospital when Hurricane Hazel hit and he slept through most of that", said his wife Mildred. "Z-z-z-z-z". said John. "This is worsethan Hurricane Hazel", said Dick or Ralpli. "I've neyer seen anything like it". I neyer want to again", thouglit Ruth who at the best of times shakes like an earthquake victim. "Nearer my God to Thee". "lt's a good thing you stili aren't out in that camoe, Blake'% trembled mother. Newman says 'goodbye' BIII Newman, former MPP for Whitby residents, said 'goodbye' to his coustitueuts lu a recent letter. As you may know, my term of office as your repre- sentative at Queen's Park mnay shortly be corning to an end with the calling of a provincial election. The e- cent redistribution of ridings has done away with the Ontario South constituency which it lias been my great lionour to serve", lie said. Mr. Newman pointed out- that "most of that old riding 110W becomes the new Riding of Durham West but my own hiome is not included. 1 hajve cliosen, therefore, to be a candidate for re-election in Durlit-iniNorthi whcrc I live". "Thie past eight years as your MPP have been ainong the most satisfying lu my life. 1 have had the oppor. tunity to meet snd work with literally thousands of my neiglibors ln trying to meet their provincial goverument needs and in helping to, solve their individual poblems", lie said. Mr. Newman feels "as 1 leave those local interests to other hands, 1 know 1 will miss very much the' associa- tions that tlie past eight years have provided". "I1 mnigh t say th at I arn personally vcry proud of the record of our Conservative goverument over those. years. Nuo ne can dispute that during that tirneour province lias enjoyed progress, pros- perity sud good government. 1 feel that with the return of that government even greater progress lies ahead", he said. In backing the Conserva- tive candidate for Durham West', Mr. Newman said "the Durham West candidate seek- ing to succeed me on the government side at Queen's Park is Bill Pilkington. 1 know that Bill shares, with me, a dedication to getting things done for the people of Durham West Riding. You wiIl hear more about Bill Pilkington as the election campaign gets dloser but in the meantirne 1 cornmend hlm to you". "Once again, my sincere thanks for the opportunity you have given me to serve as your MPP"$, he closed. WWITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1975, PAGE 5- pay highiy for a new antique. Just think how much You could get for a brandnew Edsel today if. you'd.had the, foresight (jack in the 60's of stkékirigneayinaare somewhere -and biding your 1time. ,The 'corv'Ir is'another car that would fetch a good price today. if It were in brand new condition. The old treadie sewing machines that you had to pay somebody to take away a few years ago are now fetchirig $25 and up depending on the condition and the location where you buy themn. Remember the old stove oh I amps you hated to use because they made such a smnell and blackened the ceiling, now they go for decoration, planters, incense burners and who knows what else. They also go for a big buck if they're old and original. 'm old and original but 1 haven't even been able to find a renter let alone a buyerhowever,you11 be happy to know that the human body which used to be worth a whole 98 cents hm now risen, due to inflation and the rising cost of chemicals, to a whopping $5.36. I'm flot about to move out of my house but I do have a bride moving ini and she has already cast a critical eye at somne oft my "treasures" and pronounced them as just plain old junk. T've' tried in vain to convince her that today.s junk is tomorrow's antique but she remains steadfast. I could say stubborn but I won't. So I'm very much ini a quandry about which of rny collected treasures I should part with. 1 have even considered finding a hiding spot for the stuff and sneaking it back in the house a bit at a time. Ail this purging is very unnerving, I feel like 'm about to move again. Ail you people moving, *you have my sym- pathy. "Weil he isn't, so why worry about it?", reasoned father. "Pluck, pluck", went Bill on the banjo, thinking that he would love to have girlfriend Pat under his big, strong arm. "Twang, twang", brother Dave accompanied on the guitar, wondering how he could add to everyone 's worries. "Did you hear about the golfers that were hit by ligh tning?" "N'es Dave, we heard", somneone shouted. "Fried", comforted Dave. "I can take care of the injured", thought physiothera- pist Lynne. "I can rebuild the cottage" , reckoned her engineer husband Lloyd. "I cari fix the telephoneline", thought Bell employee Dick. Someo 'ne poured another drink. "Something like this reaily makes you feel insignificant, doesn't it", phiosophized Ralph. Insignîficant indeed! NORMAN'S ENTERTAIMMENT CENTRE is proud to invite you to see their new uine of rtn g .czlMr»> TELEVISIONS '& STEREOS Magnavox à 25)dagonal VIdeomnatic Color Oonhole me" alleUI - Medterramtaf styliSe Elogant Brenktroflt Stereo wlth FM/AM Radio,. Phono, 8 -Truck Beautrlul Io see, beautitul to beu'- IbiS Outtandilug Mugnavox aven has, in addition ta teatures aboya, a built-in Mtrix 4-Channel Sound Decodar. Vour coof e lb.authentic styles. SAVE $$$ This daluse console allers you autslanding furnilure atyling plus advanced leatures: 100% solid-state, Vdeamalîc One-Bution Turing, plus a Super-Bright MaInsx Pîcture Tube. Your cboice of five styles. SAVE $$$ Magnavox 19"9 diagonal Videomatic Color TV This distinctive table modal has superlor slyling and superlar Magnavox performance Allb Videamatie and the Practalon ln-Une Tube Systam. Three styles avallable. RemoI. Colitral at extra cosl. SAIVE $$$ Corne in & browse & have ai coffee 4FREE DRAW ON THE MAGNIFICENT ELECTRONIC ce 4 GAME 0F '"ODYSSEY" NO PURCHASE NECESSA RY Il DRW OTAKE PLACE ON SEPTEMBER 5,19751 e NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 1218 Simcoe St. Ne Osh. 579-2411 "We Service What We Ssii"