PAGE 18, WEUNESDRAY, JULY 23, 1976, WHITBY FRE~E PRESS 283 CIIEVY MOTOR -- With au tomlatic transm ission, asking $100, Cati 668-7553 or 723- 5366. 65 RAMBLER MOTOR - good condition $75. Cati 668- 6750. S'USPENSION liTCH_ - One' dxie (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cati 728-8056. BICYCLE - Boys high' rise 3-speed with banana seat, needs Sear changc, in good condition 30, aiso boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. Cai 668- 6083 atter 7 p.m. -- FAN -2 n 1:Hmdfe $18,; large colemian cooler $8. Cali' 668-6779. SOFA & CHAIR - WNeil made traditional 90 inch sofa and tub chair, blue and green in cotour, in good Condition $250. Cali 668- 1'190. Emio. 19b,8 PONTIAC -~ Stratochief au tomatic, good mnechanicai, and running condition $425 uncerti- tied. Cali 668-7644. Emun. WEDDING GOWVN- Brocade velvet, rnatching fuil lengtli cape with hood, malibu trinm, size 10, $135, white FOX FUR cape $75, Cali 655-3009 after 6 p.m. Enmp CAMIERA - Mirander Sensor- ex 35mm S.L.R. with Taro, the lense metering system, Miranda auto 28mm wide angle lense, Mir- anda auto 5Omm tense, Soligor T414 lOSm lense, Sotigor T4 300 mm ltense (ait lenses with hood) Braon F280 Etectronic flash with bracket and charger, 2 Pios exten- sion tube, 9 asstd. glass filters, Foca bell micro betlowvs attach- ment, cabte retease and eye cul. separate leather case for camera plus a Benser leather Minoita 16 mm Minaturc CAMIERA with Rokker 22mm lense in case $30, POLAROID No. 330 camera with flash attachment, includes f7ilm and bulbs, lîke new $55, Biessing Valve TROMBONE in deluxe case as new, cost $550, sli for $1 50. Phone 668-9449 after 7 p.m. Emp. PUMP - 1/2 h.p. deep well jet, and tank like nesv $125 or best offer, 7 basement windows 21 X 371/-, $6 each, picture window storm 58 X 64 $30, window size could be sightly altered. Cati 723-8220. you w e * e : i D.A.. AIS Forecast Perlod: July 27 to August 2 MUIES Mar. 21-Apr. TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONýCHILD June 21-JuIy 22 LEO JuIy 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov, 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 211 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARJUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Temptatior and thoughts that might be in 19 the shade, plague many mnembers under your sign. It's highly probable... .you'îî venture into a strange area. Here we go again! It seemns as though you'll be in the rnood to play "cat and mouse" gamnes with a memnber of the op- posite sex. A few iucky breaks, this week wiil do more damage than good. Meanirug? You might confuse a fortunate coincident with your abiîity to perform. Don't take a gossiper into your co nfidence, whatever you do. It seemns as though, you've becomne too friendiy wîth a troublemaker. Warning! Check, recheck aund review your facts, figures and data. According to your chart, an ambitioue, very'ambitious challenger awaits you in ambush. A competitor or rivai of sorts, wilt blun- der. In other words, someone whomn you oppose wiil falter-to your advantage. Being a "winner" is probable, this week. Associates, friends and co-workers, sim- piy, won't fit into your design and scheme of things. Confidentialiy, you're prone to manipulate people-the resuits, however, wiii be non-productive. This week, past events wiil intrude into the present. In other words, it would be a good idea to avoid rehashing events that are "bygones.'.' As a ship without an anchor, most mem- bers of your sign wîll undergo a week of feeling restless. Meaning? Beware. in- trigues and affairs of secret order show in your chart. It seems as though you've been giving too much ground, Capricorn. Most members of your sign wiii make a iast ditch stand at your job, task or project. Tryirug to analyze the opposite sex, seems to be in the general scheme of things. Look for a surprising twist in your present af- fairs of the heart. This week, once you've made Up your rind-anybody can change it! Aiso, it's highly probable that an associate wiil take advantage of you-you'Il see! Open 7days aweek RESTAURANT 120 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 DeIicious Conodian and Italian Dishes SIDINO Ca!! f or f ree estimates ALUMINUM COLORLOK MITCHELL BROTH ERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin. 655-4991 VINYL HUMAN BODY Your body most likely con- tains enough carbon to make 9,000 iead pencils, plus enough phosphorus to tip over 2,000 matches. You've also got enough lime to whitewash the inside of a smali garage and enough suiphur to rid your dog of al its fleas. 69 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX - 400 V8, power disc brakes, power steering and windows, automatic tinted glass, radio, console, goodl, condition, wilI certify $ 1,500 or'- best offer, MAG WHEELS 4 inter- national aturninum stotted mags 13" with Goodrich T/A radial tires, ittle used,$300, 2 5Y2 Bosch Quartz-Halogen Conversion units Hi-Lo beamn, excellent condition $25î. Call 668-2313. I I I I MARE - English riding g rade, 1 one year old quatter horse filly, 1 3/4 Charlis bull, one year oid,> 11,000 ibs., and English riding saddîe. Cail 263-8408. COUfNTERTOP - Arborite roll, double sînks and taps, L shaped 5 ft. X 10 ft. $75; camper DOOR and WINDOWS $65. Cali- 6684449. STE REO SET - Paniasonic re-- ceiver, turn table, tape deck one com ponent with speakers. Asking $250. Cali 668-3186. BOX TRAILER - 4 ft. X 6 ft. $120, large (log bouse, insulated $25. Cati 668-5743. BED - Double with springs, excellent condition, spring and mattress 3 years $50. Cati 668-5180. box box old AQUARIUM - 15 gai. with ail accessories including fish $50; aquarium vvith canop y $10; sand- wich grill $5; humidifier $25. Cati .668-6644. FOUNTAIN - Approx. 6 tt. diameter, 4 ft. tait $10. Cati .after 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCIJBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 piîeces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Cati 579- 2652. GUITAR - Triple pickup electrie, witi seil for $35, ideal for rock group. Cati 668-2860. AMPLIFIER - Vox, two 8 in. speakers, excellent volume, must seil $35, 1526 Dufferin St., No. 2, or eaul 668-2860. 66 CIJTLAS - V8 automatic 2 door hardtop, good condition, asking $500. Cail 655-4221. 9 FAPS - Set of kitchen sink taps $4, set of bathroom -taps $2, interior auto heater $4. Cati 668- u605. DRUMS - Olympia, 8 pieuç. set inctudes stooi, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Caîl 655-3563. 67 MUSTANG - 289 fastback auto & power steering, new Good- year radiaIs, excellent condition plus 22 mpg, will certify $1,400 firm, REFRIGERATOR 10 cu. ft. Inglis in new condition, war- ranty $150, WASHER Westing- house twin tub apartment size also DRYER $70 each. Cati 668- 1~889- BROOKLIN Prioe rtduoed: Older majestic -storey 12 frame situated on a double lot. This house is in nice condition and has great potential. With a littie imagination this could be your dreamn home in the village. Taxes only $36000. WHITBY Older storey ý4 situatedi on valuable lot 66' X 132' zoned R5. This house has been reduced in prioe from $49,500.00 to $48,000.00. Vendor ,will hold lst mortgage at reasonable interest rate. Hurry on this one. Marguerite Kulik Jim Wilson 2 storey frame and stucco eight room house 4-piece and 2-piece bathroom. Sewing room, car- port at rear, double garage, built in oven and stove. House is a pleasure to show. Situated on a lot 54' X 209' with swimming pool. Asking $52,900.00. 0668- 77 12'BOC ST. N. REALTOR<ONTO LUNE - 282-.004 FARMS, LAND ETC* WVe 9- carms, land and lots for sale. Attention: lnve.,.-r- and land developers, don't delay, cal today 668-7777, Toronto line 282-1004. Patty Simpkiss Doug 'Scotty' Taylor Ef nest M. Stoneman Edward Grant WHITBY Older solid brick 3 bedroom 212 storey. Large family sized kitchen ideal for the growing family. Separate living room and dining roomn. Broadloom lots of goodies. Priced to selI at $47,900.00. Don't delay caîl now. Seven roomn house approximately 1,000 square feet of additional office space. Suit -professional or warehouse operation. Air conditioned. Good terms available. For further information caîl 668- 7777. NOW US 1THE lIME TO BUJY II1 OSHIAWA .k.