PAGE 2,WEDNESDAY, AUGUSTO, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS w/lmm Voice of the County fown (e t te r sl Brothers, campsites Servi'ng Over 27,000 Readers.. Mi ke Burgess, publisher-Maflagîflg Editor. Published every Wednesday. by M.B.M. Publishing and Photography bIc. Thie Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whilby, Ontario. Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy Contributing Editor - Jim Quail Production Manager - Marje Burgess Dlsplay Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon Classif ied Ad Manager - Shelley Crovvley Box 206, Whitby Mailinq Permit No. 2941 Phono 668-611il unattached Dear Sir: Re: Ontario Wilderness Camps Over the past year this association has had num- erous omplaints regard- ing the above organiza- tion. Evidently individu- ais go door to door in the Durhem Region col- lecting funds and as part of their information indi- caethe facilities of the camp are used by Big Brothers. Consequently, people give money think- ing they are helping the Ostawa-Whitby Associa- tion onv'y Lü fnnd out this is flot the case. This lias created much diffi- culty for us. 1 wish to inform you this association has had no dealings whatsoever with Ontario Wilderness Camps. To the best of my knowledge none of our Little Brothers have ever attended, nor have we given any endorse- ment of any kind for the use of our name. If it is being used, it is flot with our consent. Ontario Wilderness Camps may be a legiti- mate organization. If so, I wish them success, but flot at the expense of our reputation in the communities we serve. Other Big Brother Asso- ciations may have en- dorsed their work, but at the moment I ar n ot acquainted with any. 1 have recently requested information f romn over 40 associations in South- erni Ontario in order to clarify the situation. Vour co-operation in informing your readers, of our circumnstafloes would be greatly appre- cigted. This has become a very serjous matter and we would'like the public to be fully informed. Sincerely, James J. Weber, Executive Director. Big Brothers Asso ciation of Oshawa and District. Dear Sir; 1 read with interest and amusement the arti- cle which appeared in a reoent issue of the Free Press, ""Lynview Constru- ction Sues Councillors". As 1 live on the Reach- Whitby townline (now Scugog) both townships are of interest to me and my family, although we live on the north side of the road which is Scugog. Here in Scugog we are having quite a set-to with the Mayor and his coun- cillors who recinded on their original statement ""No Penetentiary for Scugog". As I believe we still live in a demo- cratic country, both the people for and against the pen will have their say, and may the best side win. Anyway I thought it rather amusing because if we get a, pen buiît here in Scugog Township and the Whitby Councillors are our f irst guests, their relatives and friends won't have far to travel in order to visit them as Scugog is just north of Whitby. If any of you have read articles Iately about this mess up here, you wilI realize why some of us have no faith in Mayor Malcolm or his council- Athietie girls have no chance Dear Sir: We know you publish and promnote sports in Whitby as much as space will allow and for this we are grateful. However, I arn writing to protest the bicycle ra- ces in the County Town Carnival, run by the Witby ""Y"". They were advertised in two sources as boys and girls separate but because of a smaîl tumout of girls discour- agedl by boys on ten speeds, the races wero combined. The girls in Whitby don't stand a chance if things like this continue. This has been done two years running. We are proud of the ef- fort the few girls made but I think-this should be made fair play for ail. The boys in Whitby seemn to have everything going for ""them". Sandra M. Lintner, Assistant, 'Henry Street Junior G irIls Athletics.. lors. Try to attend some council meetings some- time, they are very enter- taining and sometimes a great eye opener to the interested individual. Vours truly, E. McKnight, Whitby. P.S. My sinoere thanks to an editor who has the courage to cal a spade a spade i.e. "A county iail is one thing. ..a peni- tentiary another" (Whit- by Free Press editorial - JuIy 30). Mayor Mal- colmi is tryinq to mnake us swallow a 10 million dollar pen as a "ýreoep- tion centre". write: U'I"dI~~ r~r a o "tYER Iit LUCK! WkE PE.CIDED TO DO 'YOQL /~~D//A~ ~ RATI4ER TiýA.4 At )U O/E R eader thinks Whitby Councillors might be guests in new Scugog pen lette rs box 206 whiiby Feýr -