PAGE 14,1 WEDNESDAY. AUGUS T 6,,1976 -WHITOY F .REE PRFt' au iii 11tic transmiission, asking $100. CaII 668-7553 or 723- w-visher Nearly new. Cait 668- axie (Mini) andu torsion bar Stip- ports askinig $5.5. ('ail 728-8056.' BICYCLE - Boys high rise 3-speed with bananla seat, needs gear change, in good condition $30, also boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. Cati 668- 60831 after 7 p).m. FAN -20 in. $12. H umidifier $18; large coteman cooler $8. Cati i)68-67 79. SOFA & C 1-AIR - Well niade traditional 90 inclh sofa and tub chair, btue and green in colour, i good condition $250. Cati 668. 1390. ni p 19b8l PONTIAC - Stratochiof automatic, good mechanical and rtinning condition $425 uncerti- fied. CatI 668-7644. E m I. WEDDING GOWN - Brocade vlumatching fuit îengtîî cape wihhood, rnalibu trirn, size 10, $135, white FOX FUR cape $75, Cati 655-3009 after 6 p.m. Emnp CAMERA - Mrander Senlsor- ex 35mnrn S.L.R. with Taro, the Icnse metering systemn, Miranda auto 28nim ide angle lense, Mir- anda auto 50mm lense, Soligor T414 lOmm lense, Soligor T4 300 mm lense (ail lenses with hood) Braon F280 Etectronic flash with bracket and charger, 2 Pios exten- sion tube, 9 asstd. glass filters, Foca bell micro belIowvs attach- ment. cabte release and oye cup, separate leather case for camera plus a Benser leather Minoîta 16 mm Minature CAMERA wvith Rokker 22mm lerise ini case $30. POLAROID No. 330 camera with flash attachment, includes film and bulbs, like new $55. Bîessing Valve TROMBONE in detuxe case as new, cosi $550, sell for $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7 p.m. Em p. FOUNTAIN - Approx. 6 it. diameter, 4 ft. taIt $10. C'al after 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 pieces. hood, jacket and pants $55. ('aIl 579. 26 52. you wek heu YDR.A.. t MI Forecast Period: August 10Oto August 16 ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 Take care Aries! According to Stellar Pat- terns, you must flot share long heîd secrets with a new acquaintance. Also, and oîd friendship might taper off. Most members of your sign face a week of serious talks with the opposite sex. Make certain that the wrong word doesn't snowball into big things. You shouîd know about mouse traps! Anyway, it seems as though sommoe in authority wouîd like to put your nose on the cheese. Deal with superiors, cautiously. Whether money, or the lack of ..... is the root of ail evil, couid be controversai. An exchange of words because.of finances is in the scheme of things.. LEO Being humble, most certainiy, is not one of july 23-Aug. 22 your stronger points. This week, however, paying tribute to an associate, whether or flot it's deserved, wiil pay off. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Ocet. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov-. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Ail the aches and itches that cornes with being too invoived in someone eise's probiems, shows, in your chart. This week, try to mind your own business. If you disapprove, keep silent! During this cosmîc cycle, you'll plunge into a mysterious mood. Meaning? You'll misread an associate's motives. Inciden- tally, your age wiil be important. this week. With aimost no effort on your part, as a matter of fact, in spite of yourself. . . it's highly probable that you'll gain finan- cially, in one way or another. An advancement at your job, task or project crisscrosses your chart. As a mat- ter of fact, this should be a fine week for personal and domestic achievements. No question about it, you're prone to promise far more than you can handle. Guard against scheduling yourself on someone else's ability to deliver. AQUARIUS No matter how corny it might sound Jan. 20-Feb. 18 --don't negleet to pay a minor bil, Aiso, take care of a minor repair. otherwise, it'il parlay into a major reversaI. PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Being a victim of systemnîzed delusions, when it cornes to affairs of the heart, isn't new to you, Pisces! Proceed with the op- posite sex, cautiously. M'IU)SS I Privation 5 TitI nowv 2 wdts.) 10 ShaiS tandi Il i llage' 12 ,a)ns ;iborigine 1:1 Proceodings 14litirgundiy or claret 2 wds.) l6G,(unsinoke" charac ter 17 Recal estate ma n 18 Table scrap 19 Sweetie 20 Spanish sil- ver dollar 21 Incendiar- ism 24 Shankar's instrument 25 Anatomical network 26 -- lump 2'; Erstwhile Mrs. Sinatra 28 Wav out of prison 31 - Vereen 32 Shifty 34 Write 36 Winglike 37 Made appropriate 38 Forearmn bone 39 Irish - U0 Remainder DOWN 1 Equivocator 2 Bay wmndow 1 Arche fîatweill 7 )isenver 2 mis.l Spain andl( F"rance 9Atornic device il Spuke at length 1,2 w-ds.) 15 When the snow - the punipkîn t 2 wds. ITODAV' AISWS N -1 n N 'N 0 HJ~O 20 l-'xtinet beast 21 Expert on NIoorish cul ture 22 Inconie 2:1 Substitute hyph. wd. i 24 Koran chapter 26 Preserved 28- Fonda 29 French City 30 Maurice or Edith 33 Quod - demon- strandum 35s Japanese sta tesman 13 4 5 16 7 Il 9 - - 113 -- 1 1 21 22 23 24 26 - L7 29 30 'sIi±iZ I Il '1965 FORD Station Wagon - 4door, big 352 cuble inch enginc, odu mechuünicai performance, old( unicertified at $200 or bout off"r, 669à ~M-'797 ask lfor John. GOLF pocI cIOurod 2pair,wsie7 $and whi te and b1ackpair, size 7,; $ 10, god coand ition. pail 683-7 i10 806 conditi fon~ik1. C 8- 186adTs o eýIFMuSTANG cytindior, standard transmission, as is $300 o>r best offer., CatI 668- 1384. IIOUSE FOR SALE - Private downtown Pefferlaw, 35 miles from Whitby, 6 room, 2 storey brick, 3 or 4 bedroom, a wood- shed, garage and garden $38,000. Phone 705-437-1518. POOLS- Deluxe , red wood, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 compiete, 1 year old. Repossessed- by bank, sacrifice !/ price. Cali Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. Dear Sir; Thank you very much for the emporium ad I ran Iast week. I sold my deep freeze haîf-an-hour after the Free Press came out. Thanks for the good service. Yours truly, D. Junkin, Whitby. WHITBY AJAX Beautiful 4 bedroom home just reduced to $62,500.00 on a quiet court. This home has a completely unspoiled rec-room area, but it has a ful oeiling to f loor fireplace. Extra quality broad- loomed through-out. WaIk out french patio doors from the rumpus room irto a completely fenced yurd. MUST BE SEEN. Marguerite Kulîk Cute as a button starter home. Completely renovated with new plumbing and H.D. wiring. New Bathroom fixtures and large bright kitchen. With two storage sheds, listed onîy $39,500.O0. MUST BE SOLD. Jimn Wilson 68777 121 BR=~ ST. N. lN REALTOR TORONTO LUNE - 282.1004 Patty Simpkiss Doug 'Scotty' Taylor Ernest M. Stoneman Edward Grant WHITBY Nice neat 3 bedroom bungalow on a large 65' X 146' lot located near ladies college, quiet residential street. It has wet bar, rec-room and a walk-out to back yard. 2 bathrooms. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL 4 SEVENS REALTY LTD. WHITBY Huge lot with 20' X 40' swimming poiol fenced. Double garage rumpus room, 2 baths, and on top of ali this it has 4 bedrooms. You must inspect and make an offer. 668-7777 Toronto Line 282-1004 E. M. STONEMAN DOUGLAS TAYLOR JAMES Wl LSON PATTI SIMPKISS NOW US THE TIME TO BUT I p- CROSSWOR* PUZZLE