Bi Thiswe d is the big une lfor' Ie I Oth animal, Whitby Comnty Town Carîîi- val1., with a thleinle, thiis year of "Whlitby Welcumles Itle Worlid'sPluwinien." 'the carnfi- val winds up with four big days utofufii and t'estivities Anigust I to 4. FRIDAY On Friday. August 1 the Lions Club Bavarian Garden iin Iroquois Park will be operating from noon to 1 a.m. as well as the trai about townl. Froni noon to 1 a.nin, the Royal Canadian Legion will be hiaving open house. and at 8 p.m., the Legion wilI be playing the Canadian Tire teai in the Mercantile Lea- gue in its dress-up softbal teani gaine at Cen teni1ial Park. The Canadian dog frisbee champion will be another attraction at thiis evenilt. At 4:30 p.nî. the Kiwanis Club will be holding its beef barbeque at Heydenshore Paviion, followed by a dance at 9 prn. The carnival rides will be operating in Iroquois Park, Car rally Drivers are invited to part- icipate in this year's County Town Carnival novice cai rally to be held Sunday. Àugust 3. Anyone may enter the rally, which has a 60-mrile route which can be covered in about two hours. The rally starts at 100 &m. at the Iro- quois Park parking lot and finishes at the same location. Entry forms may be ob- tained by calling 6554525. Arts Fair Whitby Arts Incorporated wil be holding its second annual outdoor arts fair at the Whitby County Town Carnival August 2 and 3 from 1 p.m. to.,S p.m. at the sation at Victoria and Henry Streets. The fair includes a display and sale of fine art, pain tings, drawings, photographs, sculp- tures, crafts, weaving, leather work, ceramics and small collectable antiques. There will be music and refresh- ments provided. Th e summ er concert and corn roast listed in the pro- gram for 7 p.m. Saturday has been'cancelled. .The. station will be open for viewing of the members' art exhibit from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. throughout the camni- val, and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday. WI4ITOY FREE PRESS, WEONîESDAY, JULY 30, 1975 PAGE 9ý e' Carnval eeken C7 and there will be special food served in the Malta Pavillon ini Whtney Hall upstairs at the arena from 7 p.în. on. Frorn 7 p.m., to 10 p.m. the Optînist Club will be holding its Dunk the Cele- brity gaine, ai1d the Whitby Arts Stationl memibers exhi- bit wil h openi. At 8 p.m. tîjere will bc a junilor A lacrosse gaine iin .Iroquois Park arena. SATURDAY Satürday froin 9 a.mi. to 9 p.m. the downtown mer- chants wîll be holding an open air mail and sidewalk sale, with "an afternoon pro- grain of events witli the tlieme of OId McDonald's Farnm. At 10O a.m. the Kinsmen's giatit carnival parade wilI proceed froi Florence Heard School' along Dundas and Henry Streets to Iroquois Park. At 9 the Whitby YMCA tennis tournaments get undet way in various parts of the town and ati1 p.m. the Whitby Y and rec- teation (lepartmient 'swimi ineet will be held aithei Kinsînen Park Pool. The Malta Pavilion will be open [romi noon to 10:30 p.în. and the Bavarian Garden from noon to 1 a.m. Starting at 2 .the Kinsmnen club will have its [un competitions in Kinsmen Park, including log sawing, horseshoe pitch- ing and football throwing. The Whitliy Arts Station will be open fromIn to 5 p.m. and the Whitby Couincil will play the Whitby Minor Soccer Association at Peel Park at 2 Fromn 2 p.m. to 5 pin. and 7 p.m. to' 10:30 p.m. the Wliitby Ministerial Associa- tion will present its Joy '75 gospel singing programu out- doors at Iroquois Park. Froni noon until the big race at 3 p.m. there will be Go-Kart races at Family Kart- ways on Hwy. 12 at Taunton Road, for a $5,000 purse. The Kiwanis Club and the Legion will be holding dances at the Legion Hall on Byron Street South. The Knighits of Columbus will have a western dance at their hall, also at 9 p.m. The [i re departnient's pyjama dance will be held at 9 p.m. at the Centennial Building, wi th a parade th roughi town at 10 p.nî. SUNDAY Sunday's events begin at 8 a.m. with the Rotary pani- cake breakfast at Heyden- shore Park, and at 9 a.m. there wilI bc tennis tourna- ments, and a 25-mile bicycle race [rom the former A & P parking lot, sponsored by the Whitby YMCA.0 At 10 the Kiwanis Club will hold its soap box derby at the Durham Region building on Rossland Road. SAlso at 10 a.m. there will be an -open class novice car rally at the Iroquois Park parking lot. The Malta Pavilion and Dunk the Celebrity will be in operation during the atter- noon at Iroquois Park and [rom 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. there will be public viewing of the Brooklin lorticultural Socie- ty's tlower show at the town hall. From there will festival 1 paîn. to 5 p.m. be an outdoor arts at Whitby Arts Station, and at 7:30 p.m. there will be square dancing in the Green Street parking lot. At 8:15 p.m. there will be an ecumniical church service in the Iroquois Park arena sponsored by the Whitby Ministerial Association. MONDAY Monday's events include the wind up of the tennis and soccer tournaments, the last day for the Bavarian Garden and Lions train, Dunk the Celebrity, Malta Paviion, Joy '75 and carnival rides. At 7:30 p.m. there will be ,presentations of trophies at the arena, and at 8 p.m. a dance at the Legion Hall. The final event of the carnival is the grand fire works display south of Iro- quois Park at 10 p.m. Bright new uses For OnarioA Some time next year, Ontario is going to tumn garbage into light. The transformation is called "Watts fromWaste" and il's sponsored by the Orntario Ministry of the Environ- ment, Ontario Hydro and Metro Toronto. It',s just orne part of the Ministrys garbage recycling program to turn garbage into a valuable resource. How recycling works." As garbage is shredded and various elements separated, a waste is praduced which can be bumned as fuel in Toronto hydro generating stations. The same basic process will also produce fuel for steamn heating and cooling systems, fuel for cernent kilns, landf iii, paper, metals. A centre for Landtill Separation Recycable of metals matewjals Fuel Separation Shreddng of ight Shrecingand heavy materai The system: step by step. advan.ced resecarch will invesfigate future end uses for garbage. Where it's happening. The Ministry has already inaugurated Ontario's first centre in North York. In the next two years, centres will be buit ta serve Sudbury, London, Peel, Haltorh, Metro Toronto and south eastem Ontario. -,. w go ~h-. , In 15 years, we'l have centres right through the province with a transportation system and transfer stations to keep the network flowing. They'll recycle 90 per cent of Ontario's garbage - everything from abandoned cars ta organic waste. Why it's happening. The people of Ontario -all of. us -pile up garbage aI three times the rate that the populationýincreases. Although the Mînistry is working on ways ta reduce that amount, we'll always have garbage. And its getting harder ta find dumping sites and the landf iii necessary ta caver those sites. When garbage is being fully re- cycled, dumping prablems won't exist. But there's a more seriaus problem. .When we throw garbage awary we throw arway valuable resources. Recycling, in a cammunity of 100,000, wi11 mean a saving ,ôf up ta 30,000 tons cf paper and cArdbard ayear; 700 tons of aluminum, cpelead and zinc; 15 acres cf land that would otherwise be used for dumping. »Our program is con- - sidered one of the most advanced in the world. We've got everything '.w e ne'ed ta make il work- ~$'~-the ideas; the knowledge, the comxnitment, and * the grae Ministry of the Environment Ontario Hon. William Newman, Minister Everett Biggs, Deputy Minister. b.w -, - LY