WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 16, 1975, PAGE Maurice La Prcupine fndsaho et.fr hlren only Not far fromn the forcst gliade whiere Hubert' Graund- hog lived, tiiere was a /zigh- way. Thie animnais were afraid ta go near if because it was sa noisy and very dangerous ta cross. One day w/zen Hubert and bis friends 'w ere playing bal by the. aid edm, a stranger appeared in tlhc ridst of them. He camne from flhc direction of the highway and he was covered from head ta aiot with dust. It was obvi- aus from the way he walked ad probably waiked a long way. "Pardon monsieur", he addrcsscd Peter Skuink, ."fow far 15, it from here ta Mon treal?" Peter said nothf ing, his niouth hung open ini amazemen t. A lex whispered ta Hubert "Daesn 't he aik funny?" "fie'sframi a Frenchi spcak- ing area' repllcd WHubcrt wif/z great authority and- tundta the stranger. -7 couidn 't reallv be sure sir, bu t it's a long way."1 "l7hat'sa fat lot of good," snorted A lex, " , A nybody knows it's a long way or we would have heard of it before." "John Bearý would know" interrupted Sadlie Squirrel Ne s beciz cverwherc. "' 411 t/w animals noddced their agreement, il ivas truc>, John had traî'elied a greait dca!. "l1il go andc fèfcî hlmn," said t/w Big Black O'ow, and off he flew. "I amn very grateful to you ail'; said the stranger. "bu sa tireci and thirsfy, and oh ivh at a long /ourney if has been, " and With thiat ie' flopped uipon the grass, Hubert turned t'O the athers and' said "171 fetch hlm a cool glass of lernonade and a piece of fruit cate "' Yrn i'dred and thirsty fao," rnoaned Peter Skunk, but Hubert ignored him. When luùbert re-appeaýred lie carricd a glass ln anc hand and a plate ini the other. It was quite awkwarcl and lie spilied sanie of flic lemonade as he stumbled alang. "Sir! " le nudged th e sleeping stranger with his foot. "Sir!" Slhe stranger loaked rip. "How very kind," Fie said. W/zen he had finished and wiped the cake crumbs from his mou fh, 'he sat and told the bewiidered animals his story. His name was Maurice, La. Porcupine and1 he explaizzed how he hazd been sleeping on tlhc failgae of a truck near Montreal ïmïl hp nexi f/ing he remembcrcd was being t/irowvn off onto the highway w/zen the truck hit'a lump. John Bear liad arrived mneaiiwhile and shook lis h ead sadly and said, "It is far too far for you ta wallc back You have suc/z short stubby legs. " Maurice iooked down and reallzed what the bear, said was truc. t "Don 'f worry about if,"ý Alex flic Beaver consoled, "you cat ivep here with us. We have 'lots of fiin you know." "Why don't you stay?-" the animals chorused. "Well, " Maurice paused, 'V's /ust that I like ta, live in a nice warm holiaw log". "There's one right ncxf doar ta my hale," lauglicd Hubert and pain ted' across fli eglade. "How very nice, " smiled Maurice, "How very nice. 'Do you know I think I'm going ta like living here almfost as mue/i as Mon treai," lie added and with t/is, he and Hubert ,sfarted off in the direction of home., 'il1 bake a cake, "s/ioufed Moliy Rabbit. "And 'Il Icame hein you eat if, " yelied Peter Skunk. 'Reallyl " snorted Mol/y. 4"Sorrv, -"Psaid Peter. - What"s happnn by DRE VICKERS is 'popular music. If you don't like themn yôu might HOTELS try upstairs where Dave Bacha wiII be appearing. Spruce: King Elviswil be THEATRES i next week to play. It may Odeon: 'Tommy' will be flot be Presley but it is rock here for another week so if ind roll. you don't have one of the 12 versions of this piece of Whitby Hotel: The Whitby music you mighit try it uuit. Hotel is subject to a Royal command performance next week as the foursomne Royal Command is treating the patrons to a bit of everything. Georgian: As Memories end theîr, week, Keverie are warming up the bull pen. The foursomne wiIl be around the week of-July 21 to play somne top 40 material. Lancaster: Carol .Bames ýi s still in town if you miss thein this week, so take in the trio and enjoy some good country music. Genosha: The ro ck sound of Chilluin will be present next week. Attention! The Markeys are playing to the end of the' week so if.you like Beatle' s music don'tfor- get to drop by. Carousel: In Charllies bar, Spector wil be playing. They are a foursome who send out' somegreat sounds.<TheirbagR O0shawa Centre: In cinerna one, 'Buford Pusser is having his story f'inished in 'Walking Tali Part Il'. Cinema two will stili be ringing with latighter this week as Peter Sellers entertains ini 'Tie Return of the Pink Pan ther'. Plaza: 'Jaws' your grand- children may be able to corne tothe Plaza -In 50 years tirne and see the. saine movie if attendance -keeps up. TMis movie may neyer close and 1 got that straight from the shark's mouth. Regent: The great Peter Ustinov and the late Helen Hayes will warm your hearts and leave you laughing in 'One of oufr Dinosaurs is missing'. Marks: ThrflI to Kung Fu Carradine in 'Death race 2000e , a car race you don't want to -miss. I1roquois Park Àrena: Chil- liwack, and Fingers are i Sunday to blast out rock and roll. Happylistening. NEW,, PASSIP>ORTS ?NJk,(Me< NEfAR instant ulievery Mon. -, Sat. IU ar.to 5pn. Friday *iciiCosed, .Wed. 214 brock.streef sou!i, whilbyo oo416ô8'12 v..ur expert stylists can achieve these -sLyles for YOU with innovative new rnethods. iýome in and Isit under the initra-reci Iigh ts! La Contessa *Beauty .Lounge 119 Green St. <56-9262 These employees now have the added benef its of extra health protection for them- selves and their families: the Blue Cross Ex- tended Health Care Plan plus Dental Plan 7. EHC provides protection against health ser- vices flot covered by the basic governrnent health plan, coverage for such items as pre- scription drugs, private nursing and private roomn accommodation in hospital. Dental Plan 7 provides basic preventive dental treatment to group subscribers including such services as fillings and x-rays. examinations, -As your Ontario Blue Cross representative 1 arn pleased to add my personal welIcome. and loolk forward to serving you along with the, many others in this region already enjoying the protection of a variety of Blue Cross Plans:' 311 George St. North, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 3H4 (705) 743-0677 ONTARIO0 BLE ROSS A DIVISION 0F THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Ontario .Blué. Cross WELCoMES EMPLOVEES 0F Royaqqwl Auto Body (Picker ing)1. TO iL~ïTrr~EXTENDED, -EdIL\C HEALTH CA RE AND D)ENTAL PLAN 7-