WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYf AUK3UST 6,.1975, PAGE 3 Orillia requests action Council endorses repeal lof. Bail IReforc Whiitby Couincil recently endorsed a resolution from the City of Orilia requesting immediate action to repeal The Bail Reforrn Act and to pass new legisiation to con- trol rirearms withi stringent penalties. The resolution passed by Orihlia Council at a March, meeting and endorscd by Whitby Coundil reads "whereas it, is in the public interest for the Coundil of the City of Orillia to voice its objection for the citizens they were elected to repre- sent;, and whereas there is now proven without any word of doubt that two maj- or pieces of legisiation, namnely The Bail Reform Act and The Gun Controi Act, must be repealed to reduce the crime rate and in its place new legisiation that will make the punishment fît the crime and particular, new legislation that would outlaw the carrying of firearms with- out adequate permits; there- fore be it resolved that this coundcil is on record as fav- ouring immediate action to repeal The Bail Act and to the passing of new legisla- tion to' control firearms with stringent penalties; and that this motion be forwarded to the Prime Minister and cabi- net of both the federal parli- ament and the provincial leg- islature and be circulated to other coundils for their sup- port". A copy of the resolution was forwarded to Otto Lang, the Minister of Justice. Mr. Lang wrote "the pri- mai>' objective of the bal provisions of the law is to ensure that a person accused of a crime, but flot yet con- victed, is not punished by imprisoniment before being convicted. 1 think you would agree that this is a desirable objective but there is no doubt that some people do abuse the law". "The present laws contern* plate the release of the ac- cused unless it seims likely, i the opinion of the judge considering the matter, that the accused will ot appear for his trial he is likely to be of danger to society. Th e judge is empowered to retain the accused in custody if he is of the vicw that the ac- cused is likely to commit of- fences while he is awaiting trial. Therefore, the power to retain dangerous people in custody already exists in thc law and is vested in the judge before whomn the matter cul ty go un reportcd",, lie said. Mr. Lang contlnued, I do appreciate thc concern about persons on bail commnitting offences, and while the law' alrcady emipowers judges to refuse bail when it appears likely- the accused wil comn- mit an offence while on bail, 1 arn cxamining the pre- sent law in the light of the experience we have with it with a view to cutting down, if we can, on the number of persons who are released and $95,OOO, goes to roads and sewers Whitby Coundcil has deci- ded to put $95,000 saved in various road- reconstruction and sewer installation pro- jects i various areas through- out the town towaré similar projects ini other arças. A total of $63,000 was saved on the reconstruction of Garrard Road. The actual cost of ' the project was $375,000 as opposed to the $438,000 estimnate. Installation of storm scw- ers on Annes Street and Dun- lop Street cost $94,000, $40,000 less than the $ 134,000 estimate. Reconstructiôn of Warren Road cost $8,000 more than the $60,000 estimate. The net savîng of $95,000 wiI be used as follows. $40,000 has been allocated to the installation of storm and sanitary sewers on Perry Street' from Maple Street north to the CPR tracks. The remaining $55,000 will be used for overlay in other are- as of the town. West Lynde Dance & Roast The West Lynde Comn- munity Association is offer- ing a chance to "Dance under the stars to the music of D.K. the D.J. and nibble on lus- cious cobs of corn" at a dance and corn roast on Sat- 1urd ait Auguvst *23from 8:30-V commit offenccs whilé awaiting trial". "Wc wilI have to leave discretiotn*ary power with the judgc since, to rernove il discretion woulcl, of course, inean that people would have to remain in prison until trial. In effect, they would be punished before being convicted and that would not be right. 1 am concerned about those people who abuse the law and arn considcring ways to tighten Mr. Lang said, "wc looked at the question of further controls in connection with fircarms in 1969. Some signircant changes wcre made at that tiine and 1 amn enclosing a statement of the Criminal Code provisions rclating to thern. Howcver, the seriausness of the conse- quence of misuse of these weapons has raiscd afresh this question". "As a result, it may wehl be that we ought to con- sider increasing the penalties Fun fund raiser A total of $23.46 was collectcd for thc flght against muscular dystrophy whcn mcm bers of thc Whitby McDo nalds Senior 'A' hockey teami squared off against Town employees in a charity softball gamne on Monday. Town employces won 4-0 in a game described as "unor- thodox with strategies invol- ving creamn pies and painted grapefruits" by Tom Fitzsim- mons of the McDonalds. Tfhe umpiring staff was composed of femnale members of the Brooklin Whitby Mi- nor Hockey Association. Gai] Ravary, a member of the Whitby girls hockey tearn, was at the plate; Jo- anne Nieuwcndyk, a sponsor- director for the BWM HA, was at first; and Helen Ravary, thc president of the BWMHA ladies auxliary. The Town teamn was made up of Mayor Des Newman, Councllor Gerry Emm, Whitby Fire Dcpartmcnt Pla- taon Chief Ken Corner, Fire Chief Ed Crouch, fircfighter Ed Sobanski, firefighter Mike Harper, firefightcr Kent Mac- Carl, John Napper of thc Recreation Dcpartmcnt, Dave Sarookanian and Bill Cawkcr of the Planning Departmcnt. The Macs roster included players Carl Ahîsten, Greg Bondnar, Mike Keenan, Pete for the misuse of fircarms. This approach would deal' most effcctively with the cri- minal element while it would not Interfère with Uhc activi- tics of law-abiding citus.eiai'. by MALCOLM SCHELL staff writer Excessive heat on Satur- day and a downpour on Sun- day had a dampering cffect on the arts and crafts dis- play held at Uic Whitby Arts Station during thc weckend. However station director Linda Paulocik says that overall shc was plcased with tic showing. "Although I had hoped for rnore quan- tity", she said, "I felt the quality of thc exhibits to be vcry good". "The weather was a little disappointig, too hot on Saturday and then Uic rai on Sunday but even then there were people comning in until about 6 o'clack". The exhibit on the lawn of thc gallery fcatured about 13 Durham region arts and crafîs people displaying such things as pottery, ceramics, oil painting, watcrcolours, etchings, prînts, glass works, macrame and other work with fabrics as wcll as leatherwork and sculptings. Among (hase Uiowing work were Beverly and Paul Wdlhiams of the Wiliams Des- ign studio in Whitby. It was bettcr (han last year" according to Beverly, "even though it sort of got raincd out. It's only their (thc station's) second ycar at organizing titis type of thing and I think it can only get better with tinie". The Wilhams have been working professionally for about two years and have won numerous awards for thieir work, among (hemi some at Uic Toronto City Hall Arts and Crafts Fair and wil be accepting an award at (bis year's Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition. Another anc of Uic exhi- biting. artists was Michael Hcndy of Ajax, showing some abstract ails and prints of Toronto. Mr. Hendy, who began his artwork full time about a year ago says now that he "wouldn't give it up for the world". Mr. Hendy, who set up an casel and was Working on an abstract oil while at the cxhibit, .says that his work over the past littlc while "lias changed a great deal". "I'm doing more abstract Judges have the flexlbflity to increase penalties when guns are used and public comment may- well lead them in that direction", he saitu. work now because 1 ike dealing with the brighter colours". Docs he have prcconceived notions whcn he begins, of what Uic painting will look like? "Sometimes I do, yes, es- pccially for say a landscape but for many of the abstracts I just start at the top and sec wýhat develops". -Mr. Hendy has also donc a series of ink sketchings of well known places ini Toron- ta. Most of the artists had to pack up when the rai came on Sunday and Ms. Paulocik said "next year we'l begin planning a little carlier and hopefully we will have a can- opy ta cover us*i case of rain". Wins big switch Mr. Tom Boyce, of 16 Ann Arbour Court in Whitby was tlhe winner of a "big switch" convertor for cable T.V. in a draw hcld by Pine Ridge Cable T.V. Ltd. durig the County Town Carnival hast weekend. Thelconvertor which has value - of about $ 100, is des. igned to pick up an extra band which allows Uic viewer to receive about four extra channels. WEDDING WIiitby Council 'endorsed the resolution by a vote of 3-2 with Counilors Gerry Emm, Jimn Gartshore and Joy ThMompson supporting and Councillor John Goociwin and Mayor Des Newman op- posing. Mayor Newman, in oppos- ing the resolution, said "I find the statements to be excessive in the extremne". Get your house when mortgage rates are Iow Right now when moirtgage rates are lower, is the finie for you to build or buy that home or cotiage or to renovate the homne you own. Victoria and Grey !- as been making'l an s tailored to fit people likeyoti sinceé 1889, Ocet your loan today - at "-.ictoria and Grey. rTRUST COMPANY .fSiNCE la Lorne D. Reid 308 DUNDAS W.è TATIQNERfl THERMO-ENGRAVED by the creators of The Bouquet Invitation Line THERMO-ENGRAVING is distinctive roised Iettering.. rich-looking, etegont. THRMO-ENGRAVING hos thcit individuol look of finest croftsmonship. But it costs onty about haif os much os you'd expect. Many other styles from which to choose., CALL 668-6l11 M.B.M. 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